Benjamin A. Berman
Senior Research Associate
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B. A. Berman, R. K. Dismukes, & K. K. Jobe (2012) Performance Data Errors in Air Carrier Operations: Causes and Countermeasures, NASA Technical Memorandum (NASA TM-2012-216007) Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center
R. K. Dismukes, & B. A. Berman (2010) Checklists and monitoring in the cockpit: Why crucial defenses sometimes fail, NASA Technical Memorandum (NASA TM-2010-216396). Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center
B. A. Berman, & R. K. Dismukes (2010) Designing a better mousetrap, AeroSafety World, 12-17
R. K. Dismukes, B. A. Berman, & L. . Loukopoulos (2009) Converging themes: the deep structure of accidents, Chapter 4 in R. Key Dismukes (Ed.), Human Error in Aviation, Aldershot, UK: Ashgate
Publishing Limited
R. K. Dismukes, B. A. Berman, & L. . Loukopoulos (2007) The Limits of Expertise: Rethinking Pilot Error and the Causes of Airline Accidents, Ashgate Publishing Company.
B. A. Berman, & R. K. Dismukes (2006) Pressing the Approach: A NASA Study of 19 Recent Accidents Yields a New Perspective on Pilot Error, Berman, B. A. & Dismukes, R. K. (2006) Pressing the Approach: A NASA Study of 19 Recent Accidents Yields a New Perspective on Pilot Error. Aviation Safety World, December 2006, 28-33.
R. K. Dismukes, B. A. Berman, & L. . Loukopoulos (2006) The Limits of Expertise: Rethinking Pilot Error and the Causes of Airline Accidents, Presented at the 2006 CRM/HF Conference, Denver, Colorado
R. K. Dismukes, & B. A. Berman (2005) The Limits of Expertise: The Misunderstood Role of Pilot Error in Airline Accidents.
V. J. Gawron, B. A. Berman, & R. K. Dismukes (2003) New airline pilots may not receive sufficient training to cope with airlplane upsets, Flight Safety Foundation's Flight Safety Digest, July-August 2003, pp. 19-32