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Task demand variation in air traffic control: Implications for workload, fatigue and performance  (2016)
Abstract Header
In air traffic control, task demand and workload have important im-plications for the safety and efficiency of air traffic, and remain dominant con-siderations. Within air traffic control, task demand is dynamic. However, research on demand transitions and associated controller perception and perfor-mance is limited. This study used an air traffic control simulation to investigate the effect of task demand transitions, and the direction of those transitions, on workload, fatigue and efficiency performance. A change in task demand ap-peared to affect both workload and fatigue ratings, although not necessarily performance. In addition, participants' workload and fatigue ratings in equivalent task demand periods appeared to change depending on the demand period preceding the time of the current ratings. Further research is needed to enhance un-derstanding of demand transition and workload history effects on operator experience and performance, in both air traffic control and other safety-critical domains.
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Air traffic control, Fatigue, Task demand transitions, Time based metering, Workload history, Workload transitions
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Proceedings of the 7th AHFE International Conference, 27th - 31st July, Orlando: USA
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Curator: Phil So
NASA Official: Joey Mercer
Last Updated: August 15, 2019