Colleen T. Geven
Phone: 650-604-5080
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B. L. Beard, J. B. Holbrook, C. T. Geven, & A. J. Ahumada (2009) Assessment of cognitive abilities in simulated space ascent environments (No. 2009-01-2425), SAE Technical Paper.
B. L. Beard, C. T. Geven, & J. B. Holbrook (2009) Surface operations toolbox II: Guidelines for preliminary function allocation among humans and automation, Submitted in completion of Airportal Metroplex Integration (AMI) Milestone AP.2.A.03
B. L. Beard, C. T. Geven, & J. B. Holbrook (2008) Surface operations toolbox: Guidelines for an effective human-automation collaboration, Submitted in completion of Airportal Terminal Integration Management (ATIM) Milestone AP.1.A.01