Brent R. Beutter
Asst. Chief - Human Performance
Phone: 650-604-5150
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NASA AMES Research Center
(650) 604-5150
- 1993 Ph.D., Physics, The University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
- 1983 M.S., Physics, The University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
- 1981 B.A., Physics and Math, Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, Indiana
Employment History
- Research Psychologist NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 2000-present
- Acting Branch Chief NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 2005
- Acting Deputy Division Chief NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 2004
- Senior Researcher San Jose State University Foundation, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 1997-2000
- Research Associate National Research Council, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 1994-1997
- Postdoctoral Fellow Stanford University Psychology Department, CA 1993-1994
- Research Assistant The University of Calif. at Berkeley Physics Dept. 1985-1993
- Teaching Assistant The University of Calif. at Berkeley Physics Dept. 1981-1992
Areas of Expertise
Experienced human factors research scientist investigating human performance and visual perception. Specific expertise in human search, motion perception and oculomotor control. Experience integrating eye-tracker technology and visual displays for psychology experiments. State of the art knowledge of both human and machine visual search, motion processing and detection, neural control mechanisms, pursuit and saccadic eye movements, optic flow, color vision and depth perception. Strong skills in modeling human performance, image processing and in developing quantitative tests of abstract ideas and hypotheses. Excellent team player - well developed communication and conflict resolution skills.
Skills and Experience
Visual Perception Research and Analysis
- Over twenty years experience in experimental conceptualization and design; familiarity with key vision experts in scientific community; thorough knowledge of current research theories and methods.
- Experienced research team coordinator and project manager; skilled at research and grant writing and presentation, coordination of technical teams including programmers, scientific consultants, students/interns and subjects.
- Technical expertise in developing and integrating eye-tracking and visual display technologies, formulating methods of analysis, and completing analytic framework for difficult technical projects; experience in hardware/software integration for psychophysics experimentation.
- Expert in research methodology, building quantitative models, use of probability and statistics, developing computer simulations and programming statistical software.
Human Performance Modeling
- Computer simulations expert; responsible for model design and testing in numerous experiments modeling human vision.
- Experience designing key experimental tests of models of human perception for a wide range of areas.
- Extensive mathematical training, expertise in signal detection theory, and experience in developing and evaluating computational signal processing models.
- Proficient with varied modeling and simulation programs, including IDL, Matlab, Mathematica, and Numerical Recipes in C, and software development experience with FORTRAN, Unix, and C.
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
- Strong oral and written communication skills; experienced lecturer and author of technical reports, scientific papers and presentations, grant proposals and internal communications.
- Strong teaching and interpersonal skills; experienced and highly motivated teacher, lab instructor, and mentor; ability to simply explain complex concepts and develop exciting and innovative presentations, proficient at tailoring explanations to people with various backgrounds and experience.
- Experienced manager and supervisor; good organizational skills, team player with strong ability to resolve conflicts and foster development of less experienced members.
Memberships and Associations
Invited as guest lecturer on experiments and theories of motion processing by the Stanford University Psychology Department, and by the Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute in San Francisco. Presented research results at major scientific conferences, including the annual meetings of the European Conference of Vision Perception, the Vision Sciences Society, the Symposium for eye movements and vision in the natural world, the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, the Society for Neuroscience, NASA’s Space Human Factors Conference, the Optical Society of America, and The San Miniato International Workshop on Visual Attention.
A member of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology, the Society for Neuroscience, the Vision Sciences Society, and a reviewer for the Army Research Office, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Vision Research, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Perception, Psychological Science, and Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science.
(2015) Ames Technology Award, Patent Award for Stroboscopic Image Modulation to Reduce Visual Blur of an Object Being Viewed by an Observer Experiencing Vibratio
(2012) NASA Group Achievement Award, 20G Centrifuge Operation Team
(2010) NASA Group Achievement Award, Human Vibration Team
(2009) NASA Space Flight Awareness Award, Centrifuge Vibration Team
(2006) NASA Group Achievement Award, Crew Exploration Vehicle Smart Buyer Design Study
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A. J. Ahumada, B. D. Adelstein, A. B. Watson, B. R. Beutter, & G. . Guevara (2014) A model of symbol discrimination in vibration blur, Abstracts of the Vision Sciences Society, 14th Annual Meeting, St. Pete Beach, FL, May 16-21, 56.403
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, & M. R. Anderson (2013) Display strobing: An effective countermeasure against visual blur from whole-body vibration, Acta Austronatica, 92, 53-64
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, & M. R. Anderson (2011) Display strobing countermeasure reduces the visual impact of whole-body vibration, Abstract, International Academy of Astronautics 18th Humans in Space Symposium, April 11-15, Houston TX
M. K. Kaiser, B. D. Adelstein, R. S. McCann, B. R. Beutter, & M. R. Anderson (2011) Display strobing reduces visual blur during whole-body vibration, Abstracts of the Psychonomics Society, 52nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, November 3-6, p. 137
R. S. McCann, M. . Godfroy, A. L. Gilkey, & B. R. Beutter (2011) Is Operator Attention Focused on the Focus Bar in an Electronic Procedure Viewer? What Eye Fixations Tell Us, HRP/SHFE report September 30th 2010
D. B. Liston, B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (2011) New method for quantifying human high-frequency linear and rotational VOR during launch-relevant conditions, Journal Of Vestibular Research, 21(2), 84 (abstract)
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, L. S. Stone, & M. R. Anderson (2009) Effects of Transverse Seat Vibration on Near-Viewing Readability of Alphanumeric Symbology, NASA Technical Memorandum 2009-215385
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, L. S. Stone, & M. R. Anderson (2009) Influence of Combined Whole-Body Vibration Plus G-Loading on Visual Performance, NASA/TM 2009-215386
L. S. Stone, B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & D. B. Liston (2009) Perception and Eye Movements, In: Squire LR (ed.) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, volume 7, pp. 503-511. Oxford: Academic Press
M. . Hayashi, U. . Ravinder, B. R. Beutter, R. S. McCann, L. . Spirkovska, & F. . Renema (2008) Operator Performance Evaluation of Fault Management Interfaces for Next-Generation Spacecraft.
U. . Ravinder, R. S. McCann, B. R. Beutter, L. S. Stone, & V. A. Huemer (2007) Development of a Human Performance Modeling tool for User Interface Evaluation in Next Generation Spacecraft: An Empirical Approach, Ravinder, U., McCann, R. S., Beutter, B., Stone, L., & Huemer, V. (2007, October). Development of a Human Performance Modeling tool for User Interface Evaluation in Next Generation Spacecraft: An Empirical Approach. Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC �07), Montreal, Canada.
M. . Hayashi, V. A. Huemer, J. B. Lachter, S. P. Elkins, F. . Renema, B. R. Beutter, J. W. McCandless, R. S. McCann, & L. . Spirkovska (2006) Evaluation of an Advanced Fault Management System Display for Next Generation Crewed Space Vehicles, In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Oct. 16-20, San Francisco, CA, 136-140.
M. . Hayashi, B. R. Beutter, & R. S. McCann (2005) Hidden Markov Model Analysis for Space Shuttle Crewmembers’ Scanning Behavior, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (2005) Validating Oculometric Technologies as Human-System Evaluation Tools.
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2004) Classification images reveal that saccades and perception use similar shape information in a visual search task, Journal of Vision, 4(8), 672a
J. . Toscano, & B. R. Beutter (2004) Performance during visual search, Designing spacecraft with humans in mind, Jounal of Undergraduate Research
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2004) Saccadic and perceptual classification images have similar receptive field shapes in a contrast-discrimination, visual search task, European Conference on Visual Perception
M. P. Eckstein, B. . Pham, S. S. Shimozaki, & B. R. Beutter (2004) Saccadic learning and template tuning, European Conference on Visual Perception
M. P. Eckstein, A. . Caspi, B. R. Beutter, & B. . Pham (2004) The decoupling of attention and eye movements during multiple fixation search, Journal of Vision, 4(8), 165a
A. . Caspi, B. R. Beutter, & M. P. Eckstein (2004) The time course of visual information accrual, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
A. . Caspi, B. R. Beutter, & M. P. Eckstein (2004) The time course of visual information accrual guiding eye movement decisions during visual search, Journal of Vision, 4(8), 743a
A. E. Krukowski, K. A. Pirog, B. R. Beutter, K. . Brooks, & L. S. Stone (2003) Human discrimination of visual direction of motion with and without smooth pursuit eye movements, Journal of Vision, V3, N11, Pages 831-840
B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (2003) Oculometric Monitoring of Human Perceptual Performance in Search and Tracking Tasks, Human Performance 2003,
Houston, TX
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2003) Saccadic and perceptual performance in visual search tasks, Contrast detection and discrimination”, Journal of the Optical Society of America
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2003) Similar Saccadic and Perceptual Accuracies in Visual Search for Oriented Gabors, The International Workshop on Visual Attention, San Miniato, Italy
A. . Caspi, B. R. Beutter, & M. P. Eckstein (2003) The accumulation of visual information driving the 1st saccade during visual search probed with spatiotemporal noise, Journal of Vision, 3(9), 69a
R. . Murray, B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2003) The relationship between saccadic and perceptual performance in visual search tasks, Letter discrimination, Journal of the Optical Society of America
A. E. Krukowski, K. A. Pirog, B. R. Beutter, K. . Brooks, & L. S. Stone (2003) Visual direction discrimination with and without smooth pursuit, Annual Conference of the Neural Control of Movement Society
T. . Carney, S. A. Klein, B. R. Beutter, A. M. Norcia, C. C. Chen, C. W. Tyler, W. . Makous, A. B. Watson, S. J. Cropper, A. V. Popple, K. . Robertson, V. . Manahilov, B. . Simpson, & K. . Wenzel (2002) Extending the modelfest image/threshold database into the spatio-temporal domain, SPIE Proc. 4662, 138-148
P. . Verghese, & B. R. Beutter (2002) Motion Processing, Encyclopedia of the Human Brain (012-2272102), by Elsevier
B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (2002) Oculometrics: Validating a new technology for non-intrusive monitoring of human performance, Proceedings of NASA’s Space Human Factors conference
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2002) Saccadic and perceptual accuracies in a visual-search detection task are similar over a wide range of external noise levels, Journal of Vision, 2(7), 543a
R. . Murray, B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2002) Saccadic targeting during, Optical Society of America 2002 conference
R. . Murray, B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2002) Saccadic targetting during visual search for letters, Journal of Vision, 2(10), 21a
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2002) Similar Internal Noise Levels Limit Saccadic and Perceptual Performance in a Visual-Search Task, Program No. 418.13. 2002 Abstract Viewer and Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2001) Correlated saccadic and perceptual decisions in a visual-search detection task reveal spatial-filter overlap, Journal of Vision, 1(3), 263a
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (2001) Quantifying the performance limits of human saccadic targeting during visual search, Perception, 30, 1389-1401
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (2000) Accumulation of Information Across Saccades During Visual Search Depends on How Far the First Saccade Lands from the Target, Perception Supplement, V29
B. R. Beutter, L. S. Stone, & M. P. Eckstein (2000) Correlated Saccadic and Perceptual Decisions in a Visual-Search Detection Task reveal spatial-filter overlap, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, V26
B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (2000) Motion Coherence Affects Human Pursuit and Perception Similarly, Visual Neuroscience, V17, p. 139-153
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2000) Parallel Differences in Contrast-Discrimination and Detection Performance for Saccades and Perception in Visual Search, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V40, p. S424
B. R. Beutter, L. S. Stone, & M. P. Eckstein (2000) Saccadic and Perceptual Decisions in Visual Search: Parallel Differences in Contrast-discrimination and Detection Tasks, Eye Movements and Vision in the Natural World Symposium, p. 27
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (2000) Task Information Increases from the First to the Second Saccade in Visual Search of a Target among Distractors, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V40, p. S759
L. S. Stone, J. . Lorenceau, & B. R. Beutter (2000) Visual Motion Integration for Pursuit and Perception, Perception, 29, p. 771-787
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, J. L. Bartroff, & L. S. Stone (1999) Guided Search vs. Signal Detection Theory in Target Localization Tasks, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V40, p. S346
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1999) Human Saccades in Search: Second Chances Are Worth a Second Peek, Perception Supplement, V28
B. R. Beutter, L. S. Stone, & M. P. Eckstein (1999) Human Saccadic Accuracy in a Visual Contrast-Discrimination Search Task, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, V25, p. 656
L. S. Stone, B. R. Beutter, & M. P. Eckstein (1999) Salience Effects on Perceptual and Saccadic Target Localization during Search, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, V25, p. 548
M. P. Eckstein, & B. R. Beutter (1998) Analytic Implementation of the Guided Search Model Allows Comparison to Signal Detection Models in Target-Localization Accuracy Tasks, Perception Supplement, V27, p.62
B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1998) Human Motion Perception and Smooth Eye Movements Show Similar Directional Biases for Elongated Apertures, V38, N9, p. 11273-1286
L. S. Stone, & B. R. Beutter (1998) Motion Segmentation from Speed Cues in Transparent and Corrugated Displays, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, V24, p. 1743
B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1998) Oculometric Analysis of Pursuit Eye Movements Can Measure Motion Coherence, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, V24, p. 1410
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1998) The Effect of Set Size on the Relationship between, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V39, p. S225
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1998) The effect of set size on the relationship between saccadic and perceptual decisions during search, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 39: S225
B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1997) Pursuit and Direction Perception are Driven by Similar and Veridical Object-Motion Signals, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Supplement, V38, p. 693
L. S. Stone, B. R. Beutter, & J. . Lorenceau (1997) Steady-State Pursuit is Driven by Object Motion Rather than the Vector Average of Local Motion, Investigative Ophthalmology and Science Supplement, V38, p. 936
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1997) The Accuracy of Saccadic and Perceptual Decisions in Visual Search, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V37, p. 1152
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1997) The visual efficiency of eye movements during search, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 38: S1152
B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1996) Quantifying the Correlation between Eye-Movement and Perceptual Responses to Moving Plaids, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V37, p. 738
L. S. Stone, J. . Lorenceau, & B. R. Beutter (1996) Smooth Pursuit of a Partially Occluded Object, Perception Supplement, V25, p. 5
B. R. Beutter, J. B. Mulligan, & L. S. Stone (1996) The Barberplaid Illusion: Plaid Motion is Biased by Elongated Apertures, Vision Research, V36, N19, p. 3061-3076
L. S. Stone, B. R. Beutter, & J. . Lorenceau (1996) Tracking virtual trajectories, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 22: 963
B. R. Beutter, J. . Lorenceau, & L. S. Stone (1996) Visual Coherence Affects Smooth Pursuit, Perception Supplement, V25, p. 5
B. R. Beutter, J. B. Mulligan, & L. S. Stone (1995) Analysis of the Trial-by-Trial Correlation between Eye-Movement and Perceptual Responses to Moving Plaids, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, V21, p.141
B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1995) Direction of Perceived Motion and Eye Movements Show Similar Biases for Asymmetrically Windowed Moving Plaids, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V36, p. 206
J. B. Mulligan, & B. R. Beutter (1995) Eye Movement Tracking Using Compressed Video Images, Vision Science And Its Applications, 1, 1995 OSA Tech. Dig. Series, 163-166.
J. B. Mulligan, & B. R. Beutter (1995) Reflexive OKN is Biased Like Perception, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V36, p. 205
J. B. Mulligan, & B. R. Beutter (1994) Additional Twists on a Continuous Barber-Pole Illusion, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V35, p. 2157
B. R. Beutter, J. B. Mulligan, & L. S. Stone (1994) Direction of Moving Plaids is Biased by Asymmetric Viewing Windows, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, V20, p. 772
B. R. Beutter, L. S. Stone, & J. B. Mulligan (1994) The Barberplaid Illusion, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V35, p. 2158
T. . Kumar, B. R. Beutter, & D. A. Glaser (1993) Perceived Motion of a Colored Spot in a Noisy Achromatic Background, Perception, V22, p1205-1226
S. A. Klein, & B. R. Beutter (1992) Minimizing and Maximizing the Joint Space-Spatial Frequency Uncertainty of Gabor-like Functions, Journal of the Optical Society of America, A, V9, N2, p337-339
B. R. Beutter, T. . Kumar, & D. A. Glaser (1991) Color Information Improves Motion Detection and Velocity Discrimination, Optics and Photonics News Suppl., V2, p. 111
S. A. Klein, & B. R. Beutter (1991) Hermite Functions Maximize the Space-Spatial Frequency Uncertainty of Gaborlike Functions, Optics and Photonics News Suppl., V2, p. 79