Laura M. Colletti
Research Associate, Senior Software Engineer
Phone: 650-604-0292
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NASA Ames Research Center
Fatigue Countermeasures Group
Mail Stop 262-4
Moffett Field, California 94035-1000
Work Phone: (650) 604-0292
Work Fax: (650) 604-2177
E-mail address: lcolletti@mail.arc.nasa.gov
San Jose State University M.S., Human Factors and Ergonomics, San Jose, CA - In progress
Simmons College B.S., Mathematics and Computer Science, Boston, MA - 1987
Experience Summary
Ms. Colletti has 15 years of experience in software development and 8 years of research design, statistical analysis and web programming in research environments.
Work History
Current Position:
Senior Research Associate/Statistician and Software Engineer
QSS, Moffett Field, CA, February 2003 - Present
Raytheon, Moffett Field, CA, May 1998 – January 2003
Coordinate and conduct quantitative and qualitative research relevant to the objectives of the NASA Ames Research Center Human Factors Research and Technology Branch using innovative research methodologies and human factors principles through survey, simulation and field studies; provide design and analysis support, develop programs, databases, and websites to accomplish research objectives, write technical reports and present findings at scientific conferences and industry briefings. Write grant proposals and develop budgets. Manage research associate responsible for conducting workshops and public relations. Develop on PC, Mac and Unix environments using SAS, SPSS, HTML, PHP, MySQL, PERL, Filemaker Pro and Microsoft Access.
2003–present: Principal Investigator. Longitudinal field study of personnel working a 24h 39m day to support Mars Exploration Rover operations through contextual inquiry, activity monitors, surveys and activity logs.
2002–present: Research associate/statistician. Exploring the effects of 20 hr flights on airline pilots through high fidelity simulation, contextual inquiry, paper-and-pencil surveys, hand-held developed survey logs, task analysis, video analysis, neurobehavioral performance, activity monitors and spectral analysis.
2001–2002: Programmer. Iterative development of a multi-organization web-based educational tool for general aviation and commercial pilots based on cognitive walkthrough concepts. Designed code to collect survey data using PHP and MySQL.
2001–2002: Research Associate/Programmer. Developed survey to investigate pilot scheduling behaviors during layovers and implemented using HTML, PHP, MySQL and Filemaker Pro.
1999–2002: Research associate/Statistician. Usability assessment of an alertness monitoring technology through performance and physiological measurement, video analysis, activity monitors and survey logs.
1998–2001: Statistician. Evaluation of airline pilot performance when given activity breaks during nighttime flights through high fidelity simulation, contextual inquiry, survey logs, task analysis, video analysis, activity monitors, neurobehavioral performance and physiological measurement.
Preceding Positions:
Senior Software Engineer, Sterling Software, Moffett Field, CA, November 1996 - May 1998
Coordinated experiments in an air traffic control and pilot simulator laboratory at NASA Ames which involved enhancing and debugging an aircraft flight simulator and the air traffic control simulator, scenario generation, and modifying the flight simulator software to support researcher requirements. Studies supported include the Parallel Approach Logic, Automation Bias and the Advanced Air Transportation Technology (AATT) studies.
Senior Software Engineer, SYRE, Moffett Field, CA, January 1991 - November 1996
Redesigned a pilot simulation program to increase its capabilities by more than 50%. Converted the pilot user interface and radar display from Sunview to XView using X-library graphics routines and converted it from standard C to ANSI C. Designed a histogram and reporting utility. Automated the air traffic control airspace installations. Wrote and maintained the User's Manual for the pilot simulation program.
Senior Programmer Analyst, Duracell Worldwide Technology Center, Needham, MA, January 1988 - January 1991
Designed and procured a 180+ Novell network to replace a Data General minicomputer to increase employee productivity. Managed a Novell network and trained the users in Novell and other DOS programs. Designed databases for data acquisition, employee status and report processing using SIR RDBMS, FORTRAN and Paradox. Designed the user-interface for a battery testing data acquisition system.
Development Engineer, Technical Business Strategies, Ashland, MA, June 1987 - January 1988
Integrated hadware and software components for IBM PC compatibles. Wrote technical manuals for an AI-based Oracle database query language.
Computer Consultant/Teaching Assistant, Simmons College, Boston, MA, September 1983 – June 1987
Instructed students and faculty in the operation of PCs and microVAXs. Supervised a digital electronics and microcomputing lab and led weekly group tutorial.
Professional Associations
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Sleep Research Society
Publications and Conference Presentations
Colletti, L. M., Mejdal, S., Van Dongen, H. and Mallis, M. M. (2005) Comparing a biomathematical model of alertness with pilot performance data during a simulated ultra long-range flight. Sleep (Suppl. 28), A66.
Brandt, S., L., Colletti, L. M., Van Dongen, H., Dinge, D. F. and Mallis, M. M. (2005) Transitioning from a Mars day to an Earth day: effects on pyschomotor vigilance performance. Sleep (Suppl. 28), A356.
Oyung, R. L., Chapman, P. M., Colletti, L. M., Reduta, D. D. and Mallis, M. M. (2005) Are pilots well-rested upon entering a NASA flight simulation protocol? Sleep (Suppl. 28), A356.
Arsintescu, L. A., Nguyen, T. T, Colletti, L. M., Pritchett, A. R., and Mallis, M. M. (2005) Impact of Fatigue related scheduling factors on sleepiness in aviators. Sleep (Suppl. 28), A352.
Mallis, M. M., Colletti, L. M., Brandt, S. B., Oyung, R. L., and DeRoshia, C. W. (2005) The effects of ultra long-range flights on the alertness and performance of aviators. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 76(3), 260.
Arsintescu, L. A., Nguyen, T. T., Colletti, L. M., Jewett, M. E. and Mallis, M. M. (2005) Predicting total sleep time obtained during layovers. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 76(3), 239.
Colletti, L. M., DeRoshia, C. W. and Mallis, M. M. (2004). Sleep quantity of personnel working a 24h 39m day during MER operations. NASA Ames Human Factors Symposium.
DeRoshia, C. W., Colletti L. M., Oyung, R. L. and Mallis, M. M. (2005). Detection of fatigue states by analysis of circadian rhythms in locomotor activity. Sleep (Suppl. 28), A58.
Mallis, M. M., Neri, D. F., Colletti, L. M., Oyung, R. L., Reduta, D.D., Van Dongen, H. and Dinges, D. F. (2004) Feasibility of an automated drowsiness monitoring device on the flightdeck. Sleep (Suppl. 27).
Mallis, M. M., Rosekind, M. R., Chapman, P. M., Colletti, L. M. and Neri, D. F. (2004) Evaluation of the NASA Education and Training Module on alertness management: knowledge gained and organizational impact. Sleep (Suppl. 27).
Nguyen, T. T., Colletti, L. M., and Mallis, M. M. (2003). Fatigue factors of concern for current air transport pilots. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 74(4), 383.
Mallis, M.. M., Co, E. L., Rosekind, M. R., Neri, D. F., Oyung, R. L., Brandt, S. L., Colletti, L. M., and Reduta. D. D. (2003). Evaluation of a web-based fatigue education and training module in the general aviation (GA) population. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, (Abstract suppl) 382.
Mallis, M. M., Neri, D. F., Oyung, R., Colletti, L., Nguyen, T. and Dinges, D. F. (2002). Biobehavioral differences in alertness of pilots during a 6-hr simulated night flight. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 73(3), 274.
Neri, D. F., Oyung, R., Colletti, L. M., Mallis, M. M., Tam, P. and Dinges, D. F. (2002). Controlled breaks as a fatigue countermeasure on the flight deck. Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 73(7), 654-664.
Mallis, M. M., Neri, D. F., Oyung, R., Colletti, L, Nguyen, T., and Dinges, D. F. (2002) Stability of behavioral alertness in pilots repeating simulated night flights. Sleep, 25.
Mallis, M. M., Neri, D. F., Oyung, R. L., Colletti, L. M., Nguyen, T. T., & Dinges, D. F. (2001). Factors associated with behavioral alertness in pilots flying simulated night flights. Sleep (Suppl. 24), A123
(2004) Technology Turning Goals Into Reality (TGIR) Awards, Human Factors contributors to The AMES MER Infusion Team
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L. M. Colletti, L. . Arsintescu, J. A. Caldwell, & M. M. Mallis (2006) Identifying operational measures sensitive to fatigue in ultra long range operations, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 77(3)
J. A. Caldwell, M. M. Mallis, L. M. Colletti, R. L. Oyung, S. L. Brandt, L. . Arsintescu, C. W. DeRoshia, D. D. Reduta, & P. M. Chapman (2006) The effects of ultra-long-range flights on the alertness and performance in aviators, NASA/TM-2006-213484
R. L. Oyung, P. M. Chapman, L. M. Colletti, D. D. Reduta, & M. M. Mallis (2005) Are pilots well-rested upon entering a NASA flight simulation protocol?, Sleep (Suppl. 28), A356
L. M. Colletti, S. H. Mejdal, H. . Van Dongen, & M. M. Mallis (2005) Comparing a biomathematical model of alertness with pilot performance data during a simulated ultra long-range flight, Sleep (Suppl. 28), A66
C. W. DeRoshia, L. M. Colletti, R. L. Oyung, & M. M. Mallis (2005) Detection of fatigue states by analysis of circadian rhythms in locomotor activity, Sleep (Suppl. 28), A58
C. W. DeRoshia, L. M. Colletti, R. L. Oyung, & M. M. Mallis (2005) Detection of fatigue states by analysis of circadian rhythms in locomotor activity, Sleep (Suppl. 28), A58
L. . Arsintescu, T. T. Nguyen, L. M. Colletti, A. R. Pritchett, & M. M. Mallis (2005) Impact of Fatigue related scheduling factors on sleepiness in aviators, Sleep (Suppl. 28), A352
L. . Arsintescu, T. T. Nguyen, L. M. Colletti, M. E. Jewett, & M. M. Mallis (2005) Predicting total sleep time obtained during layovers, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 76(3), 239
M. M. Mallis, L. M. Colletti, R. L. Oyung, & C. W. DeRoshia (2005) The effects of ultra long-range flights on the alertness and performance of aviators, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 76(3), 260
L. M. Colletti, H. . Van Dongen, D. F. Dinges, & M. M. Mallis (2005) Transitioning from a Mars day to an Earth day: effects on pyschomotor vigilance performance, Sleep (Suppl. 28), A356
M. M. Mallis, M. R. Rosekind, P. M. Chapman, L. M. Colletti, & D. F. Neri (2004) Evaluation of the NASA Education and Training Module on alertness management: knowledge gained and organizational impact, Sleep (Suppl. 27)
M. M. Mallis, D. F. Neri, L. M. Colletti, R. L. Oyung, D. D. Reduta, H. . Van Dongen, & D. F. Dinges (2004) Feasibility of an automated drowsiness monitoring device on the flightdeck, Sleep (Suppl. 27)
L. M. Colletti, C. W. DeRoshia, & M. M. Mallis (2004) Sleep quantity of personnel working a 24h 39m day during MER operations, NASA Ames Human Factors Symposium
M. M. Mallis, E. L. Co, M. R. Rosekind, D. F. Neri, R. L. Oyung, L. M. Colletti, & D. D. Reduta (2003) Evaluation of a web-based fatigue education and training module in the general aviation (GA) population, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, (Abstract suppl) 382
T. T. Nguyen, L. M. Colletti, & M. M. Mallis (2003) Fatigue factors of concern for current air transport pilots, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 74(4), 383
M. M. Mallis, D. F. Neri, R. L. Oyung, L. M. Colletti, T. T. Nguyen, & D. F. Dinges (2002) Biobehavioral differences in alertness of pilots during a 6-hr simulated night flight, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 73(3), 274
D. F. Neri, R. L. Oyung, L. M. Colletti, M. M. Mallis, & D. F. Dinges (2002) Controlled activity as a fatigue countermeasure on the flight deck, Aviation, Space & Environmental Medicine. 73, 654-664
D. F. Neri, R. L. Oyung, L. M. Colletti, M. M. Mallis, P. . Tam, & D. F. Dinges (2002) Controlled breaks as a fatigue countermeasure on the flight deck, Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine, 73(7), 654-664
M. M. Mallis, D. F. Neri, R. L. Oyung, L. M. Colletti, T. T. Nguyen, & D. F. Dinges (2002) Stability of behavioral alertness in pilots repeating simulated night flights, Sleep, 25
M. M. Mallis, D. F. Neri, R. L. Oyung, L. M. Colletti, T. T. Nguyen, & D. F. Dinges (2001) Factors associated with behavioral alertness in pilots flying simulated night flights, Sleep (Suppl. 24), A123