The Visuomotor Control Laboratory measures and models human gaze and manual control performance with an emphasis on understanding and modeling sensorimotor processing. The lab has developed technologies to measure oculomotor behavior under demanding performance environments as well as non-obtrusive oculometric techniques to provide an efficient and quantitative means to monitor human perceptual performance. |
During the high-Gx plus vibration conditions of launch, the crew will need to monitor displays, requiring accurate target localization and gaze stabilization/control.
Voluntary eye movements provide a model system to investigate the links between action, perception, and cognition because the visual stimuli can be carefully crafted and controlled, and the motor action can be easily and precisely quantified.
For the past 20 years, the Visuomotor Control Laboratory at NASA Ames Research Center has conducted neuroscience research with the aim of understanding the link between eye movements and brain function. The lab has worked to systematically validate the use of oculometrics to quantify visual motion perception (for a review, see Stone, L. S., Beutter, B. R., Eckstein, M. P., & Liston, D. (2009). Oculomotor control: Perception and eye movements. In L. R. Squire (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Vol. 7, pp. 503-511) and has developed hardware and software tools for this purpose. |