Peter Polson
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L. . Sherry, P. . Polson, & M. S. Feary (2002) Designing User-Interface for the Cockpit: Five Common Design Errors and How to Avoid Them, Sherry, L., Polson, P. and Feary, M. (2002) Designing User-Interfaces for the Cockpit: Five Common Design Errors, and How to Avoid Them. Paper to be presented at the 2002 SAE World Aviation Congress, Phoenix, AZ (November 5 - 7).
L. . Sherry, P. . Polson, & M. S. Feary (2002) Designing User-Interfaces for the Cockpit: Five Common Design Errors, and How to Avoid Them, Paper to be presented at the 2002 SAE World Aviation Congress, Phoenix, AZ (November 5 - 7)
S. . Lance, P. . Polson, M. S. Feary, & E. A. Palmer (2002) When Does the MCDU Interface Work Well?, Sherry, L., Polson, P., Feary, M. and Palmer, E. (2002) When Does the MCDU Interface Work Well? Paper presented at the the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aeronautics, Cambridge, MA (October 22-24).
N. M. Smith, J. A. Brown, P. . Polson, & J. . Moses (2001) An Assessment of Flight Crew Experiences with FANS-1 Controller-Pilot Data Link Communication in the South Pacific, 4th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management R&D Seminar, Santa Fe, 3-7 December 2001
S. . Lance, M. S. Feary, P. . Polson, & E. A. Palmer (2001) Cognitive Engineering Analysis of the Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Function., Sherry, L., Feary, M., Polson, P., Mumaw, R., and Palmer, E. (2001). Cognitive Engineering Analysis of the Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Function. NASA/TM-2001-210915. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA.
M. S. Feary, L. . Sherry, P. . Polson, & E. A. Palmer (2000) Evaluation Of A Formal Methodology For Developing Aircraft Vertical Flight Guidance Training Materia, Paper to be presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aeronautics, Toulouse, France (September 27-29)
M. S. Feary, L. . Sherry, P. . Polson, & E. A. Palmer (2000) Formal Method for Developing Part-Task Training for a Modern Autopilot, Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Edinburgh, Scotland (October 25-27)
M. S. Feary, D. . McCrobie, M. L. Atkins, L. . Sherry, P. . Polson, & E. A. Palmer (1999) Aiding Vertical Guidance Understanding, Aeronautique-Astronautique. Elsevier. Paris, France
M. S. Feary, D. . McCrobie, M. L. Atkins, L. . Sherry, P. . Polson, E. A. Palmer, & N. . McQuinn (1998) Aiding Vertical Guidance Understanding, Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aeronautics, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (May 27-29)
M. S. Feary, D. . McCrobie, M. L. Atkins, L. . Sherry, P. . Polson, E. A. Palmer, & N. . McQuinn (1998) Aiding Vertical Guidance Understanding., Feary, M., McCrobie, D., Alkin, M., Sherry, L., Polson, P., Palmer, E. (1998). Aiding Vertical Guidance Understanding. NASA/TM-1998-112217. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA.
M. S. Feary, E. A. Palmer, L. . Sherry, P. . Polson, M. L. Atkins, & D. . McCrobie (1997) Behavior-Based vs. System-Based Training and Displays for Automated Vertical Guidance, Paper presented at the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH (April 27-May 1)