S Sharples
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T. E. Edwards, S. . Sharples, B. . Kirwan, J. R. Wilson, & N. . Balfe (2014) Identifying Markers of Performance Decline in Air Traffic Controllers, Proceedings of the 5th AHFE International Conference, 19th-23rd July, Krakow: Poland
T. E. Edwards, S. . Sharples, J. R. Wilson, & B. . Kirwan (2012) Factor interaction influences on human performance in air traffic control, Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41(1), 159-166
S. . Sharples, T. E. Edwards, & N. . Balfe (2012) Inferring cognitive state from observed interaction, Proceedings of the 4th AHFE International Conference, 21-25th July, San Francisco: USA
T. E. Edwards, S. . Sharples, J. R. Wilson, & B. . Kirwan (2012) The need for a multi-factorial approach to safe human performance in air traffic control, Proceedings of the 4th AHFE International Conference, 21-25th July, San Francisco: USA
L. . Millen, T. E. Edwards, D. . Golightly, S. . Sharples, J. R. Wilson, & B. . Kirwan (2011) Systems change in transport control: applications of cognitive work analysis, The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 21(1), 62-84
T. E. Edwards, S. . Sharples, J. R. Wilson, B. . Kirwan, & S. T. Shorrock (2010) Towards a multifactorial human performance envelope model in air traffic control, Eurocontrol/FAA research and development conference, 19th-20th October, Bretigny-sur-Orge: France