Cynthia A. Wolter
Research Assistant
Phone: 650-604-1695
(2020) Privately Sponsored, Best Paper of Track and Best Paper of Session. "Human-system interaction issues and proposed solutions to successful maturation of the UTM system".
(2020) NASA Group Achievement Award, UTM - Technical Capability Level-4 Demonstration
(2017) NASA Group Achievement Award, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) Team
(2017) Ames Honor Award, UTM Technical Capability Level 2 Demonstration
(2014) NASA Group Achievement Award, Flight Deck-ATC Departure Simulation Team
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C. A. Wolter, K. V. Davikoff, & C. . Rorie (2023) Pathfinding for Airspace with Autonomous Vehicles (PAAV) Tabletop 4 Report, NASA/TM–20230006884
C. A. Wolter, & K. . Davtyan (2023) Remote Pilot Handoffs in Large UAS Multi-Vehicle Operations: Best Practices and Supportive Technologies, In proceedings of 42nd AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Barcelona, Spain.
T. E. Edwards, C. A. Wolter, W. W. Bridges, M. . Evans, J. N. Keeler, & M. . Hayashi (2020) Bowtie Analysis of the Effects of Unmanned Aircraft on Air Traffic Control, AIAA Aviation Forum, Virtual Event, June 15-19, 2020. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2021-2334
C. A. Wolter, L. H. Martin, & K. K. Jobe (2020) Human-system interaction issues and proposed solutions to promote successful maturation of the UTM system, Proceedings of the 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). October 13-16, 2020, San Antonio, TX.
L. H. Martin, C. A. Wolter, K. K. Jobe, M. . Manzano, S. . Blandin, M. . Cencetti, L. . Roberts, J. . Mercer, & J. R. Homola (2020) TCL4 UTM (UAS Traffic Management) Nevada 2019 Flight Tests, Airspace Operations Laboratory (AOL) Report, NASA/TM-2020-5003361
L. H. Martin, C. A. Wolter, K. K. Jobe, M. . Goodyear, M. . Manzano, M. . Cencetti, J. . Mercer, & J. R. Homola (2020) TCL4 UTM (UAS Traffic Management) Texas 2019 Flight Tests, Airspace Operations Laboratory (AOL) Report, NASA/TM-2020-220516
L. H. Martin, C. A. Wolter, K. K. Jobe, J. R. Homola, M. . Cencetti, Q. . Dao, & J. . Mercer (2019) TCL3 UTM (UAS Traffic Management) Flight Tests, Airspace Operations Laboratory (AOL) Report, NASA/TM-2019-220347
Q. . Dao, L. H. Martin, C. P. Mohlenbrink, N. . Bienert, A. N. Gomez, L. . Roberts, J. . Mercer, & C. A. Wolter (2017) Evaluation of Early Ground Control Station Configurations for Interacting with a UAS Traffic Management (UTM) System, in 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2017
J. . Mercer, C. A. Wolter, A. N. Gomez, T. E. Edwards, N. . Bienert, L. . Roberts, & J. R. Homola (2016) How Important Is Conflict Detection to the Conflict Resolution Task?, How Important Is Conflict Detection to the Conflict Resolution Task?. In Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation (pp. 103-115). Springer International Publishing
J. . Mercer, A. N. Gomez, C. A. Wolter, N. . Bienert, T. E. Edwards, L. H. Martin, V. . Gujral, & J. R. Homola (2016) Impact of Automation Support on the Conflict Resolution Task in a Human-in-the-Loop Air Traffic Control Simulation, Proceedings of the 13th International Federation of Automatic Control, Human-Machine Systems, 30th August-2nd September, 2016, Kyoto: Japan
T. E. Edwards, C. A. Wolter, J. . Mercer, & N. . Bienert (2016) Task demand variation in air traffic control: Implications for workload, fatigue and performance, Proceedings of the 7th AHFE International Conference, 27th - 31st July, Orlando: USA
C. A. Wolter, & B. F. Gore (2015) A validated task analysis of the single pilot operations concept, NASA TM-2015-218480. Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center
D. L. Bakowski, B. L. Hooey, D. C. Foyle, & C. A. Wolter (2015) NextGen Surface Trajectory-Based Operations (STBO): Evaluating conformance to a four-dimensional trajectory (4DT), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015), Las Vegas, NV, July
B. F. Gore, & C. A. Wolter (2014) A task analytic process to define future concepts in aviation, In Digital Human Modeling. Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8529, 2014, pp 236-246
D. C. Foyle, D. L. Bakowski, B. L. Hooey, L. . Cheng, & C. A. Wolter (2014) Flight deck robustness/conformance testing with a surface management system: An integrated pilot-controller human-in-the-loop surface operations simulation, HCI-Aero 2014: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aerospace, Santa Clara, CA, July 2014
C. A. Wolter, & B. F. Gore (2013) ASP/CTD/SPO Task Summary Report: Single Pilot Operations (SPO) ConOps-related gaps and research issues identified by analysis of SPO Pilot and Controller tasks, technologies and procedures, HCSL Technical Report (HCSL-13-07). Human Centered Systems Laboratory (HCSL), Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center
D. L. Bakowski, B. L. Hooey, D. C. Foyle, C. A. Wolter, & L. . Cheng (2013) NextGen flight deck surface trajectory-based operations (STBO): Contingency holds, Proceedings of the 32nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Syracuse, NY, Oct. 2013
D. L. Bakowski, D. C. Foyle, B. L. Hooey, G. R. Meyer, & C. A. Wolter (2012) DataComm in Flight Deck Surface Trajectory-Based Operations, In S.J. Landry (Ed.), Advances in Human Aspects of Aviation (pp. 259-268). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press/Taylor & Francis