C Farris
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C. . Farris, & I. . Barshi (2013) Communicating for safety: Translations from Aero to Space, Paper presented at the 6th Conference of the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety. Montreal, Canada.
I. . Barshi, & C. . Farris (2013) Investigating ATC communication: From the field to the lab and back again, Paper presented at the 17th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH
I. . Barshi, & C. . Farris (2013) Misunderstandings in ATC Communication: Language, Cognition, and Experimental Methodology, Burlington, VT: Ashgate
C. . Farris, & I. . Barshi (2011) The ICAO language proficiency requirements and beyond: Communicative effectiveness, Presented at the 16th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, Ohio.