Gregory K. Tharp
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S. R. Ellis, G. K. Tharp, A. J. Grunwald, & H. A. Cunningham (1992) Exocentric judgments in real and virtual spaces, Proceedings of the Society for Information Display, Boston, Massachusetts, May 17-22, 1992.
S. R. Ellis, G. K. Tharp, A. J. Grunwald, & S. R. Smith (1991) Exocentric judgments in real environments and stereoscopic displays, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, San Francisco, CA September 2-6, 1991
G. K. Tharp, & S. R. Ellis (1990) Modeling Changes in Errors of Perceived Direction in Perspective Displays, NASA Technical Memorandum 102792: July, 1990