S Hutchins
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C. . Wickens, A. . Sebok, A. . Keller, S. . Peters, R. . Small, S. . Hutchins, L. . Algarin, B. F. Gore, B. L. Hooey, & D. C. Foyle (2013) Modeling and evaluating pilot performance in NextGen: Review of and recommendations regarding pilot modeling efforts, architectures, and validation studies, (NASA/TM-2013-216504). Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center.
B. F. Gore, B. L. Hooey, C. . Wickens, A. . Sebok, S. . Hutchins, E. . Salud, R. . Small, C. . Koenecke, & J. . Bzostek (2010) Identification of pilot performance parameters for human performance models of off-nominal events in the NextGen environment (NASA/CR # 2010-216411), Washington, D.C.: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
B. L. Hooey, C. . Wickens, E. . Salud, A. . Sebok, S. . Hutchins, & B. F. Gore (2009) Predicting the unpredictable: Estimating human performance parameters for off-nominal events, Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH: Wright State University