Sherry Lance
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S. . Lance, P. . Polson, M. S. Feary, & E. A. Palmer (2002) When Does the MCDU Interface Work Well?, Sherry, L., Polson, P., Feary, M. and Palmer, E. (2002) When Does the MCDU Interface Work Well? Paper presented at the the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction in Aeronautics, Cambridge, MA (October 22-24).
S. . Lance, M. S. Feary, P. . Polson, & E. A. Palmer (2001) Cognitive Engineering Analysis of the Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Function., Sherry, L., Feary, M., Polson, P., Mumaw, R., and Palmer, E. (2001). Cognitive Engineering Analysis of the Vertical Navigation (VNAV) Function. NASA/TM-2001-210915. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, USA.