John R. Wilson
Research Associate
Phone: 650-604-3665
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T. E. Edwards, S. . Sharples, B. . Kirwan, J. R. Wilson, & N. . Balfe (2014) Identifying Markers of Performance Decline in Air Traffic Controllers, Proceedings of the 5th AHFE International Conference, 19th-23rd July, Krakow: Poland
T. E. Edwards, S. . Sharples, J. R. Wilson, & B. . Kirwan (2012) Factor interaction influences on human performance in air traffic control, Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41(1), 159-166
T. E. Edwards, S. . Sharples, J. R. Wilson, & B. . Kirwan (2012) The need for a multi-factorial approach to safe human performance in air traffic control, Proceedings of the 4th AHFE International Conference, 21-25th July, San Francisco: USA
L. . Millen, T. E. Edwards, D. . Golightly, S. . Sharples, J. R. Wilson, & B. . Kirwan (2011) Systems change in transport control: applications of cognitive work analysis, The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 21(1), 62-84
T. E. Edwards, S. . Sharples, J. R. Wilson, B. . Kirwan, & S. T. Shorrock (2010) Towards a multifactorial human performance envelope model in air traffic control, Eurocontrol/FAA research and development conference, 19th-20th October, Bretigny-sur-Orge: France
J. R. Wilson, B. L. Hooey, & D. C. Foyle (2005) Head-Up Display Symbology for Surface Operations: Eye Tracking Analysis of Command-guidance vs. Situation-guidance Formats, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH: Wright State University
D. C. Foyle, B. L. Hooey, & J. R. Wilson (2004) HUD Symbology: Command Guidance vs Situation Guidance, Paper presented at the NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate Human Factors Symposium, NASA Ames Research Center, Oct
A. D. Goodman, D. C. Foyle, B. L. Hooey, & J. R. Wilson (2003) Characterizing visual performance during approach and landing with and without a synthetic vision display: a part task study, In D.C. Foyle, A. Goodman & B.L. Hooey (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2003 Conference on Human Performance Modeling of Approach and Landing with Augmented Displays, (NASA/CP-2003-212267), 71-89. Moffett Field, CA: NASA
J. R. Wilson, B. L. Hooey, D. C. Foyle, & J. L. Williams (2002) Comparing pilots' taxi performance, situation awareness and workload using command-guidance, situation-guidance and hybrid head-up display symbologies., Wilson, J.R., Hooey, B.L., Foyle, D.C. & Williams, J.L. (2002). Comparing pilots' taxi performance, situation awareness and workload using command-guidance, situation-guidance and hybrid head-up display symbologies. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, 16-20. Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
D. C. Foyle, B. L. Hooey, J. R. Wilson, & W. J. Johnson (2002) HUD symbology for surface operations: Command guidance versus situation guidance formats, SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace, 111, 647-658
D. C. Foyle, B. L. Hooey, J. R. Wilson, & W. A. Johnson (2002) HUD symbology for surface operations: command guidance vs. situation guidance formats, (Paper 2002-01-3006) Proceedings of the AIAA/SAE World Aviation Congress. SAE International: Warrendale, PA
D. C. Foyle, B. L. Hooey, J. R. Wilson, & W. A. Johnson (2002) HUD symbology for surface operations: Command-guidance vs. situation-guidance formats., Foyle, D.C., Hooey, B.L., Wilson, J.R. & Johnson, W.A. (2002). HUD symbology for surface operations: Command-guidance vs. situation-guidance formats. SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace, 111, 647-658.
K. . Mosier, N. . Sethi, S. . McCauley, J. . Richards, E. . Lyall, J. R. Wilson, G. . Harron, S. . Hecht, & J. M. Orasanu (2000) Factors impacting coherence in the automated cockpit, In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Engineering Society. Santa Monica, CA: HFES