Joshua A. Solomon
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J. A. Solomon, A. B. Watson, & M. J. Morgan (1999) Transducer model produces facilitation from opposite-sign flanks, Vision Res, 39(5), 987-992
A. B. Watson, & J. A. Solomon (1997) A Model of Visual Contrast Gain Control and Pattern Masking, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Volume 14, Issue 9, 2378 - 2390.
A. B. Watson, G. . Yang, J. A. Solomon, & J. . Villasenor (1997) Visibility of wavelet quantization noise, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 6, 1164-1175
J. A. Solomon, & A. B. Watson (1996) Cinematica: A system for calibrated Macintosh-driven displays from within Mathematica., Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 28 (4), 607-610
A. B. Watson, & J. A. Solomon (1996) Psychophysica: Mathematica notebooks for psychophysical experiments, Spatial Vision, 10, 447-466
A. B. Watson, G. . Yang, J. A. Solomon, & J. . Villasenor (1996) Visual thresholds for wavelet quantization error, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, B. Rogowitz & J. Allebach, Ed. Proceedings of the SPIE, 2657, 382-392
A. B. Watson, J. A. Solomon, & A. J. Ahumada (1994) DCT basis function visibility: Effects of viewing distances and contrast masking, Proceedings, Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display IV, Bellingham, WA, SPIE, pp. 99-108
J. A. Solomon, & D. G. Pelli (1994) The visual filter mediating letter identification, Nature, 369, 395-397
A. B. Watson, J. A. Solomon, & A. J. Ahumada (1994) Visibility of DCT basis functions: Effects of contrast masking , Proceedings, Data Compression Conference, Snowbird, Utah, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 361-370
A. B. Watson, J. A. Solomon, & A. J. Ahumada (1994) Visibility of DCT basis functions: Effects of display resolution, Proceedings, Data Compression Conference, Snowbird, Utah, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 371-379
A. B. Watson, J. A. Solomon, A. . Gale, & A. J. Ahumada (1994) Visibility of DCT quantization noise: Effects of display resolution, Proceedings, Society for Information Display, San Jose, CA, Society for Information Display, pp. 697-700