Tamsyn E. Edwards
Senior Research Associate
Phone: 605-604-2165
(2020) NASA Group Achievement Award, Air Traffic Management-eXploration (ATM-X) Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Experiment 2 (X2) Team
(2017) NASA Group Achievement Award, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) Team
(2017) Privately Sponsored, Best Paper Award- "The Relationship Between Workload and Performance in Air Traffic Control: Exploring the Influence of Levels of Automation and Variation in Task Demand."
(2017) Ames Honor Award, UTM Technical Capability Level 2 Demonstration
(2016) NASA Group Achievement Award, Operational Integration Assessment (OIA) Team
(2016) Privately Sponsored, American Best Paper Award- International Federation of Automatic Control, Human-Machine Systems
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T. E. Edwards, R. . Seely, A. . Katz, & P. U. Lee (2021) Behavioral Indicators in Air Traffic Control: Detecting and Preventing Performance Decline, 2021 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Virtual Event
C. N. Lee, J. J. Marquez, & T. E. Edwards (2021) Crew Autonomy Through Self-Scheduling: Scheduling Performance Pilot Study, Presented at the 2021 AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition
J. J. Marquez, T. E. Edwards, J. A. Karasinski, C. . Lee, M. C. Shyr, C. . Miller, & S. L. Brandt (2021) Human Performance of Novice Schedulers for Complex Spaceflight Operations Timelines, Human Factors. December 2021. doi:10.1177/00187208211058913
M. C. Shyr, T. E. Edwards, S. L. Brandt, & J. J. Marquez (2021) The Path to Crew Autonomy - Situational Awareness in Scheduling and Rescheduling Tasks for Novice Schedulers, 72nd International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE. https://dl.iafastro.directory/event/IAC-2021/paper/66895/
T. E. Edwards, C. A. Wolter, W. W. Bridges, M. . Evans, J. N. Keeler, & M. . Hayashi (2020) Bowtie Analysis of the Effects of Unmanned Aircraft on Air Traffic Control, AIAA Aviation Forum, Virtual Event, June 15-19, 2020. https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2021-2334
S. . Verma, J. N. Keeler, T. E. Edwards, & V. . Dulchinos (2019) Exploration of Near term Potential Routes and Procedures for Urban Air Mobility, In AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum (p. 3624)
T. E. Edwards, S. . Verma, & J. N. Keeler (2019) Exploring Human Factors Issues for Urban Air Mobility Operations, In AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum (p. 3629)
J. N. Keeler, S. . Verma, & T. E. Edwards (2019) Investigation of Communications Involved in Near term UAM Operations, 2019 IEEE/AIAA 38th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)
T. E. Edwards, S. . Verma, & J. N. Keeler (2019) Workload Considerations in Urban Air Mobility, 3rd International Symposium on Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications (H-WORKLOAD 2019); November 14, 2019 - November 15, 2019; Rome; Italy.
T. E. Edwards, & P. U. Lee (2018) Designing graceful degradation into complex systems: The interaction between causes of degradation and the association with degradation prevention and recovery, 18th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, Atlanta, GA
T. E. Edwards, L. H. Martin, N. . Bienert, & J. . Mercer (2017) The Relationship Between Workload and Performance in Air Traffic Control: Exploring the Influence of Levels of Automation and Variation in Task Demand, In International Symposium on Human Mental Workload: Models and Applications (pp. 120-139). Springer, Cham
T. E. Edwards, & P. U. Lee (2017) Towards Designing Graceful Degradation into Trajectory Based Operations: A Human-Machine System Integration Approach, In 17th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference (p. 4487)
A. A. Cain, T. E. Edwards, & D. . Schuster (2016) A Quantitative Measure for Shared and Complementary Situation Awareness, In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting(Vol. 60, No. 1, pp. 1823-1827). SAGE Publications
J. . Mercer, C. A. Wolter, A. N. Gomez, T. E. Edwards, N. . Bienert, L. . Roberts, & J. R. Homola (2016) How Important Is Conflict Detection to the Conflict Resolution Task?, How Important Is Conflict Detection to the Conflict Resolution Task?. In Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation (pp. 103-115). Springer International Publishing
J. . Mercer, A. N. Gomez, C. A. Wolter, N. . Bienert, T. E. Edwards, L. H. Martin, V. . Gujral, & J. R. Homola (2016) Impact of Automation Support on the Conflict Resolution Task in a Human-in-the-Loop Air Traffic Control Simulation, Proceedings of the 13th International Federation of Automatic Control, Human-Machine Systems, 30th August-2nd September, 2016, Kyoto: Japan
T. E. Edwards, J. R. Homola, J. . Mercer, & L. . Roberts (2016) Multifactor interactions and the air traffic controller: The interaction of situation awareness and workload in association with automation, Proceedings of the 13th International Federation of Automatic Control, Human-Machine Systems, 30th August-2nd September, 2016, Kyoto: Japan
T. E. Edwards, C. A. Wolter, J. . Mercer, & N. . Bienert (2016) Task demand variation in air traffic control: Implications for workload, fatigue and performance, Proceedings of the 7th AHFE International Conference, 27th - 31st July, Orlando: USA
T. E. Edwards, S. . Sharples, B. . Kirwan, J. R. Wilson, & N. . Balfe (2014) Identifying Markers of Performance Decline in Air Traffic Controllers, Proceedings of the 5th AHFE International Conference, 19th-23rd July, Krakow: Poland
T. E. Edwards, & B. . Kirwan (2014) Working on the edge of performance: the implications of automation, Hindsight 20 (a EUROCONTROL Safety Improvement Sub-Group publication)
T. E. Edwards, S. . Sharples, J. R. Wilson, & B. . Kirwan (2012) Factor interaction influences on human performance in air traffic control, Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41(1), 159-166
S. . Sharples, T. E. Edwards, & N. . Balfe (2012) Inferring cognitive state from observed interaction, Proceedings of the 4th AHFE International Conference, 21-25th July, San Francisco: USA
T. E. Edwards, S. . Sharples, J. R. Wilson, & B. . Kirwan (2012) The need for a multi-factorial approach to safe human performance in air traffic control, Proceedings of the 4th AHFE International Conference, 21-25th July, San Francisco: USA
L. . Millen, T. E. Edwards, D. . Golightly, S. . Sharples, J. R. Wilson, & B. . Kirwan (2011) Systems change in transport control: applications of cognitive work analysis, The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 21(1), 62-84
T. E. Edwards, S. . Sharples, J. R. Wilson, B. . Kirwan, & S. T. Shorrock (2010) Towards a multifactorial human performance envelope model in air traffic control, Eurocontrol/FAA research and development conference, 19th-20th October, Bretigny-sur-Orge: France