Adam R.. Brody
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A. R.. Brody, S. R. Ellis, A. J. Grunwald, & N. I. Durlach (1993) Interactive Displays for Trajectory Planning and Proximity Operations,, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 30, 4, 514-518.
A. R.. Brody, & S. R. Ellis (1992) Acceleration and Pulse Control in Simulated Spacecraft Docking Maneuvers, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 28, 6, 728-730.
A. R.. Brody, R. H. Jacoby, & S. R. Ellis (1992) Extravehicular activity self rescue using a hand held thruster, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 29, 6, 842-848.
A. R.. Brody, & S. R. Ellis (1991) A comparison of acceleration control and pulse control in simulated spacecraft docking maneuvers, 29th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Reno, NV AIAA 910787, January, 1991.
A. R.. Brody, & S. R. Ellis (1991) Logistics and Operations Implications of Manual Control of Spacecraft, Proceedings of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics/Society of Logistics Engineers Fourth Space Logistics Symposium, Cocoa Beach, FL.
A. R.. Brody, R. H. Jacoby, & S. R. Ellis (1991) Man Overboard! What Next?, Proc. of the 42nd IAA IAA91584, in Space Safety and Rescue 1991, Science and technology series, 1993, G.W. Heath, ed. , vol. 82, 59-69.
A. R.. Brody, & S. R. Ellis (1991) Measurement of performance using acceleration control and pulse control in simulated spacecraft docking operations, Proceedings of Fifth Annual Workshop on Space Operations and Robotics, Johnson Space Center (SOAR '91), NASA Houston, Texas.
A. R.. Brody, R. H. Jacoby, & S. R. Ellis (1991) Simulation of extravehicular activity (EVA) selfrescue, 21st International Conference on Environmental Systems, San Francisco, California, July 15-18, 1991, SAE Technical Paper #911574.
A. R.. Brody, & S. R. Ellis (1990) Effect of an Anomalous Thruster Input During a Simulated Docking Maneuver, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 27, (6) 630-633
A. R.. Brody, & S. R. Ellis (1990) Manual control aspects of space station docking maneuvers, 20th International Conference on Environmental Systems, SAE Technical Paper 901202, Williamsburg, VA , July, 1990
A. R.. Brody, & S. R. Ellis (1990) The effect of initial velocity on ability to recover from an uncommanded thruster input during a simulated docking, 28th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 900519, Reno, NV, January, 1990
A. R.. Brody, S. R. Ellis, A. J. Grunwald, & R. F. Haines (1989) Evaluation of interactive displays for trajectory planning and proximity operations, Digital Avionics Conference