L K. Barger
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C. J. Hilditch, K. B. Gregory, L. . Arsintescu, N. G. Bathurst, T. E. Nesthus, H. M. Baumgartner, A. . Lamp, L. K. Barger, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2023) Perspectives on fatigue in short-haul flight operations from US pilots: A focus group study, Transport Policy, 136: 11-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2023.03.004
A. . McHill, A. . Sano, C. J. Hilditch, L. K. Barger, C. A. Czeisler, R. . Picard, & E. B. Klerman (2021) Robust stability of melatonin circadian phase, sleep metrics, and chronotype across months in young adults living in real-world settings, Journal of Pineal Research, 70(3), e12720
E. E. Flynn-Evans, A. A. Kubey, L. K. Barger, & C. A. Czeisler (2015) Sleep and Circadian Rhythms among 21 ISS astronauts, Oral presentation. NASA Human Research Program Meeting; 2015 February; Houston, TX