Lauren Roberts
Research Psychologist
Phone: 650-604-1159
(2021) NASA Group Achievement Award, STEReO Field Demonstration Team
(2020) NASA Group Achievement Award, UTM - Technical Capability Level-4 Demonstration
(2019) NASA Software of the Year, UAS Traffic Management Services (UTM) Software
(2017) NASA Group Achievement Award, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) Team
(2017) Ames Honor Award, UTM Technical Capability Level 2 Demonstration
(2016) Privately Sponsored, American Best Paper Award- International Federation of Automatic Control, Human-Machine Systems
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J. . Mercer, L. . Roberts, Y. . Arbab, G. . Harbert, M. . Huynh, & M. . Leitzel (2021) Scalable traffic management for emergency response operations, Presented at the Transformative Aeronautics Concepts Program (TACP) Showcase (Virtual), February 4, 2021
L. H. Martin, C. A. Wolter, K. K. Jobe, M. . Manzano, S. . Blandin, M. . Cencetti, L. . Roberts, J. . Mercer, & J. R. Homola (2020) TCL4 UTM (UAS Traffic Management) Nevada 2019 Flight Tests, Airspace Operations Laboratory (AOL) Report, NASA/TM-2020-5003361
Q. . Dao, L. H. Martin, C. P. Mohlenbrink, N. . Bienert, A. N. Gomez, L. . Roberts, J. . Mercer, & C. A. Wolter (2017) Evaluation of Early Ground Control Station Configurations for Interacting with a UAS Traffic Management (UTM) System, in 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2017
J. R. Homola, C. P. Mohlenbrink, Q. . Dao, L. . Roberts, L. H. Martin, & J. . Mercer (2017) Technical Capability Level 2 Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) Flight Demonstration: Description and Analysis, 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, St. Petersburg, FL
J. . Mercer, C. A. Wolter, A. N. Gomez, T. E. Edwards, N. . Bienert, L. . Roberts, & J. R. Homola (2016) How Important Is Conflict Detection to the Conflict Resolution Task?, How Important Is Conflict Detection to the Conflict Resolution Task?. In Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation (pp. 103-115). Springer International Publishing
T. E. Edwards, J. R. Homola, J. . Mercer, & L. . Roberts (2016) Multifactor interactions and the air traffic controller: The interaction of situation awareness and workload in association with automation, Proceedings of the 13th International Federation of Automatic Control, Human-Machine Systems, 30th August-2nd September, 2016, Kyoto: Japan