Mary K. Kaiser
Research Psychologist
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- University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA - Ph.D. (Psychology) 1980-1982
- University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA - M.A. (Psychology) 1978-1980
- University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA - B.A. with honors 1974-1977
- Research Scientist, Human Information Processing Research Branch 1994-Present
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
- Principal Scientist, Rotorcraft Human Factors Research Branch, 1989-1994
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
- Research Psychologist, Human Interface Research Branch, 1985-1989
NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Psychology, 1982-1984
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
- Echols Scholar, University of Virginia 1974-1977
- Governor's Fellowship, University of Virginia 1978-1979
- International Leaders in Achievement 1988-1989
- International Who's Who of Professional and Business Women 1988-1989
- National Science Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship 1979-1982
- NIMH Postdoctoral Fellowship 1982-1984
- NASA Quality Increase for Sustained Superior Performance 1986, 92, 94, 95, 2000, 04
- NASA Grade Level Promotion 1987, 90, 96
- NASA Space Act Tech Brief Award 1987, 90
- NASA Special Service/Incentive Award 1989, 94, 95, 99, 2002, 03
- NASA Group Achievement Award 1990, 92, 98, 2000, 05
- NASA Space Act Patent Application Award 1995, 96
- NASA Spotlight Award 1994
- SAE Oral Presentation Award 1998
- The World Who's Who of Women 1989-1996
- Who's Who of Emerging Leaders in America 1988-1992
- Who's Who Among Rising Young Americans 1990-1992
- Who's Who in the West 1987-1996
- Who's Who of American Women 1990-1994
- Who's Who in Science and Engineering 1991-1993
- Dynamic event perception; visual cues for vehicle control; the influences of perceptual experience on intuitive models of physics; statistical applications in research.
- Courses: Perception, Cognition, Human Factors, Cognitive Development, Statistical Analysis
and Modeling
- Specialized Seminars: Motion Perception, Causal Reasoning.
- American Psychological Society
- Psychonomic Society
- Associate Editor, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and
Performance, 1996 - 1999, 2001 - 2005
- Consulting Editor, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 1987 – 1996, 2000 - 2001
- Consultant Reviewer: American Journal of Psychology,
American Psychologist,
Cognitive Development,
Cognitive Psychology,
Contemporary Psychology,
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied,
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition,
Journal of Sports Sciences,
Memory & Cognition,
Optical Engineering,
Perception & Psychophysics,
Perceptual and Motor Skills,
Proceedings of the IEEE: SMC,
Psychological Bulletin,
Psychological Review,
Psychological Science,
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review,
Vision Research
- San Jose State University
- Stanford University
- University of California, Santa Cruz
- University of Virginia
- APA Early Career Award Panel (Perception/Motor Performance)
- NASA Small Business Innovation Research Program
- National Institute of Mental Health
- National Science Foundation
- U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Available upon request
(2015) Ames Technology Award, Patent Award for Stroboscopic Image Modulation to Reduce Visual Blur of an Object Being Viewed by an Observer Experiencing Vibratio
(2013) NASA Honor Award, Outstanding Leadership Medal
(2011) Human Research Program (HRP) Peer Award, Development of gaps and risks for the Space Human Factors Engineering (SHFE) project
(2010) NASA Group Achievement Award, Human Vibration Team
(2009) NASA Space Flight Awareness Award, Centrifuge Vibration Team
(2007) NASA Group Achievement Award, Human Factors Systems Integration Group (SIG)
(2007) Privately Sponsored, Best Paper Award, AIAA, "Integration of size and binocular disparity visual cues in manual depth-control tasks"
(2005) Superior Accomplishment Award, Superior Accomplishment/New Business Award- ESMD/Human Systems Research and Technology's Human-Systems Integration (HSI) Program
(2000) NASA Group Achievement Award, High-Speed Research External Visibility System Team
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B. T. Sweet, & M. K. Kaiser (2013) Choosing your poison: optimizing simulator visual system selection as a function of operational tasks, Proceedings of the Image 2013 Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, June.
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, & M. R. Anderson (2013) Display strobing: An effective countermeasure against visual blur from whole-body vibration, Acta Austronatica, 92, 53-64
M. K. Kaiser, & B. T. Sweet (2013) Relating Standardized Visual Perception measures to Simulator Visual System Performance, Proceedings of the Image 2013 Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, June.
B. D. Adelstein, S. R. Ellis, & M. K. Kaiser (2011) Teleoperation in the presence of time delay, 4th IEEE International Conference on Space Mission Challenges for Information Technology, Workshop on Efficient Control of Multiple Semi-Autonomous Robotic Agents. August 2-4, Palo Alto CA
B. T. Sweet, & M. K. Kaiser (2011) Depth Perception, Cueing and Control, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference AIAA 2011-6424 08 - 11 August 2011, Portland, Oregon
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, & M. R. Anderson (2011) Display strobing countermeasure reduces the visual impact of whole-body vibration, Abstract, International Academy of Astronautics 18th Humans in Space Symposium, April 11-15, Houston TX
M. K. Kaiser, B. D. Adelstein, R. S. McCann, B. R. Beutter, & M. R. Anderson (2011) Display strobing reduces visual blur during whole-body vibration, Abstracts of the Psychonomics Society, 52nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, November 3-6, p. 137
E. M. Wenzel, M. . Godfroy, M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Begault (2010) Auditory Display Prototype Evaluation, HRP/SHFE report September 30th 2010
M. K. Kaiser, C. S. Allen, I. . Barshi, D. . Billman, & K. . Holden (2010) Human Factors Research for Space Exploration: Measurement, Modeling, and Mitigation, Panel accepted for 2010 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. 136-140
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, L. S. Stone, & M. R. Anderson (2009) Effects of Transverse Seat Vibration on Near-Viewing Readability of Alphanumeric Symbology, NASA Technical Memorandum 2009-215385
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, L. S. Stone, & M. R. Anderson (2009) Influence of Combined Whole-Body Vibration Plus G-Loading on Visual Performance, NASA/TM 2009-215386
A. J. Ahumada, M. K. Kaiser, & J. B. Mulligan (2009) The dynamic range of visual imagery in space, in Rogowitz, B. E., and Pappas, T. N. (eds.), Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XIV, Proc. SPIE, v. 7240
J. W. McCandless, M. K. Kaiser, T. S. Barth, R. S. McCann, & N. J. Currie (2006) Human-systems integration challenges for constellation, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. pp 96-100
B. T. Sweet, & M. K. Kaiser (2006) Integration of Size and Binocular Disparity Visual Cues in Manual Depth-Control Tasks, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit, 21 - 24 August 2006, Keystone, Colorado
J. W. McCandless, R. S. McCann, I. . Barshi, M. K. Kaiser, & A. . Andre (2006) Panel presentation: Human factors technologies for space exploration, In proceedings of Space 2006. San Jose, CA: AIAA
W. B. Lathrop, & M. K. Kaiser (2005) Acquiring spatial knowledge while traveling simple and complex paths with immersive and non-immersive interfaces, Presence, 14(3), 1-15
T. . Allard, & M. K. Kaiser (2005) An overview of NASA's space exploration vision: The human systems integration challenges, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting
M. K. Kaiser, & B. . Woodford (2005) Human factors engineering for exploration, Proceedings of the AIAA 1st Space Exploration Conference, Orlando, FL
B. T. Sweet, & M. K. Kaiser (2005) Modeling of perception and control of attitude with perspective displays, AIAA Paper 2005-5891, San Francisco, CA
B. T. Sweet, & M. K. Kaiser (2005) Modeling of Perception and Control of Attitude with Perspective Displays, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit AIAA 2005-5891 15 - 18 August 2005, San Francisco, California
B. T. Sweet, & M. K. Kaiser (2004) Comparing Visual Cues Necessary for Inner- and Outer-Loop Control, Presented at the Human Factors of UAVs Conference in Chandler, AZ
B. T. Sweet, & M. K. Kaiser (2004) Modeling of Visual Perception of a Perspective Scene in an Active Control Task.
B. T. Sweet, & M. K. Kaiser (2004) Modeling of visual scene perception in an active control task, Proceedings of the 2004 IMAGE Conference, Scottsdale, AZ
C. . O'Sullivan, J. . Dingliana, T. . Giang, & M. K. Kaiser (2003) Evaluating the Visual Fidelity of Physically Based Animations, ACM Transactions on Graphics. 22(3), Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2003
M. K. Kaiser, & J. A. Schroeder (2003) Flights of fancy: The art and science of flight simulation, In P. S. Tsang and M. A. Vidulich (Eds.), Principles and practice of aviation psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
M. K. Kaiser, & W. W. Johnson (2003) How now, broad tau?, In H. Hecht and G. J. P. Savelsbergh (Eds.), Time-to-contact. Advances in Psychology Series. Amsterdam: Elsevier - North-Holland
P. R. DeLucia, M. K. Kaiser, J. M. Bush, L. E. Meyer, & B. T. Sweet (2003) Information integration in judgments of time to contact, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 57A, 1165-1189
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (2003) Intuitive physics, In L. Nadel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of cognitive science. London: Nature Publishing Group
W. W.Y. Chung, B. T. Sweet, M. K. Kaiser, & E. . Lewis (2003) Visual cueing effects investigation for a hover task, AIAA Paper 2003-5524
M. K. Kaiser, & W. B. Lathrop (2002) Acquiring spatial knowledge of simple and complex virtual environments with various interface metaphors.
M. K. Kaiser (2002) Flights of fancy: The art and science of flight simulation.
W. B. Lathrop, & M. K. Kaiser (2002) Perceiving orientation in physical and virtual environments: Changes in perceived orientation as a function of idiothetic information available, Presence, 11, 19-32
H. . Hecht, M. K. Kaiser, G. J.P. Savelsbergh, & J. . Van Der Kamp (2002) The impact of spatio-temporal sampling on time-to-contact judgments, Perception & Psychophysics, 64, 650-666
M. K. Kaiser, & B. T. Sweet (2002) Visual cues for closed-loop control, Presented at the Vision Sciences Society Meeting in Sarasota, FL
P. R. DeLucia, M. K. Kaiser, A. . Garcia, & B. T. Sweet (2001) Effects of relative size and height in field on absolute judgment of time to contact, Presented at the Vision Sciences Society Meeting in Sarasota, FL
M. G. Dearing, J. A. Schroeder, B. T. Sweet, & M. K. Kaiser (2001) Effects of visual texture, grids, and platform motion on unpowered helicopter landings, AIAA Paper 2001-4251, Montreal, Canada
J. A. Schroeder, M. G. Dearing, B. T. Sweet, & M. K. Kaiser (2001) Runway texture and grid pattern effects on rate-of-descent perception, AIAA Paper 2001-4307, Montreal, Canada
M. K. Kaiser (2001) What is internalized?, A commentary on "Regularities of the Physical World and the Absence of their Internalization," by Heiko Hecht. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24, 680-681
P. R. DeLucia, M. K. Kaiser, J. M. Bush, L. E. Meyer, & B. T. Sweet (2000) Information integration in judgments about time to contact, Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, 41, S798
M. K. Kaiser, & B. T. Sweet (2000) Visual displays for closed-loop control: Faster, better, cheaper, or stereo?, Presented at the 41st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
M. K. Kaiser, & B. T. Sweet (1999) Integrating depth cues during active control: Does size matter?, Presented at the 40th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
M. K. Kaiser, W. B. Lathrop, & M. A. Logan (1998) Exploring physical and virtual environments, Presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
M. K. Kaiser (1998) Perceptual properties of immersive environments: Differentiating necessary, sufficient, and nice, SIGGRAPH98 Course Notes 38, Immersive Environments: Research Applications, and Magic
M. K. Kaiser (1998) The perception of dynamical constancies, In V. Walsh and J. Kulikowski (Eds.), Perceptual constancy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
M. K. Kaiser (1998) The surface operations research and evaluation vehicle (SOREV): A testbed for HSCT taxi issues, Paper 985558, World Aviation Conference
L. J. Bernstein, M. K. Kaiser, & W. W. Johnson (1997) Contingency of integrating multiple features as revealed by illusory conjunctions, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society
M. K. Kaiser (1997) Moving through time: The utility of a temporal metric for vehicle control, Presented at the Ninth International Conference on Perception and Action
J. W. McCandless, & M. K. Kaiser (1997) Obstacle detection in air-to-air images, Proceedings of the SPIE Enhanced and Synthetic Vision Conference, 3088: 40-49
J. W. McCandless, & M. K. Kaiser (1997) Obstacle detection in air-to-air images, In J. G. Verly (Ed.), Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1997: SPIE Proceedings Volume 3088
M. K. Kaiser, & M. J. Montegut (1997) Of red planets and Indigo computers: Mars database visualization as an example of platform downsizing, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 29, 48-53
M. K. Kaiser (1997) What becomes a window most: Perceptual tuning of virtual windows, Presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
M. K. Kaiser (1996) Downsizing visualization platforms: From Crays to Indigos and beyond, Presented at the Symposium on High-Performance Computer Applications in the Behavioral Sciences
H. . Hecht, M. K. Kaiser, & M. . Banks (1996) Gravitational acceleration as a cue for absolute size and distance, Perception & Psychophysics, 58, 1066-1075
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1996) Hi-Lo stereo fusion, Visual Proceedings of SIGGRAPH’96, pp. 146
M. K. Kaiser (1996) High power graphic computers for visual simulation: A real-time rendering revolution, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 28, 233-238
L. J. Bernstein, M. K. Kaiser, & W. W. Johnson (1996) Illusory conjunctions of shape, color, and motion, Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
M. K. McBeath, D. M. Shaffer, & M. K. Kaiser (1996) On Catching Fly Balls, (in Technical Comments) Science, 273, 256
M. K. Kaiser (1996) Perceptually tuned visual stimuli, Presented at the American Psychological Society 8th Annual Convention
H. . Hecht, M. K. Kaiser, G. J.P. Savelsbergh, & J. . Van Der Kamp (1996) The effect of time-sampling on temporal range judgments in real and simulated environments, Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
W. W. Johnson, & M. K. Kaiser (1996) Virtual windows for vehicle simulation, Proceedings of the 1996 IMAGE Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona
M. K. Kaiser, & B. T. Sweet (1995) Depth cue integration in an active control paradigm, Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
H. . Hecht, M. K. Kaiser, & W. . Aiken (1995) Extracting depth from motion parallax in real-world and synthetic displays, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 36, S359
P. J. Kellman, & M. K. Kaiser (1995) Extracting object motion without distance information: Combining constraints from optic flow and binocular disparity, Journal of the Optical Society of America (A), 12, 623-625
M. K. McBeath, D. M. Shaffer, & M. K. Kaiser (1995) How baseball outfielders determine where to run to catch fly balls, Science, 268, 569-573
M. K. Kaiser, & H. . Hecht (1995) Human performance issues of lunar-sited teleoperations, Presented at the XX General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1995) Perceiving events, In W. Epstein and S. J. Rogers (Eds.), Perception of space and motion: Handbook of perception and cognition, 2nd edition. San Diego: Academic Press
W. W. Johnson, & M. K. Kaiser (1995) Perspective imagery in synthetic scenes used to control and guide aircraft during landing and taxi: Some issues and concerns, In J. G. Verly (Ed.), Synthetic Vision for Vehicle Guidance and Control: SPIE Proceedings Volume 2463, 194-204
M. K. Kaiser, & H. . Hecht (1995) Phenomenal theories and theoretical phenomena in perception, A combined review of "Foundations of Perceptual Theory," edited by S. G. Masin, and "The Perceptual System: A Philosophical and Psychological Perspective," by A. Ben-Ze'ev. Contemporary Psychology, 40, 653-655
M. K. McBeath, D. M. Shaffer, & M. K. Kaiser (1995) Play ball!, (in Technical Comments) Science, 268, 1683-1685
M. K. Kaiser, M. J. Montegut, & D. R. Proffitt (1995) Rotational and translational components of motion parallax: Observers' sensitivity and implications for 3-D computer graphics, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 1, 321-331
H. . Hecht, & M. K. Kaiser (1995) Spatial representation: Posers and paradigms, A review of "Spatial Representation," edited by N. Eilan, R. McCarthy, and B. Brewer. The American Journal of Psychology, 108, 283-289
M. K. Kaiser (1995) Supercomputers and visual simulation, Presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology
M. K. Kaiser, & H. . Hecht (1995) Time-to-passage and time-to-contact judgments in non-constant optical flow fields, Presented at the Eighth International Conference on Perception and Action
M. K. Kaiser, & H. . Hecht (1995) Time-to-passage judgments in non-constant optical flow fields, Perception & Psychophysics, 57, 817-825
J. P. Jenkins, & M. K. Kaiser (1994) A NASA view of synthetic vision systems, Presented at the Royal Aeronautical Society Conference on Synthetic Vision Systems for Civil Aviation
J. P. Jenkins, & M. K. Kaiser (1994) Advanced enhanced visual systems for next generation aircraft., Proceedings of the Royal Aeronautical Society: Synthetic Vision Systems for Civil Aviation, 1.1 -1.10
M. K. McBeath, D. M. Shaffer, & M. K. Kaiser (1994) Baseball outfielders catch fly balls by canceling optical curvature, not optical acceleration, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 35, 1985
M. K. Kaiser, & J. P. Jenkins (1994) Enhanced/synthetic vision systems for advanced flight decks, SID International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, XXV, 93-96
M. K. Kaiser, & J. P. Jenkins (1994) Enhanced/synthetic vision systems for advanced flight decks.
M. K. Kaiser, & J. P. Jenkins (1994) Enhanced/synthetic vision systems for advanced flight decks, Invited address at the SID 1994 International Symposium, Seminar, & Exhibition
H. . Hecht, M. K. Kaiser, & M. . Banks (1994) Evidence for gravity as a cue for absolute size and distance?, Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
P. J. Kellman, & M. K. Kaiser (1994) Perceptual learning modules in flight training, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 38th Annual Meeting, 1183-1187
H. . Hecht, & M. K. Kaiser (1994) Time-to-passage judgments in non-constant optical flow fields, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 35, 1277
M. K. Kaiser, & H. . Hecht (1994) Time-to-passage judgments under violations of various constancy assumptions, Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society
M. K. Kaiser (1993) Examining the mapping between event kinematics and potential optical control variables, Presented at the Seventh International Conference on Event Perception and Action
M. K. Kaiser, J. A. Perrone, L. S. Stone, M. . Banks, & J. . Crowell (1993) Extracting heading and temporal range from optic flow: Human performance issues, In M. K. Kaiser & B. T. Sweet (Eds.), Proceedings of the Augmented VIsual Display (AVID) Research Workshop. NASA Conference Proceedings #10128
M. K. Kaiser, & H. . Hecht (1993) Optical specification of temporal range, Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
M. K. Kaiser, & L. . Mowafy (1993) Optical specification of time-to-passage: Observers’ sensitivity to global tau, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 19, 1028-1040
S. R. Ellis, M. K. Kaiser, & A. J. Grunwald (1993) Pictorial communication in virtual and real environments.
M. K. Kaiser, & B. T. Sweet (1993) Proceedings of the Augmented VIsual Display (AVID) Research Workshop, NASA Conference Proceedings #10128
M. K. Kaiser, M. J. Montegut, & D. R. Proffitt (1993) Sensitivity to rotational and translational components of motion parallax, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 31, 463
M. K. Kaiser, & A. V. Phatak (1993) Things that go bump in the light: On the optical specification of contact severity, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 19, 194-202
M. K. Kaiser, & W. J. Johnson (1993) Visual cues for vehicle control, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 37th Annual Meeting, 1375-1377
M. K. Kaiser, & L. . Mowafy (1993) Visual information for judging temporal range, Proceedings of Piloting Vertical Flight Aircraft: A Conference on Flying Qualities and Human Factors, 4-23
W. W. Johnson, M. K. Kaiser, & D. C. Foyle (1992) Beyond the cockpit: The visual world as a flight instrument, Paper presented at the 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, Miami Beach, FL, May
W. W. Johnson, M. K. Kaiser, & D. C. Foyle (1992) Beyond the cockpit: The visual world as a flight instrument, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association
D. L. Gilden, & M. K. Kaiser (1992) Kinematic specification of depth and boundary, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 33, 1141
M. K. Kaiser, P. J. Kellman, M. . Banks, & W. . Aiken (1992) Perception of target motion by passively moving observers, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 30, 470
M. K. McBeath, K. . Morikawa, & M. K. Kaiser (1992) Perceptual bias for forward-facing motion, Psychological Science, 3, 362-367
M. K. Kaiser, D. R. Proffitt, S. M. Whelan, & H. . Hecht (1992) The influence of animation on dynamical judgments, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 18, 669-690
L. . Mowafy, & M. K. Kaiser (1992) The use of global tau for judging the time to passage, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 33, 1140
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1992) Using the stereokinetic effect to convey depth: Computationally efficient depth-from-motion displays, Human Factors, 34, 583-600
M. K. Kaiser, W. W. Johnson, L. . Mowafy, R. T. Hennessy, & J. A. Matsumoto (1992) Visual augmentation for night flight over featureless terrain, Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 48th Annual Forum, Vol 1, 275-280
M. K. McBeath, & M. K. Kaiser (1992) Visual bias for gravitationally downward motion, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 33, 1143
D. C. Foyle, M. K. Kaiser, & W. W. Johnson (1992) Visual cues in low-level flight: Implications for pilotage, training, simulation, and enhanced/synthetic vision systems, American Helicopter Society 48th Annual Forum, Vol. 1, 253-260
D. C. Foyle, W. W. Johnson, & M. K. Kaiser (1992) Visual cues in low-level flight: Implications for pilotage, training, simulation, and enhanced/synthetic vision systems, Proceedings of the American Helicopter Society 48th Annual Forum, Vol. 1, 253-260
M. K. Kaiser, & J. . Calderone (1991) Factors influencing perceived angular velocity, Perception & Psychophysics, 50, 428-434
M. K. Kaiser, & D. C. Foyle (1991) Human factors issues in the use of night vision devices, Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 35th Annual Meeting, 1502-1506. Santa Monica, CA: HFES
M. K. Kaiser, J. . Jonides, & J. . Alexander (1991) Intuitive reasoning about abstract and familiar physics problems, In R. P. Honeck, T. J. S. Case, & M. J. Firment (Eds.), Introductory Readings for Cognitive Psychology. Guilford, CT: Dushkin Publishing Group
L. . Mowafy, W. W. Johnson, & M. K. Kaiser (1991) Night flight over limited-feature terrains, Presented at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1991) Perceiving environmental properties from motion information: Minimal conditions, In S. R. Ellis, M. K. Kaiser, & A. J. Grunwald (Eds.), Pictorial communication in virtual and real environments. London: Taylor & Francis
S. R. Ellis, M. K. Kaiser, & A. J. Grunwald (1991) Pictorial communication in virtual and real environments, London: Taylor & Francis (2nd Edition, 1993)
D. C. Foyle, & M. K. Kaiser (1991) Pilot distance estimation with unaided vision, night vision goggles and infrared imagery, SID International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, XXII, 314-317
D. C. Foyle, & M. K. Kaiser (1991) Pilot distance estimation with unaided vision, night-vision goggles and infrared imagery, SID International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, XXII, 314-317
D. R. Proffitt, M. K. Kaiser, & E. A. McAfee (1991) Seeing Beyond the Obvious: Understanding Perception in Everyday and Novel Environments, Presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society (November, 1990) and at the 35th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society (September, 1991)
M. K. Kaiser (1991) The visual world as a flight instrument: What we glean from the scene to control our machine, Presented at the Code F Vision Science and Technology Workshop, NASA Ames Research Center
M. K. Kaiser, & L. . Mowafy (1991) Time to passage: The forgotten tau, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 29, 477
W. W. Johnson, M. K. Kaiser, J. A. Perrone, & C. A. Awe (1991) Vehicle orientation: The perception of surface slant and glideslope, Presented at the Sixth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology
W. W. Johnson, & M. K. Kaiser (1991) Visually Guided Control of Movement, NASA Conference Proceedings #3118
M. K. Kaiser (1990) Angular velocity discrimination, Perception & Psychophysics, 47, 149-156
M. K. Kaiser, J. A. Perrone, G. J. Andersen, J. S. Lappin, & D. R. Proffitt (1990) The effect of motion on surface slant perception, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 31(4), 523
D. R. Proffitt, M. K. Kaiser, & S. M. Whelan (1990) Understanding wheel dynamics, Cognitive Psychology, 22, 342-373
M. K. Kaiser (1989) Angular velocity discrimination, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 30(3), 72
M. K. Kaiser, & E. A. McAfee (1989) Angular velocity discrimination with a twist, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 27, 487
M. K. Kaiser (1989) Comparative psychophysics for the perception of rotation and translation in 3D space, Presented at the Fifth International Conference on Event Perception and Action
D. L. Ronis, & M. K. Kaiser (1989) Correlates of breast self-examination in a sample of college women: Analyses of linear structural relations, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 19, 1068-1084
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1989) Human motion perception: Higher order organization, In A. B. Watson & J. B. Mulligan (Eds.), Vision Science and Technology at NASA: Results of a Workshop. NASA Technical Memorandum #102214
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1989) Perceiving environmental properties from motion information: Minimal conditions, In S. R. Ellis, M. K. Kaiser, & A. J. Grunwald (Eds.), Spatial Displays and Spatial Instruments. NASA Conference Publication #10032
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1989) Perceptual issues in scientific visualization, In W. E. Robbins & S. S. Fisher (Eds.), Three-Dimensional Visualization and Display Technologies: SPIE Proceedings Volume 1083
J. . Calderone, & M. K. Kaiser (1989) Visual acceleration detection: Effect of sign and motion orientation, Perception & Psychophysics, 45, 391-394
M. K. Kaiser, & R. W. Remington (1988) Spatial cognition, In T. Tanner, Y. A. Clearwater, & M. M. Cohen (Eds.) Space Station Human Factors Research Review, Volume IV. NASA Conference Publication #2426
D. R. Proffitt, D. L. Gilden, M. K. Kaiser, & S. M. Whelan (1988) The effect of configural orientation on apparent motion, Perception & Psychophysics, 43, 465-474
J. . Calderone, & M. K. Kaiser (1988) Visual acceleration detection: Effect of sign and motion orientation, Presented at the 68th Convention of the Western Psychological Association
M. K. Kaiser (1987) A physicist's anschauungen concerning mental imagery, A review of "Imagery in Scientific Thought," by A. I. Miller. Contemporary Psychology, 32, 801-802
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1987) Conceptual and perceptual understandings of mechanics, Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Event Perception and Action
M. K. Kaiser, A. J. Grunwald, & D. R. Proffitt (1987) Kinematic and kinetic appreciations of angular systems, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 25, 340
M. K. Kaiser, D. R. Proffitt, D. L. Gilden, & S. M. Whelan (1987) Kinematic and kinetic organization in apparent motion, Presented at the 67th Annual Convention of the Western Psychological Association
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1987) Observers' sensitivity to dynamic anomalies in collisions, Perception & Psychophysics, 42, 275-280
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1987) Understanding natural dynmaics, Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Event Perception and Action
M. K. Kaiser, M. . McCloskey, & D. R. Proffitt (1986) Development of intuitive theories of motion: Curvilinear motion in the absence of external forces, Developmental Psychology, 22, 67-71
M. K. Kaiser, J. . Jonides, & J. . Alexander (1986) Intuitive reasoning on abstract and familiar physics problems, Memory & Cognition, 14, 308-312. To be reprinted in D. Balota & E. Marsh (Eds.) Cognitive Psychology: Essential Readings. New York: Psychology Press, 2003
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1986) Swingtime: Observers' sensitivity to the dynamics of pendulums, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 24, 342
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1986) The use of computer graphics animation in motion perception research, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 18, 487-492
D. R. Proffitt, & M. K. Kaiser (1986) Why you cannot see what holds a gyroscope, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 24, 342
M. K. Kaiser, M. . McCloskey, & D. R. Proffitt (1985) Children's intuitive physics, Presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development
M. K. Kaiser, J. . Jonides, & J. . Alexander (1985) Intuitive physics reasoning on abstract and common sense problems, Presented at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Meeting
M. K. Kaiser, D. R. Proffitt, & K. . Anderson (1985) Judgments of natural and anomalous trajectories in the presence and absence of motion, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 11, 795-803
M. K. Kaiser, D. R. Proffitt, & M. . McCloskey (1985) The development of beliefs about falling objects, Perception & Psychophysics, 38, 533-539
R. G. O'Brien, & M. K. Kaiser (1985) The MANOVA approach for analyzing repeated measures designs: An extensive primer, Psychological Bulletin, 97, 316-333
M. K. Kaiser, D. R. Proffitt, M. . Flannagan, & J. M. Sullivan (1985) When worlds collide: Observers' sensitivity to collision dynamics, Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 23, 281
M. . McCloskey, & M. K. Kaiser (1984) Children's intuitive physics, The Sciences, 24, 40-45
M. K. Kaiser, & D. R. Proffitt (1984) The development of sensitivity to causally-relevant dynamic information, Child Development, 55, 1614-1624
B. M. DePaulo, G. . Brittingham, & M. K. Kaiser (1983) Receiving competence-relevant help: Effects on reciprocity, affect, and sensitivity to the helper's nonverbally expressed needs, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45, 1045-1060