Brian E. Smith
Phone: 650-604-6669
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Brian E. Smith
NASA Ames Research Center
Human Systems Integration Division
A native of California, Mr. Smith was the recipient of a 1982 NASA Post-baccalaureate Fellowship. In 1984 he received a Master of Engineering with a specialization in Aerospace Engineering from California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. Mr. Smith graduated with honors from Occidental College in 1975 with a B.A. in German Translation.
Mr. Smith began his career with NASA as a member of the Fixed-Wing Aerodynamics Branch where he performed low-speed aerodynamics research in the 40- by 80- and 80- by 120-Foot Wind Tunnels of the National Full-Scale Aerodynamics Complex (NFAC). One of his early duties was to perform design studies and aerodynamic performance testing on a 1/50th-scale model 40- by 80- Foot Wind Tunnel. He also contributed to the final aerodynamic design of the acre-sized air inlet for the in-draft 80- by 120-Foot Wind Tunnel. He subsequently served as Aerodynamics Manager for the Integrated Systems Test (IST) of that facility.
Mr. Smith joined the Powered-lift Group following completion of the IST. While a member of that group, he served as Project Director for low-speed testing of the full-scale, powered, Short Take-Off/Vertical Landing (STOVL) E-7A model in both the 40x80 and 80x120. These tests confirmed the thrust-augmentation and transition performance of a STOVL fighter aircraft configured with lifting ejectors that were designed by DeHavilland Aircraft of Canada. Mr. Smith served as Group Leader of the Configuration Integration/Propulsion Integration Group at the NFAC. He has also performed low-speed testing of the stability of air-to-air missiles at high angles of attack for the Naval Air Warfare Center, China Lake.
Mr. Smith helped plan and implement full-scale testing of a variable-pitch fan, thrust-reverser concept called the Advanced Ducted Propulsor developed by the Pratt & Whitney as part of NASA's Advanced Subsonic Technology (AST) effort. He also served as project director for a series of tests of low-speed, high-lift configurations in support of the High-Speed Research Program. This activity was a cooperative effort with Boeing Aircraft Company, General Electric, and Lewis Research Center. These large-scale wind-tunnel investigations focused on the isolated and installed aeroacoustic performance of the mixer/ejector noise suppressor nozzles that will be required on the future High-Speed Civil Transport. Mr. Smith has authored seventeen technical papers on a wide variety of topics. He currently holds a U.S. Patent for a Secondary Wing System for Use on an Aircraft.
Following his successful research career, Mr. Smith was promoted to chief of the Advanced Subsonic Technology and High-Speed Research Program Offices. He served as chief of Ames' Aviation Safety Program (AvSP) Office. Mr. Smith managed the multi-million-dollar activities of the AvSP focussing on Aviation System Monitoring and Modeling activities and on System-Wide Accident Prevention.
Mr. Smith was detailed to the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters for six months in 2004. He prepared a report summarizing the NASA response to a National Research Council review of the research programs within the ARMD.
He is serving as the NASA representative on the international Future Aviation Safety Team, a working group under the auspices of the European Strategic Safety Initiative and the European Commercial Aviation Safety Team. He has also serves as the NASA representative on the FAA/Eurocontrol (ECTL) Action Plan 15 for Safety. As a FAST Core Team member, Mr. Smith was a major contributor to the development of a methodology for prognostic aviation safety analysis and a catalog of change phenomena affecting the future aviation system. He served as a co-facilitator for a series of FAST hazard-analysis workshops in Paris for the ECTL ConOps 2011, the bridge to the Single European Sky ATAM Research Programme (SESAR). In the later capacity, he participated in the fusion of the FAST methodology with the ATM Integrated Risk Picture (IRP) for Europe and made presentations at AP-15 meetings at the Eurocontrol Experimental Centre in Bretigny.
Most recently, Mr. Smith led the NASA Research Support Team in a study of the safety consequences of ATM-issued, late runway changes for the FAA Voluntary Safety Information Sharing Aviation Rule Making Committee. He was the editor/compiler of the final report submitted to this body. This study utilized the NASA-developed, multi-air carrier National Archives of Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) data and Aviation Safety Action Program (ASAP) pilot reports.
Mr. Smith is currently representing the NASA Aviation Safety (AvSafe) Program on the Aircraft Concepts Working Group within the Joint Planning and Development Office (JPDO) in Washington D.C. In this capacity he will help identify aircraft-centric technical and flight-crew capabilities essential to the capacity, safety, and performance-based operations (RNP, RCP, RSP) of the NextGen air transportation system.
Mr. Smith is an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). He has been active in the San Francisco Section of the AIAA. During his tenure with the Section he served as Chair ('95-'96), Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Education Director. While serving as Education Director, he received an AIAA Special Citation for initiation of an essay contest for Bay Area junior high school students on the theme "Why Should the U.S. Have a Strong Space Program?" In 1988 together with Sy Syvertson, former Director of Ames Research Center, Mr. Smith helped establish the Friends of the Air and Space Center, a grass-organization that has been promoting the development of a world-class air and space exhibit complex and learning center in the Mountain View area. He is a private pilot with approximately 230 hours, and he flies radio-controlled aircraft as a hobby. He is also an avid sport-touring motorcyclist.
- Smith, Brian E., NASA Ames Research Center, de Jong Hans H., DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH, Everdij, Mariken H.C., NLR Air Transport Safety Institute, A Prognostic Method to Identify Hazards for Future Aviation Concepts, 26TH International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Anchorage, Alaska, September 14-19, 2008.
- Smith, B.E., "System Safety & Reliability of Current Modern Large Jet Aircraft," 21st International System Safety Conference, August 13-17, 2007, Baltimore, MD.
- Smith, B.E., "Prognostic Aviation Safety in the 21st Century - The Future Aviation Safety Team," 21st International System Safety Conference, August 13-17, 2007, Baltimore, MD.
- Smith, B. and Porter, T. (2005), FAST Hazard Identification and Management Process - an ATM and Airborne Case Study. Clinics Session 2, CAATS Safety R&D Workshop, 18-20 October 2005, EUROCONTROL HQ, Brussels.
- Smith, B.E., Soderman, P.T., and Zuniga, F.A, "Summary of HEAT 1 Aeroacoustic Installation Effects", High-Speed Research Program Configuration Aerodynamics Workshop, NASA Langley Research Center, February 27-29, 1996.
- Smith, B.E., "Overview and Background of Test Objectives", High-Speed Research Program High-Lift Engine Aeroacoustics Technology Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center, March 5-7, 1996.
- Smith, B.E., "Propulsion-Induced Aerodynamic Effects Measured with a 13.5% HSCT Model", High-Speed Research Program High-Lift Engine Aeroacoustics Technology Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center, March 5-7, 1996.
- Smith, B.E., "Net Propulsive Forces Generated by the Integrated HEAT Configuration", High-Speed Research Program High-Lift Engine Aeroacoustics Technology Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center, March 5-7, 1996.
- Smith, B.E., Poppen, W.A., Lye, J.D., "Propulsion-Induced Aerodynamic Effects Measured with a Full-Scale STOVL Model", AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 31, No. 2, March-April 1994.
- Smith, B.E., Garland, D., Poppen, W.A., "Aerodynamic Performance of a Full-Scale Lifting Ejector System in a STOVL Fighter Aircraft", AIAA 92-3094 presented at 28th Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, July 1992.
- Smith, B.E., " Aerodynamics of a Lifting Ejector in a STOVL Fighter Aircraft", Oral Presentation at SAE Aerospace Atlantic, Dayton, Ohio, April 24-26, 1990.
- Smith, B. E., Zell, P. T. , and Shinoda, P. M., "Comparison of Model and Full-Scale Wind Tunnel Performance", AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 27, No. 3, March 1990.
- Smith, B.E. and Dudley, M.D., "Aerodynamic Performance of an Ejector System Integrated into a STOVL Aircraft", Oral Presentation at SAE Aerotech '89, Anaheim, California, September 25-28, 1989.
- Zuniga, F.A, and Smith, B.E., "High-Lift Engine Aeroacoustics Technology (HEAT) Overview", High-Speed Research Program Aerodynamic Performance Technology Workshop, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, February 25-28, 1997.
- Jaeger, S.M, Smith, B.E., "Acoustic Measurements of a Model Semi-Span Symmetry Plane", AIAA/CAES Paper 96-1715, 2nd AIAA/CAES Aeroacoustics Conference, State College, Pennsylvania, May 6-8, 1996.
- Naumowicz, T, and Smith, B.E., "Hover Performance Validation of an Ejector-Configured STOVL Fighter Aircraft", AIAA Paper 92-4255, Presented at AIAA Aircraft Design Systems Meeting, Hilton Head, South Carolina , August 24-26, 1992.
- Poppen, W.A., Smith, B.E., Lye, J.D., "Propulsion-Induced Aerodynamic Effects Measured with a Full-Scale STOVL Model", AIAA Paper 91-0765, Presented at AIAA 29th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 7-10, 1991.
- Dudley, M.R., Smith, B.E., Corsiglia, V., Ashby, D.L, "Large-Scale Wind Tunnel Studies of a Jet-Engine Powered Ejector-Lift STOVL Aircraft", Paper III.1, Presented at the International Powered-Lift Conference, London, August 29-31, 1990.
- Dudley, M.R., Smith, B.E., Corsiglia, V., Ashby, D.L, "Large-Scale Wind Tunnel Studies of a Jet-Engine Powered Ejector-Lift STOVL Aircraft", A-90-46-127-1000, Presented at the 46th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, May 21-23, 1990.
- Corsiglia, V.R., Farbridge, J., Dudley, M.D., and Smith, B.E., "Large-Scale Wind Tunnel Tests of an Ejector-Lift STOVL Aircraft Model", AIAA Paper 89-2905, Presented at AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE 25th Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, California, July 10-12, 1989.
(2008) NASA Group Achievement Award, NAOMS Information Release Team
(2003) Technology Turning Goals Into Reality (TGIR) Awards, Performance Data Analysis and Reporting System (PDARS)
(1999) Tech Brief Award, Secondary wing system for use on an aircraft
(1998) Special Act Award, Special Act Award for liaison role in Coherent Analytical Computing
Environment (CASE) Marine Corps AV-8B Harrier Flight Safety Program
(1997) Superior Accomplishment Award, Commendation letter from High Speed Research (HSR) Program Aerodynamics
Performance Technology Manager for leadership of design and testing of the
5% Technology Concept HSR model in the Langley 14- by 22-Foot Wind Tunnel
(1996) Special Act Award, Special Act Award for 4EPIC (4-Engine Propulsion Integration Concept)
(1995) Ames Group Achievement Award, High-lift Engine Aeroacoustics Technology (HEAT) test
(1994) Special Act Award, Testing of the HSR 2.2% Arrow Wing model in the Ames 12-Foot Pressure Tunnel and the 13.5% HEAT model in the 40- by 80-Foot Wind Tunnel
(1992) Armed Forces, Letter of appreciation from Naval Air Warfare Center for BOA-1M missile test
(1991) Ames Group Achievement Award, Short Takeoff Vertical Landing (STOVL) E- 7A full-scale research program
(1989) Ames Group Achievement Award, National Full-scale Aerodynamic Complex (NFAC) Integrated Systems Test
(1989) Special Act Award, National Full-scale Aerodynamic Complex (NFAC) Integrated Systems Test
(1989) Special Act Award, Identifying potentially catastrophic safety problem with 80- by 120-Foot Wind Tunnel

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J. M. Feldman, I. . Barshi, B. E. Smith, & B. . Matthews (2021) Reports of resilient performance: Investigating operators’ descriptions of safety-producing behaviors in the ASRS, In Proceedings of the 2021 International Symposium on Aviation Psychology Virtual Conference
J. B. Holbrook, M. . Stewart, B. E. Smith, L. J. Prinzel, B. . Matthews, I. . Avrekh, C. . Cardoza, O. . Ammann, V. . Adduru, & C. H. Null (2019) Human Performance Contributions to Safety in Commercial Aviation, NASA/TM-2019-220417
B. E. Smith, & C. A. Evans (2017) Current Safety Nets within the U.S. National Airspace System, NASA/TN-2017-49109
B. E. Smith, M. . Clark, R. . den Hertog, M. . Kavoliunas, & A. . Marosvari (2011) Predicting Future Aviation Safety Issues using a Data-driven Process, 29th International Systems Safety Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 8-12 August 2011
B. E. Smith (2009) Prognostic Aviation Safety in the 21st Century - The Future Aviation Safety Team, International System Safety Conference, Baltimore, MD, August 2009
B. E. Smith, H. D. Jong, & M. H. Everdij (2008) A Prognostic Method to Identify Hazards for Future Aviation, 26th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Anchorage, Alaska, September 14-19, 2008.
B. E. Smith (2007) Prognostic Aviation Safety in the 21st Century - The Future Aviation Safety Team, Smith, B.E., "Prognostic Aviation Safety in the 21st Century- The Future Aviation Safety Team", 21st International System Safety Conference, August 13-17, 2007, Baltimore, MD.
B. E. Smith (2007) System Safety & Reliability of Current Modern Large Jet Aircraft.
B. E. Smith, & T. . Porter (2005) FAST Hazard Identification and Management Process - an ATM and Airborne Case Study, Smith, B. and Porter, T. (2005), FAST Hazard Identification and Management Process - an ATM and Airborne Case Study. Clinics Session 2, CAATS Safety R&D Workshop, 18-20 October 2005, EUROCONTROL HQ, Brussels.
F. A. Zuniga, & B. E. Smith (1997) High-Lift Engine Aeroacoustics Technology (HEAT) Overview, Zuniga, F.A, and Smith, B.E., "High-Lift Engine Aeroacoustics Technology (HEAT) Overview", High-Speed Research Program Aerodynamic Performance Technology Workshop, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia, February 25-28, 1997.
S. M. Jaeger, & B. E. Smith (1996) Acoustic Measurements of a Model Semi-Span Symmetry Plane, Jaeger, S.M, Smith, B.E., "Acoustic Measurements of a Model Semi-Span Symmetry Plane", AIAA/CAES Paper 96-1715, 2nd AIAA/CAES Aeroacoustics Conference, State College, Pennsylvania, May 6-8, 1996.
B. E. Smith (1996) Net Propulsive Forces Generated by the Integrated HEAT Configuration, Smith, B.E., "Net Propulsive Forces Generated by the Integrated HEAT Configuration", High-Speed Research Program High-Lift Engine Aeroacoustics Technology Workshop,
NASA Ames Research Center, March 5-7, 1996.
B. E. Smith (1996) Overview and Background of Test Objectives, Smith, B.E., "Overview and Background of Test Objectives", High-Speed Research Program High-Lift Engine Aeroacoustics Technology Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center, March 5-7, 1996.
B. E. Smith (1996) Propulsion-Induced Aerodynamic Effects Measured with a 13.5% HSCT Model, Smith, B.E., "Propulsion-Induced Aerodynamic Effects Measured with a 13.5% HSCT Model", High-Speed Research Program High-Lift Engine Aeroacoustics Technology Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center, March 5-7, 1996.
B. E. Smith, P. T. Soderman, & F. A. Zuniga (1996) Summary of HEAT 1 Aeroacoustic Installation Effects, Smith, B.E., Soderman, P.T., and Zuniga, F.A, "Summary of HEAT 1 Aeroacoustic Installation Effects", High-Speed Research Program Configuration Aerodynamics Workshop, NASA Langley Research Center, February 27-29, 1996.
B. E. Smith, W. A. Poppen, & J. D. Lye (1994) Propulsion-Induced Aerodynamic Effects Measured with a Full-Scale STOVL Model, Smith, B.E., Poppen, W.A., Lye, J.D., "Propulsion-Induced Aerodynamic Effects Measured with a Full-Scale STOVL Model", AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 31, No. 2, March-April 1994.
B. E. Smith, D. . Garland, & W. A. Poppen (1992) Aerodynamic Performance of a Full-Scale Lifting Ejector System in a STOVL Fighter Aircraft, Smith, B.E., Garland, D., Poppen, W.A., "Aerodynamic Performance of a Full-Scale Lifting Ejector System in a STOVL Fighter Aircraft", AIAA 92-3094 presented at 28th Joint Propulsion Conference, Nashville, TN, July 1992.
T. . Naumowicz, & B. E. Smith (1992) Hover Performance Validation of an Ejector-Configured STOVL Fighter Aircraft, Naumowicz, T, and Smith, B.E., "Hover Performance Validation of an Ejector-Configured STOVL Fighter Aircraft", AIAA Paper 92-4255, Presented at AIAA Aircraft Design Systems Meeting, Hilton Head, South Carolina , August 24-26, 1992.
W. A. Poppen, B. E. Smith, & J. D. Lye (1991) Propulsion-Induced Aerodynamic Effects Measured with a Full-Scale STOVL Model, Poppen, W.A., Smith, B.E., Lye, J.D., "Propulsion-Induced Aerodynamic Effects Measured with a Full-Scale STOVL Model", AIAA Paper 91-0765, Presented at AIAA 29th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV, January 7-10, 1991.
B. E. Smith (1990) Aerodynamics of a Lifting Ejector in a STOVL Fighter Aircraft, Smith, B.E., " Aerodynamics of a Lifting Ejector in a STOVL Fighter Aircraft", Oral Presentation at SAE Aerospace Atlantic, Dayton, Ohio, April 24-26, 1990.
B. E. Smith, P. T. Zell, & P. M. Shinoda (1990) Comparison of Model and Full-Scale Wind Tunnel Performance, Smith, B. E., Zell, P. T. , and Shinoda, P. M., "Comparison of Model and Full-Scale Wind Tunnel Performance", AIAA Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 27, No. 3, March 1990.
M. D. Dudley, B. E. Smith, V. . Corsiglia, & D. L. Ashby (1990) Large-Scale Wind Tunnel Studies of a Jet-Engine Powered Ejector-Lift STOVL Aircraft, Dudley, M.R., Smith, B.E., Corsiglia, V., Ashby, D.L, "Large-Scale Wind Tunnel Studies of a Jet-Engine Powered Ejector-Lift STOVL Aircraft", Paper III.1, Presented at the International Powered-Lift Conference, London, August 29-31, 1990.
M. D. Dudley, B. E. Smith, V. . Corsiglia, & D. L. Ashby (1990) Large-Scale Wind Tunnel Studies of a Jet-Engine Powered Ejector-Lift STOVL Aircraft, Dudley, M.R., Smith, B.E., Corsiglia, V., Ashby, D.L, "Large-Scale Wind Tunnel Studies of a Jet-Engine Powered Ejector-Lift STOVL Aircraft", A-90-46-127-1000, Presented at the 46th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, May 21-23, 1990.
B. E. Smith, & M. D. Dudley (1989) Aerodynamic Performance of an Ejector System Integrated into a STOVL Aircraft, Smith, B.E. and Dudley, M.D., "Aerodynamic Performance of an Ejector System Integrated into a STOVL Aircraft", Oral Presentation at SAE Aerotech '89, Anaheim, California, September 25-28, 1989.
V. . Corsiglia, J. . Farbridge, M. D. Dudley, & B. E. Smith (1989) Large-Scale Wind Tunnel Tests of an Ejector-Lift STOVL Aircraft Model, Corsiglia, V.R., Farbridge, J., Dudley, M.D., and Smith, B.E., "Large-Scale Wind Tunnel Tests of an Ejector-Lift STOVL Aircraft Model", AIAA Paper 89-2905, Presented at AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE 25th Joint Propulsion Conference, Monterey, California, July 10-12, 1989.