Irving C. Statler
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I. . Barshi, & I. C. Statler (2015) Fatal Accident of the X-15-3: The Human Factors, Presented at the 59th Annual Symposium of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, Anaheim, California
C. J. Dennehy, J. S. Orr, I. . Barshi, & I. C. Statler (2014) A comprehensive analysis of the X-15 Flight 3-65 accident, NASA Technical Memorandum TM-2014-218538. Hampton, VA: NASA Langley Research Center
I. . Barshi, & I. C. Statler (2014) A critical analysis of the X-15 3-65-97 accident = Part II: Human Factors, Presented at the 114th meeting of the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee, Cleveland, Ohio
M. M. Connors, R. . Mauro, & I. C. Statler (2014) A Survey Methodology for Measuring Safety-Related Trends in the National Airspace System, International Journal of Aviation Psychology (ISAP), 24(4), 265-286
I. . Barshi, I. C. Statler, & J. S. Orr (2014) The Human Factors of an Early Space Accident: Flight 3-65 of the X-15, Presented at the 7th International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety Conference, Friedrichshafen, Germany
I. . Barshi, & I. C. Statler (2014) The Human Factors of an early space accident: Flight 3-65 of the X-15, NASA Technical Memorandum TM-2014-218414. Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center
J. S. Orr, I. . Barshi, & I. C. Statler (2014) The X‐15 3‐65 Accident: An Aircraft Systems and Flight Control Perspective, Presented at the 7th International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety Conference, Friedrichshafen, Germany
E. E. Flynn-Evans, M. S. Feary, I. C. Statler, J. L. Nowinski, & L. . Arsintescu (2013) Managing fatigue in aviation operations, Oral Presentation. Human Factors and Engineering Society Meeting; 2013 October, San Diego, CA, USA