Elizabeth M. Wenzel
Research Psychologist
Phone: 650-604-6290
1978-84 |
Cognitive Psychology & Psychoacoustics, Ph.D.
University.of California,
Berkeley |
1973-76 |
Psychology, B.A.
University of Arizona, Tucson |
1972-73 |
Glendale Community College, AZ |
Professional Experience
NASA-Ames Research Center |
1986-present |
Research Psychologist, director of the Spatial Auditory
Displays Lab; coordinating the development of real time display
and software, designing and directing the development of psychoacoustic
lab facilities, conducting basic and applied research in auditory
localization and perceptual validation of techniques for synthesizing
3-D virtual acoustic displays, and exploring the role of spatial
cognition in the applied context of advanced multi-modal interfaces
for space station (Virtual Environment Workstation Project)
and aeronautics (air traffic control & cockpit displays
for civil aviation). |
1984-1986 |
NRC Postdoctoral Research Associate in auditory displays in
helicopters. |
University of California, Berkeley |
1978-84 |
Graduate Research Assistant in auditory perception, particularly
binaural hearing. |
1978-84 |
Graduate Teaching Assistant in Advanced General Psychology,
Biological Psychology, and Statistics. |
NASA-Ames Research Center |
1977-78 |
Research Assistant for experiments in noise annoyance scaling |
1977 |
Research Technician in a biological lab investigating lupus
erythematosus |
Other Professional Activities
Member of IEEE Technical Committee on Audio & Electroacoustics |
Associate Editor of Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments,
MIT Press. |
Reviewer for Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
Science Magazine, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies,
Journal of Communication, IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio
Processing, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, VRST'94
- ACM Conference on Virtual Reality Software & Technology,
IEEE Conference on Visualization, VRAIS - IEEE Virtual Reality
Annual International Symposium, Virtual Reality Now Magazine,
National Science Foundation |
Invited Member of the National Academy of Sciences Committee
on Virtual Reality Research and Development, 1993-4. Committee
report published as: Durlach, N. I. and Mavor, A. S. (Eds.) Virtual
Reality: Scientific and Technological Challenges. Washington,
DC: National Academy Press. |
Member of an invitational NSF Workshop on Research in Virtual
Environments, March 23-24, 1992, Chapel Hill, NC. Report on
recommendations for future R&D efforts published in Computer
Graphics, vol. 26. |
Conference activities: Steering Committee of ICAD, International
Community for Auditory Display, & ICAD conferences since
1994; Tutorials Chair for VRAIS - IEEE Virtual Reality Annual
International Symposium, March 1995; Technical Chair of ASSP
(IEEE) Workshop
on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio & Acoustics, October 1995;
Co-Chair of joint ICAD, ASA, Special Session on
Auditory Display, Berlin 1999. |
Honors and Awards
1991-7 |
Outstanding Performance Awards, NASA-Ames Research Center |
1994 |
NASA Exceptional Engineering Achievement Medal |
1992 |
NASA Director's Discretionary Funding awards (KSC & Ames) |
1992 |
Nielsen Award: best scientific proposal, NASA-Ames Research
Center |
1984-86 |
Postdoctoral Research Associateship, National Research
Council |
1982-83 |
NIMH Graduate Traineeship, University of California,
Berkeley |
1976 |
Graduated with Honors; Phi Beta Kappa, University of Arizona |
Professional Societies
Acoustical Society of America (Member) |
Association for Computing Machinery (Member); SIGCHI, SIGGRAPH |
Audio Engineering Society (Member) |
Human Factors Society (Member) |
IEEE (Member); Acoustics, Speech & Signal-Processing |
(1994) Ames Honor Award, Exceptional Engineering Achievement Medal (EEAM)
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E. M. Wenzel, & M. . Godfroy (2021) Advanced Multimodal Solutions for Information Presentation, NASA/TM-20210017507
E. M. Wenzel (2021) Standard Measures for Use in Analog Studies, ISS, and Research for Long-Duration Exploration Missions, NASA/TM-20210021987
E. M. Wenzel, & M. . Godfroy (2021) The Role of Tactile Cueing in Multimodal Displays: Application in Complex Task Environments for Space Exploration, NASA/TM-20210017508
R. W. Koteskey, S. . Wu, V. . Battiste, E. M. Wenzel, J. B. Lachter, D. R. Begault, J. H. Nguyen, M. S. Politowicz, & W. W. Johnson (2012) Enhanced Audio for NextGen Flight Decks, Proceedings from the 4th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2012
E. M. Wenzel, M. . Godfroy, & J. D. Miller (2012) Prototype Spatial Auditory Display for Remote Planetary Exploration, Proceedings of the 133rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco October 26-29 2012
E. M. Wenzel, & M. . Godfroy (2011) Spatial Auditory Displays for Enhancing Situational Awareness During Non-terrestrial and Remote Exploration, 4th IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology, Palo Alto, CA, August 2-4, 2011
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, & M. . Godfroy (2010) Alerts Within Auditory Displays: Guidelines for NextGen Alerting Systems, NASA Technical Memorandum Draft, OPOCMM, Intelligent Integrated Flight Deck Project, Millestone IIFD.MM.2.3
M. R. Anderson, D. R. Begault, M. . Godfroy, J. D. Miller, & E. M. Wenzel (2010) Applying Spatial Audio to Human Interfaces: 25 Years of NASA Experience, 40th AES International Conference: Spatial Audio: Sense the Sound of Space, October 2010
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, M. . Godfroy, J. D. Miller, & M. R. Anderson (2010) Applying Spatial Audio to Human Interfaces: 25 years of NASA Experience, Proceedings of the 40th International AES Conference, Tokyo, Japan, October 8th-10th, 2010
E. M. Wenzel, M. . Godfroy, M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Begault (2010) Auditory Display Prototype Evaluation, HRP/SHFE report September 30th 2010
M. . Godfroy, D. R. Begault, & E. M. Wenzel (2009) Auditory Display Systems for Advanced Cockpit Communications, NASA Aviation Safety Technical Conference, McLean, VA, Nov 17-19, 2009
M. . Godfroy, & E. M. Wenzel (2009) Human Dimensions in Multimodal Wearable Virtual Simulators for Extra Vehicular Activities, Proceedings of the NATO HFM-169 Workshop, Orlando, FL, October 20th-22nd, 2009
M. . Godfroy, D. R. Begault, & E. M. Wenzel (2009) Speech Synthesis for Datalink: A study of Overall Quality and Comprehension Effort, Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, OH April 27th-30th, 2009
D. R. Begault, M. . Godfroy, J. D. Miller, A. . Roginska, M. R. Anderson, & E. M. Wenzel (2006) Design and verification of HEADZAP, a semi-automated HRIR measurement system, Proceedings of 120th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Paris FR, 20-23 May 2006
D. R. Begault, & E. M. Wenzel (2005) Virtual acoustic displays in aerospace applications, NATO Human Factors & Medicine Panel Symposium on New Directions for Improving Audio Effectiveness, Amersfoort, The Netherlands, 11-13 April 2005
E. M. Wenzel (2004) Current approaches to 3-D sound reproduction.
E. M. Wenzel (2003) Effect of increasing system latency on localization of virtual sounds with short and long duration, [Invited talk] Workshop on Spatial Media, Aizu-Wakamatsu, JAPAN, March 6-7
J. D. Miller, M. R. Anderson, E. M. Wenzel, & B. U. McClain (2003) Latency Measurement of a Real-Time Virtual Acoustic Environment Rendering System, Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display, ICAD 2003, Boston, MA
J. D. Miller, M. R. Anderson, E. M. Wenzel, & B. U. McClain (2003) Latency Measurement of a Real-Time Virtual Acoustic Environment Rendering System (poster), International Conference on Auditory Display, ICAD 2003, Boston, MA
E. M. Wenzel (2003) Perceptual research and engineering compromises in technology development for spatial audio, Invited talk at Arizona State University, Arts, Engineering and Media Program, Depts. of Engineering and Fine Arts
B. D. Adelstein, D. R. Begault, M. R. Anderson, & E. M. Wenzel (2003) Sensitivity to Haptic-Audio Asynchrony, Proceedings, 5th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ACM, Vancouver, Canada, 2003, pp. 73-76.
D. R. Begault, & E. M. Wenzel (2003) Virtual Acoustic Displays in Aerospace Applications, [Invited talk] International Workshop on Spatial and Binaural Hearing, Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 16-19, 2003
A. E. Krukowski, D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, & L. S. Stone (2002) Human smooth pursuit eye movement responses to visual, auditory, and imagined target motion, The Society for the Neural Control of Movement Twelfth Annual Meeting, Naples, Florida (poster) 404.15.
J. D. Miller, & E. M. Wenzel (2002) Recent Developments in SLAB: A Software-Based System for Interactive Spatial Sound Synthesis, Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display, ICAD 2002, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 403-408.
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, & M. R. Anderson (2001) Direct comparison of the impact of head tracking, reverberation and individualized head-related transfer functions on the spatial perception of a virtual speech source, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 2001. 49: p. 904-916.
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, & M. R. Anderson (2001) Direct comparison of the impact of head tracking, reverberation, and individualized head-related transfer functions on the spatial perception of a virtual speech source, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 49
E. M. Wenzel (2001) Effect of increasing system latency on localization of virtual sounds with short and long duration, Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display, ICAD 2001, Espoo, FINLAND, July 29-August 1, pp. 185-190
A. E. Krukowski, D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, & L. S. Stone (2001) Human oculomotor response to virtual auditory motion, 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA, November 10-15, Abstract # 404.15
A. E. Krukowski, D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, & L. S. Stone (2001) Human oculomotor responses to virtual auditory motion, Society for Neuroscience 31st Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA
E. M. Wenzel (2001) Impact of latency on dynamic interaction in virtual environments, [Workshop on Auditory-Visual Interaction, Invited Presentation] Audio Engineering Society 110th Convention, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 12-15
D. R. Begault, & E. M. Wenzel (2001) Perception of multimodal time differences in virtual environments, Invited paper presentation at the special session on “Time delay estimation and localization” 148th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, San Diego, November 15-19, 2004
S. H. Foster, & E. M. Wenzel (2001) Real Time Synthesis of Complex Acoustic Environments, NASA Technology 2001 Conference, San Jose, CA, Dec. 3-5
E. M. Wenzel (2001) The role of system latency in multi-sensory virtual displays for space applications, Proceedings of HCI International 2001, New Orleans, LA, August 5-10, pp. 619-623
E. M. Wenzel, & J. D. Miller (2000) A software-based system for interactive spatial sound synthesis, Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display, ICAD 2000, Atlanta, GA, April, pp. 151-156
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, A. S. Lee, & M. R. Anderson (2000) Direct comparison of the impact of head tracking and individualized head-related transfer functions on the spatial perception of a virtual speech source, Proceedings of the 108th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Paris, Feb. 2000, New York: Audio Engineering Society
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, L. S. Stone, & M. R. Anderson (2000) Direct comparison of the impact of head tracking, reverberation, and individualized head-related transfer functions on the spatial perception of a virtual speech source, Proceedings of the 108th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Paris, Feb. 2000, New York: Audio Engineering Society, Preprint 5134
E. M. Wenzel (2000) Impact of latency on dynamic interaction in virtual environments, [Workshop on Auditory-Visual Interaction, Invited Presentation] Audio Engineering Society 109th Convention.
E. M. Wenzel, & J. D. Miller (2000) Sound Lab: A real-time, software-based system for the study of spatial hearing., Proceedings of the 108th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Paris, Feb. 2000, New York: Audio Engineering Society, Preprint 5140.
E. M. Wenzel, & D. R. Begault (1999) Are individualized head related transfer functions required for auditory information displays?, [Invited Paper] Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105, pp 1035.
E. M. Wenzel (1999) Effect of increasing system latency on localization of virtual sounds, Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society 16th International Conference on Spatial Sound Reproduction, Rovaniemi, FIN. New York: Audio Engineering Society, 42-50
J. D. Miller, & E. M. Wenzel (1999) Implementation issues in the development of a real-time, Windows-based system to study spatial hearing, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105, 1193
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, L. L. Tran, & M. R. Anderson (1998) A Questionnaire Survey of Commercial Airline Pilot Hearing Loss, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 86, 258
D. R. Begault, & E. M. Wenzel (1998) Assessment of Noise Exposure in Commercial Aircraft Cockpits, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, 94035-1000
B. G. Shinn-Cunningham, H. . Lehnert, G. . Kamer, E. M. Wenzel, & N. I. Durlach (1998) Auditory Displays, In R. Gilkey and T. Anderson (Eds.), Binaural and Spatial Hearing in Real and Virtual Environments. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 611-664.
D. R. Begault, S. R. Ellis, & E. M. Wenzel (1998) Headphone and Head Mounted Visual Displays for Virtual Environments, Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society 15th International Conference (Audio, Acoustics, and Small Spaces), Snekkersten, DK, 213-217.
D. R. Begault, S. R. Ellis, & E. M. Wenzel (1998) Headphone and head-mounted visual displays for virtual environments, Proceedings of the Audio Engineering Society 15th International Convention (Audio, Acoustics and Small Spaces), Snekkersten, DK. pp. 213-217
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, L. L. Tran, & M. R. Anderson (1998) Octave-band thresholds for Modeled Reverberant Fields, Audio Engineering Society 104th Convention, Amsterdam, NL (Preprint 4662). New York: Audio Engineering Society.
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, L. L. Tran, & M. R. Anderson (1998) Survey of Commercial Airline Pilot's Hearing Loss, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 86, 258.
E. M. Wenzel (1998) The impact of system latency on dynamic performance in virtual acoustic environments, Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Acoustics and 135th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Seattle, WA, 2405-2406.
E. M. Wenzel (1997) Analysis of the role of update rate and system latency in interactive virtual acoustic environments, [Invited Paper] 103rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Sept. 26-29, New York, NY, Preprint 4633
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, & W. B. Lathrop (1997) Augmented tcas advisories using a 3-d audio guidance system, Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.
R. S. McCann, A. . Andre, D. R. Begault, D. C. Foyle, & E. M. Wenzel (1997) Enhancing ground taxi performance under low visibility: are electronic moving maps enough?, Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 41st Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, 37-41
R. S. McCann, A. . Andre, D. R. Begault, D. C. Foyle, & E. M. Wenzel (1997) Enhancing Taxi Performance under low visibility: Are moving maps enough?, Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, 37-41. Santa Monica, CA: HFES
R. S. McCann, A. . Andre, D. R. Begault, D. C. Foyle, & E. M. Wenzel (1997) Enhancing taxi performance under low visibility: Are moving maps enough?, Proceedings of the 41st annual meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society (pp. 37-41)
E. M. Wenzel (1997) Perceptual fidelity vs. engineering compromises in virtual acoustic displays, [Invited Paper.] Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 102, 3096-3097.
E. M. Wenzel (1997) Spatial audio on the web: Or why can't I hear anything over there?, [Invited presentation for panel, "Getting out of the box: Effective design practices for audio on the net."] 14th Regional Conference of the Audio Engineering Society, Seattle, WA, June 13-15.
S. R. Ellis, D. R. Begault, & E. M. Wenzel (1997) Virtual Environments as Human-Computer Interfaces, In M. Helander (Ed.), Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 163-201.
E. M. Wenzel (1997) What perception implies about implementation of interactive virtual acoustic environments, [Invited paper] Proceedings of IWHIT'97, Third International Workshop on Human Interface Technology, University of Aizu, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, March 12-14, 1997.
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, R. . Shrum, & J. D. Miller (1996) A virtual audio guidance and alert system for commercial aircraft operations, Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD), Palo Alto, CA, Nov. 4-6, 117-122
E. M. Wenzel (1996) Effectiveness of interaural delays alone as cues during dynamic sound localization, [Abstract] Acoustical Society of America, 100, 2608.
E. M. Wenzel (1996) Research in virtual acoustic displays at NASA, [Invited paper] Proceedings of SimTecT 96, The Simulation Technology and Training Conference, March 25-27, 1996, Melbourne, Victoria, AUSTRALIA, pp. 85-90.
E. M. Wenzel (1996) Research in virtual acoustic displays at NASA, SimTecT 96, The Simulation Technology and Training Conference, March 25-27, 1996, Melbourne, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
D. C. Foyle, A. . Andre, R. S. McCann, E. M. Wenzel, D. R. Begault, & V. . Battiste (1996) Taxiway Navigation and Situation Awareness (T-NASA) System: Problem, design philosophy and description of an integrated display suite for low-visibility airport surface operations, SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace, 105, 1411-1418
D. C. Foyle, A. . Andre, R. S. McCann, E. M. Wenzel, D. R. Begault, & V. . Battiste (1996) Taxiway Navigation and Situation Awareness (T-NASA) system: Problem, design philosophy, and description of an integrated display suite for low-visibility airport surface operations, Proceedings of the SAE/AIAA World Aviation Congress, paper 96555, SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace, 105, 1411-1418.
E. M. Wenzel (1996) Virtual acoustic displays, Invited guest lecture for a two-week course sponsored by CCRMA, Stanford University. Introduction to psychoacoustics and psychophysics: Audio and haptic components of virtual reality design., June 24 - July 5, 1996. Organizers: Brent Gillespie, Craig Sapp.
E. M. Wenzel (1996) Virtual acoustic displays, Invited guest lecture for a two-week course sponsored by CCRMA, Stanford University. Introduction to psychoacoustics and psychophysics: Audio and haptic components of virtual reality design., June 24 - July 5, 1996. Organizers: Brent Gillespie, Craig Sapp
E. M. Wenzel (1996) Virtual Acoustics, In McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, Eighth Edition.
E. M. Wenzel (1996) What perception implies about implementation of interactive virtual acoustic environments, 101st Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Nov. 8-11, Los Angeles, CA, New York: Audio Engineering Society, Preprint 4353.
J. K. Hahn, P. . Docter, S. H. Foster, M. . Mangini, T. . Myers, & E. M. Wenzel (1995) Sound for animation and virtual reality, Sound for animation and virtual reality. Tutorial Course, ACM SIGGRAPH'95, Course 10 Notes, Los Angeles, CA; August 6-11, 1995
M. M. Cohen, & E. M. Wenzel (1995) The Design of Multidimensional Sound Interfaces, In W. Barfield & T. Furness III (Eds.), Virtual Environments and Advanced Interface Design, Oxford University Press, 291-346.
E. M. Wenzel (1995) The relative contribution of interaural time and magnitude cues to dynamic sound localization, Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, October 15-18, 1995
E. M. Wenzel (1995) Tutorial on the psychophysics and technology of virtual acoustic displays, VRAIS 1995 IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium, Research Triangle Park, NC, March 10-15
E. M. Wenzel (1995) Virtual Acoustic Displays, VRAIS 1995 IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium, Research Triangle Park, NC, March 10-15
E. M. Wenzel (1995) Virtual Acoustic Displays, Invited guest lecture for a two-week course sponsored by CCRMA, Stanford University. Introduction to psychoacoustics and psychophysics: Audio and haptic components of virtual reality design., June 26 - July 8, 1995. Instructors: Brent Gillespie, Craig Sapp
N. I. Durlach, & E. M. Wenzel (1994) Auditory displays, In Durlach, N. I. and Mavor, A. S. (Eds.) Virtual Reality: Scientific and Technological Challenges. Report of the Committee on Virtual Reality Research and Development. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
E. M. Wenzel (1994) Perceptual factors in virtual acoustic displays, [Invited paper] Proceedings of ICAT'94, 4th International Conference on Artificial Reality and Tele-Existence, Tokyo, Japan, 83-98.
E. M. Wenzel (1994) Spatial Sound and Sonification, In G. Kramer (Ed.), Auditory Display: Sonification, Audification, and Auditory Interfaces. Addison-Wesley: Reading, MA, 127-150.
E. M. Wenzel (1994) Virtual Acoustics, In 1994 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology, S. P. Parker (Ed.), McGraw-Hill: New York
D. R. Begault, & E. M. Wenzel (1993) Headphone Localization of Speech, Human Factors, 35, 361-376
E. M. Wenzel, M. . Arruda, D. J. Kistler, & F. L. Wightman (1993) Localization using non-individualized head-related transfer functions, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 94, 111-123
E. M. Wenzel, & S. H. Foster (1993) Perceptual consequences of interpolating head-related transfer functions during spatial synthesis, Proceedings of the ASSP (IEEE) Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio & Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, Oct. 17-20.
E. M. Wenzel, W. . Graver, S. H. Foster, H. . Levkowitz, & R. . Powell (1993) Perceptual vs. hardware performance in advanced acoustic interface design, Perceptual vs. hardware performance in advanced acoustic interface design. Proceedings of INTERCHI'93, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Amsterdam, 363-366.
E. M. Wenzel (1993) Research on virtual acoustic environments at NASA, Presented at the Conference on Binaural and Spatial Hearing, Wright-Patterson AFB, September 9-12.
S. H. Foster, & E. M. Wenzel (1993) Tutorial on the psychophysics and technology of virtual acoustic displays, VRAIS 1993: IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium, Seattle, WA, Sept. 18-22
E. M. Wenzel (1992) Environmental Sounds, Auditiory Icons, and Auditory Symbologies, In Virtual Environment Technology for Training (VETT) Report, BBN Report No. 7661, prepared for: Naval Training Systems Center, Orlando, FL 32836.
E. M. Wenzel (1992) Issues in the development of virtual acoustic environments, [Abstract] Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 92, 2332
E. M. Wenzel (1992) Launching sounds into space, In CyberArts: Exploring Art and Technology, L. Jacobson (Ed.), San Francisco, CA: Miller Freeman Inc.
E. M. Wenzel (1992) Localization in virtual acoustic displays, Presence, 1, 80-107
N. I. Durlach, & E. M. Wenzel (1992) Localization in virtual environments and teleoperator systems, Presented at the International Conference on Auditory Display, Santa Fe, NM, October 28-30
N. I. Durlach, A. . Rigopulos, X. D. Pang, W. S. Woods, A. . Kulkarni, H. S. Colburn, & E. M. Wenzel (1992) On the externalization of auditory images, Presence, 1 (2), 251-257
G. . Bishop, & E. M. Wenzel (1992) Research Directions in Virtual Environments, Report of an NSF Invitational Workshop, Computer Graphics, 26, 154-177.
G. . Bishop, & E. M. Wenzel (1992) Research Directions in Virtual Environments: Report of an NSF Invitational Workshop, Computer Graphics, 26, 154-177
D. R. Begault, & E. M. Wenzel (1992) Techniques and applications for binaural sound manipulation in human-machine interfaces, International Journal of Aviation Psychology 2(1), 1-22
E. M. Wenzel (1992) Three-dimensional virtual acoustic displays, In Multimedia Interface Design, M. Blattner & R. Dannenberg (Eds.), New York: ACM Press
E. M. Wenzel (1992) Three-Dimensional Virtual Acoustic Displays, In Virtual Worlds: Real Challenges, T. Middleton (Ed.), Meckler Publishing, Westport, CT
E. M. Wenzel (1992) Virtual Acoustic Displays: Localization in Synthetic Acoustic Environments, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Acoustics, Sept. 3-10, Beijing, PR China
E. M. Wenzel (1992) Virtual Acoustic Displays: Localization in Synthetic Acoustic Environments, [Plenary speech] Proceedings of Speech Tech'92, New York, NY, February 4-5
E. M. Wenzel (1992) Virtual Acoustic Displays: Localization in Synthetic Acoustic Environments, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Acoustics, Sept. 3-10, Beijing, PR China
E. M. Wenzel (1992) Virtual Acoustic Displays: Localization in Synthetic Acoustic Environments, [Plenary speech] Proceedings of Speech Tech'92, New York, NY, February 4-5
E. M. Wenzel, & S. H. Foster (1992) Virtual Acoustic Environments, [Summary: demonstration system] Proceedings of the CHI'92, ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Monterey, CA, 676.
D. R. Begault, & E. M. Wenzel (1991) Headphone Localization of Speech Stimuli, In Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 35th Convention, pp. 82-86
E. M. Wenzel, F. L. Wightman, & D. J. Kistler (1991) Localization of non-individualized virtual acoustic display cues, Proceedings of the CHI'91, ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, New Orleans, LA, April 27-May 2, 351-359.
E. M. Wenzel (1991) Perceptual issues in virtual acoustic displays, Presented as part of a panel on "Dimensions in 3D Sound". CyberArts, Pasadena, CA, November 14-17.
E. M. Wenzel (1991) Perceptual issues in virtual acoustic displays. Presented as part of a panel on "Dimensions in 3D Sound, CyberArts, Pasadena, CA, November 14-17
S. H. Foster, E. M. Wenzel, & R. M. Taylor (1991) Real Time Synthesis of Complex Acoustic Environments, Proceedings of the ASSP (IEEE) Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio & Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, Oct 20-23.
S. H. Foster, & E. M. Wenzel (1991) Real Time Synthesis of Complex Acoustic Environments, NASA Technology 2001 Conference, San Jose, CA, Dec. 3-5
E. M. Wenzel (1991) Three-dimensional virtual acoustic displays, Virtual Worlds: Real Challenges, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA, June 17-18.
E. M. Wenzel (1991) Three-dimensional virtual acoustic displays, Physics Computing '91, San Jose, CA, June 10-14.
S. H. Foster, & E. M. Wenzel (1991) Virtual acoustic environments: The Convolvotron, Computer Graphics, 25 (4), 386. [Demonstration system at the 1st annual "Tomorrow's Realities Gallery", SIGGRAPH '91, 18th ACM Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, Las Vegas, NV, July 27-August 2.]
E. M. Wenzel, P. K. Stone, U. . Fischer, & S. H. Foster (1990) A system for three-dimensional acoustic , Proceedings of the IEEE Visualization '90 Conference, San Francisco, CA, Oct. 23-26, 329-337
E. M. Wenzel, & S. H. Foster (1990) Realtime digital synthesis of virtual acoustic environments, Computer Graphics, 24, 139-140.
E. R. Hafter, R. H. Dye, E. M. Wenzel, & K. . Knecht (1990) The combination of interaural time and intensity in the lateralization of high-frequency complex signals, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 87, 1702-1708
E. M. Wenzel (1990) Three-dimensional virtual acoustic displays, CHI '90 Workshop on Multimedia and Multimodal Interface Design, Seattle, WA. April 1-2
E. M. Wenzel (1990) Virtual acoustic displays, In Human-Machine Interfaces for Teleoperators and Virtual Environments (NASA Conference Publication No. 10071), N. I. Durlach, T. B. Sheridan, & S. R. Ellis (Eds.), pp. 74-77
E. M. Wenzel (1990) Virtual acoustic displays, NASA Technology 2000 Conference, Washington, D.C., Nov. 27-28.
E. M. Wenzel (1990) Virtual acoustic displays, In Human-Machine Interfaces for Teleoperators and Virtual Environments (NASA Conference Publication No. 10071), N. I. Durlach, T. B. Sheridan, & S. R. Ellis (Eds.), pp. 74-77
E. M. Wenzel (1990) Virtual Acoustic Displays, NASA Technology 2000 Conference, Washington, D.C., Nov. 27-28
E. M. Wenzel, S. H. Foster, F. L. Wightman, & D. J. Kistler (1989) Realtime digital synthesis of localized auditory cues over headphones, Proceedings of the ASSP (IEEE) Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio & Acoustics, New Paltz, NY, Oct 15-18.
E. M. Wenzel, S. H. Foster, F. L. Wightman, & D. J. Kistler (1989) Realtime Synthesis of Localized Auditory Cues, CHI '89, ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Austin, TX, April 30-May 5
E. M. Wenzel, F. L. Wightman, & S. H. Foster (1988) A virtual display system for conveying three-dimensional acoustic information, Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 32, 86-90.
E. M. Wenzel, F. L. Wightman, D. J. Kistler, & S. H. Foster (1988) Acoustic origins of individual differences in sound localization behavior, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 84, S79 (A).
E. M. Wenzel, U. . Fischer, F. L. Wightman, & S. H. Foster (1988) Application of auditory spatial information in virtual display systems, CHABA Symposium on Sound Localization, Sponsored by the National Academy of Sciences and the AFOSR, Washington, D.C., Oct. 14-16.
E. M. Wenzel, & F. L. Wightman (1988) Development of a three-dimensional auditory display system, SIGCHI Bulletin, 20, 52-57
E. M. Wenzel, F. L. Wightman, & S. H. Foster (1988) Development of a three-dimensional auditory display system, CHI '88, ACM Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, Washington, D.C., May 15-19.
U. . Fischer, E. M. Wenzel, C. . Coler, & M. W. McGreevy (1988) Virtual interface environment workstations, Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 32, 91-95.
E. M. Wenzel (1986) Effects of stimulus characteristics and task demands on pilots' perception of dichotic messages, Proceedings of the Human Factors Society, 30, 1177-1181.
E. R. Hafter, & E. M. Wenzel (1985) Lateralization of clicks based on interaural time: Additivity of information across frequency II, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 77, S49 (A).
E. R. Hafter, R. H. Dye, & E. M. Wenzel (1983) Detection of interaural differences of intensity in trains of high-frequency clicks as a function of interclick interval and number, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 73, 1708-1713
E. M. Wenzel, & E. R. Hafter (1983) Lateralization of clicks based on interaural time: Additivity of information across frequency II, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 74, S85 (A).
E. R. Hafter, & E. M. Wenzel (1983) Lateralization of transients presented at high rates: Site of the saturation effect, In Hearing - Physiological Bases and Psychophysics. (R. Klinke, Ed.), Springer Verlag.
E. R. Hafter, & E. M. Wenzel (1981) Lateralization of trains of clicks having alternating center frequencies, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 70, S30-31 (A).
E. M. Wenzel, & R. H. Dye (1980) Lateralization of click trains having opposing interaural differences of time for the initial and succeeding clicks, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 68, S59 (A).
E. R. Hafter, R. H. Dye, E. M. Wenzel, & K. . Knecht (1979) Additivity of the binaural cues: Interaural differences of time and intensity, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 14, 242 (A).
E. R. Hafter, R. H. Dye, & E. M. Wenzel (1979) Lateralization of clicks presented at a rapid rate based on interaural differences of intensity, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 65, S121 (A).
E. R. Hafter, R. H. Dye, & E. M. Wenzel (1979) Lateralization of clicks presented at a rapid rate based on interaural differences of intensity, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 65, S121 (A)