The book "Human Performance Modeling in Aviation" (David C. Foyle Becky L Hooey, Editors) is now available (CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Publisher). This book describes and documents the recently completed Aviation Safety and Security Program (AvSSP) Human Performance Modeling project (Table of Contents - PDF 52KB, Download Adobe Acrobat Reader).
In this project, five teams from industry and academia modeled NASA-supplied data on two aviation problems: pilot surface operations taxi errors and approach and landing with synthetic vision systems. Chapters by Foyle and Hooey introduce the goals and context of the project, the NASA simulation data supplied, as well as integrate the results and implications of the project while addressing the future of human performance modeling in aviation. Principal authors of chapters on specific modeling efforts include: Air MIDAS (Kevin Corker, San Jose State University); D-OMAR (Stephen Deutsch and Richard Pew, BBN Technologies); ACT-R (Michael Byrne, Rice University and Alex Kirlik, University of Illinois); A-SA (Chris Wickens, University of Illinois); and, IMPRINT/ACT-R (Christian Lebiere, Micro Analysis & Design and Rick Archer, Alion Science & Techology).
The book also includes a chapter describing an analysis of cross-model capabilities, outcomes, and project validation approaches (Ken Leiden, Alion Science & Techology), and a "virtual roundtable" chapter in which a common set of probing questions are answered by the principal authors of each modeling team. The foreword was written by Richard Pew (BBN Technologies), a world-renowned expert in the field of human performance modeling in aviation, and project team member.
Foyle, D.C. & Hooey, B.L. (2008). Human Performance Modeling in Aviation. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis: Boca Raton, FL.
POC: David Foyle, Ph.D., David.C.Foyle@nasa.govand Becky Hooey, M.Sc., Becky.L.Hooey@nasa.gov, Human Systems Integration Division, Code TH |