Kimberly K. Jobe
Senior Research Associate
Phone: 650-604-1631
(2020) Privately Sponsored, Best Paper of Track and Best Paper of Session. "Human-system interaction issues and proposed solutions to successful maturation of the UTM system".
(2020) NASA Group Achievement Award, UTM - Technical Capability Level-4 Demonstration
(2020) Best Paper Award, Best Paper of Session, 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference. "Impact of ATD-2 Tools on Human Factor Metrics at Charlotte Douglas International Airport"
(2019) NASA Group Achievement Award, ATD-2 IADS Field Demonstration Team
(2018) Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Associate Administrator (AA) Award, Technology and Innovation Group Award- ATD-2/IADS Field Demonstration Team
(2017) Best Paper Award, Best Paper, 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)- "Evaluation of a tactical surface metering tool for Charlotte Douglas International Airport via Human-in-the-Loop Simulation"
(2016) NASA Group Achievement Award, Operational Integration Assessment (OIA) Team
(2013) NASA Group Achievement Award, Air Traffic Management Technology Demonstration- 1
(2000) Ames Group Achievement Award, Loft Debriefing Team

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C. A. Wolter, L. H. Martin, & K. K. Jobe (2020) Human-system interaction issues and proposed solutions to promote successful maturation of the UTM system, Proceedings of the 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). October 13-16, 2020, San Antonio, TX.
B. K. Parke, D. L. Bakowski, S. . Verma, E. . Chevalley, Y. C. Jung, L. H. Martin, K. K. Jobe, & L. K. Stevens (2020) Impact of ATD-2 Tools on Human Factors Metrics at Charlotte Douglas International Airport, In 2020 AIAA/IEEE 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) (pp. 1-10). IEEE
L. H. Martin, C. A. Wolter, K. K. Jobe, M. . Manzano, S. . Blandin, M. . Cencetti, L. . Roberts, J. . Mercer, & J. R. Homola (2020) TCL4 UTM (UAS Traffic Management) Nevada 2019 Flight Tests, Airspace Operations Laboratory (AOL) Report, NASA/TM-2020-5003361
L. H. Martin, C. A. Wolter, K. K. Jobe, M. . Goodyear, M. . Manzano, M. . Cencetti, J. . Mercer, & J. R. Homola (2020) TCL4 UTM (UAS Traffic Management) Texas 2019 Flight Tests, Airspace Operations Laboratory (AOL) Report, NASA/TM-2020-220516
B. K. Parke, L. K. Stevens, W. J. Coupe, H. . Lee, Y. C. Jung, D. L. Bakowski, & K. K. Jobe (2019) Alternatives for Scheduling Departures for Efficient Surface Metering in ATD-2: Exploration in a Human-in-the-Loop Simulation, Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Washington, D. C.
L. H. Martin, C. A. Wolter, K. K. Jobe, J. R. Homola, M. . Cencetti, Q. . Dao, & J. . Mercer (2019) TCL3 UTM (UAS Traffic Management) Flight Tests, Airspace Operations Laboratory (AOL) Report, NASA/TM-2019-220347
L. H. Martin, K. K. Jobe, F. G. Omar, C. G. Ramirez, & J. R. Homola (2019) Usability test of a prototype UAS awareness interface for public users, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics 63rd Annual Meeting (HFES 2019), Seattle, Washington, October 28-November 1
J. R. Homola, K. K. Jobe, L. H. Martin, F. G. Omar, & C. G. Ramirez (2018) Giving the public a perspective into unmanned aircraft systems’ operations, 37th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC2018), London, UK, September
B. K. Parke, K. K. Jobe, E. . Chevalley, S. . Verma, V. . Dulchinos, & L. K. Stevens (2018) Impact of data exchange provided by ATD2 tools at Charlotte-Douglas International Airport, Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, Florida.
S. . Verma, L. . Hanbong, L. H. Martin, L. K. Stevens, Y. . Jung, V. . Dulchinos, E. . Chevalley, K. K. Jobe, & B. K. Parke (2017) Evaluation of a tactical surface metering tool for Charlotte Douglas International Airport via Human-in-the-Loop Simulation, Proceedings of the 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), St. Petersburg, Florida: IEEE/AIAA
L. K. Stevens, L. H. Martin, K. K. Jobe, B. K. Parke, E. . Chevalley, H. . Lee, S. . Verma, & V. . Dulchinos (2017) Evaluation of Approval Request/Call for Release coordination procedures for Charlotte Douglas International Airport, Proceedings of the 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), St. Petersburg, Florida: IEEE/AIAA
B. A. Berman, R. K. Dismukes, & K. K. Jobe (2012) Performance Data Errors in Air Carrier Operations: Causes and Countermeasures, NASA Technical Memorandum (NASA TM-2012-216007) Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center
J. B. Holbrook, A. F. Puentes, N. J. Stasio, K. K. Jobe, L. K. McDonnell, & B. L. Beard (2011) How thoroughly do proposed NextGen mid-term operational improvements address existing threats?, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH: The Wright State University.
J. B. Holbrook, A. F. Puentes, N. J. Stasio, K. K. Jobe, L. K. McDonnell, & B. L. Beard (2011) How thoroughly do proposed NextGen mid-term operational improvements address existing threats?, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH: The Wright State University
P. U. Lee, T. B. Sheridan, J. . Poage, L. H. Martin, C. D. Cabrall, & K. K. Jobe (2010) Identification and characterization of key human performance issues and research in the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen), (NASA Contractor Report - 216390). Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center
L. H. Martin, C. D. Cabrall, P. U. Lee, & K. K. Jobe (2010) Potential human factors issues in NextGen ATC concepts, Proceedings of the 3rd AFHE International Conference, Miami, FL, July, 2010
C. D. Cabrall, L. H. Martin, P. U. Lee, & K. K. Jobe (2009) Exploration of human factors issues within a future separation assurance concept, Proceedings of the 28th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Orlando, FL
B. K. Parke, R. K. Dismukes, & K. K. Jobe (2007) Deep Space Network Operations Survey Report., Report submitted to Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA, Pasadena, CA
B. K. Parke, R. K. Dismukes, & K. K. Jobe (2007) Human Factors Report on Deep Space Network (DSN) Survey Report, Presentation to Human/Systems Integration Division Management, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field: CA, Nov. 2, 2007
B. K. Parke, & K. K. Jobe (2007) Overview of Shuttle Flight Controller Ratings on the 2006 Organizational Risk and Tool Development Survey, Report submitted to Mission Operations Directorate, Johnson Space Center, NASA, Houston, Texas
B. K. Parke, & K. K. Jobe (2007) Retaining Shuttle Flight Controllers through the End of the Shuttle Program: A Report Based on Data from the 2006 Shuttle Flight Controller Survey on Organizational Risk and Tool Development, Report submitted to Mission Operations Directorate, Johnson Space Center, NASA, Houston, Texas
B. K. Parke, K. K. Jobe, & J. M. Orasanu (2006) Overview of ISS Flight Controller Ratings on the Organizational Risk and Tool Development Survey., Report submitted to Mission Operations Directorate, Johnson Space Center, NASA, Houston, Texas
R. K. Dismukes, L. . Loukopoulos, & K. K. Jobe (2001) The challenges of managing concurrent and deferred tasks, In R. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH: Ohio State University
R. K. Dismukes, K. K. Jobe, & L. K. McDonnell (2000) Facilitating LOFT debriefings: A critical analysis, In R. K. Dismukes & G. M. Smith (Eds.), Facilitation in aviation training and operations (pp. 13-25). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate
R. K. Dismukes, L. K. McDonnell, & K. K. Jobe (2000) Facilitating LOFT debriefings: Instructor techniques and crew participation, The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 10(1), 35-57
L. K. McDonnell, K. K. Jobe, & R. K. Dismukes (2000) Facilitating LOS debriefings: Synopsis of a training manual, In R. K. Dismukes & G. M. Smith (Eds.), Facilitation in aviation training and operations (pp. 26-50). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate
R. K. Dismukes, L. K. McDonnell, K. K. Jobe, & G. M. Smith (2000) What is facilitation and why use it?, In R. K. Dismukes & G. M. Smith (Eds.), Facilitation in aviation training and operations (pp. 1-12). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate
L. K. McDonnell, K. K. Jobe, R. K. Dismukes, & G. M. Smith (1999) The debriefing assessment battery as a facilitation tool, Proc 10th Int Symp. On Aviation Psychology (pp1084-1087). Columbus, OH: Ohio State University
L. K. McDonnell, K. K. Jobe, & R. K. Dismukes (1997) Facilitating LOS debriefings: A training manual, Flight Safety Digest, 16(11), 1-24
L. K. McDonnell, K. K. Jobe, & R. K. Dismukes (1997) Facilitating LOS debriefings: A training manual, Presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH
L. K. McDonnell, K. K. Jobe, & R. K. Dismukes (1997) Facilitating LOS debriefings: A training manual, (NASA Technical Memorandum 112192). Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center
L. K. McDonnell, K. K. Jobe, & R. K. Dismukes (1997) Facilitating LOS debriefings: A training manual, Presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH
R. K. Dismukes, K. K. Jobe, & L. K. McDonnell (1997) LOFT debriefings: An analysis of instructor techniques and crew participation, (NASA Technical Memorandum 110442). Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center
R. K. Dismukes, L. K. McDonnell, K. K. Jobe, & S. . Gregorich (1995) A survey and analysis of LOFT debriefing techniques, Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. (pp 651-657). Columbus, OH: Ohio State University
K. K. Jobe (1994) The effect of automation on workload management and pilot role, Poster session presented at the 14th Biannual Applied Behavioral Science Symposium, Colorado Springs, CO
J. M. Orasanu, M. . Wich, U. . Fischer, & K. K. Jobe (1993) Distributed problem solving by pilots and dispatchers, In R. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (pp. 198-203). Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press