Quang Dao
Senior Research Engineer
Phone: 650-604-6620
(2017) NASA Group Achievement Award, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) Team
(2017) Ames Honor Award, UTM Technical Capability Level 2 Demonstration
(2014) NASA Group Achievement Award, Single Pilot Operations (SPO) Experiment Team
(2014) NASA Group Achievement Award, UAS Integration in the NAS Full-Mission Sim Team
(2009) NASA Group Achievement Award, Integrated Testbed to Evaluate Concepts for Pilots, Controllers, and Automation Under
Nominal and Off-Nominal Conditions
(2008) Ames Honor Award, Trajectory Oriented Operations With Limited Delegation (TOOWilD)
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A. . Tripathi, J. . Garber, L. . Clarke, M. . Zhyla, J. R. Homola, Q. . Dao, F. G. Omar, L. . Glaab, R. . Mcswain, J. . Schaefer, & B. . Petty (2023) Missed Approach Procedures in Advanced Air Mobility: Conceptual Exploration, 2023 AIAA AVIATION Forum and Exposition, San Diego, CA
G. . Hodell, J. R. Homola, F. G. Omar, A. N. Gomez, Q. . Dao, & C. G. Ramirez (2023) Progressive Development of Fleet Management Capabilities for a High Density Vertiplex Environment, 2023 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, Orlando, FL
G. . Hodell, Q. . Dao, J. R. Homola, M. . Goodyear, S. N. Kalush, S. . Swaroop, & Y. . Jun (2022) Usability Evaluation of Fleet Management Interface for High Density Vertiplex Environments, In 41st IEEE/AIAA Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)
J. B. Holbrook, L. J. Prinzel, E. . Chancey, R. J. Shively, M. S. Feary, Q. . Dao, M. . Ballin, & C. . Teubert (2020) Enabling Urban Air Mobility: Human Autonomy Teaming Research Challenges and Recommendations, AIAA Aviation Forum, June 15-19, 2020, Virtual Event
L. H. Martin, C. A. Wolter, K. K. Jobe, J. R. Homola, M. . Cencetti, Q. . Dao, & J. . Mercer (2019) TCL3 UTM (UAS Traffic Management) Flight Tests, Airspace Operations Laboratory (AOL) Report, NASA/TM-2019-220347
D. . Thipphavong, R. . Apaza, B. . Barmore, V. . Battiste, B. K. Burian, Q. . Dao, M. S. Feary, S. . Go, K. . Goodrich, J. R. Homola, H. . Idris, P. . Kopardekar, J. B. Lachter, N. . Neogi, H. . Ng, R. . Oseguera-Lohr, M. . Patterson, & S. . Verma (2018) Urban Air Mobility Airspace Integration Concepts and Considerations , AIAA Aviation Forum (Aviation 2018); June 25, 2018 - June 29, 2018; Atlanta, GA; United States
Q. . Dao, L. H. Martin, C. P. Mohlenbrink, N. . Bienert, A. N. Gomez, L. . Roberts, J. . Mercer, & C. A. Wolter (2017) Evaluation of Early Ground Control Station Configurations for Interacting with a UAS Traffic Management (UTM) System, in 8th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, 2017
J. R. Homola, C. P. Mohlenbrink, Q. . Dao, L. . Roberts, L. H. Martin, & J. . Mercer (2017) Technical Capability Level 2 Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) Flight Demonstration: Description and Analysis, 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, St. Petersburg, FL
Q. . Dao, K. . Koltai, S. D. Cals, S. L. Brandt, J. B. Lachter, M. P. Matessa, D. . Smith, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2015) Evaluation of a recommender system for single-pilot operations, Paper to appear in the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Las Vegas, NV.
J. B. Lachter, V. . Battiste, M. P. Matessa, Q. . Dao, R. W. Koteskey, & W. W. Johnson (2014) Toward Single Pilot Operations: The Impact of the Loss of Non-verbal Communication on the Flight Deck, Proceedings of the HCI-AERO 2014 conference, Silicon Valley, California, July 30-August 1, 2014.
R. . O'Connor, Z. S. Roberts, J. . Ziccardi, R. W. Koteskey, J. B. Lachter, Q. . Dao, W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, K. L. Vu, & T. Z. Strybel (2013) Pre-study walkthrough with a commercial pilot for a preliminary single pilot operations experiment, 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
W. W. Johnson, J. B. Lachter, S. L. Brandt, R. W. Koteskey, Q. . Dao, J. M. Kraut, S. V. Ligda, & V. . Battiste (2012) An Evaluation of controller and pilot performance, workload, and acceptability under a nextgen concept for dynamic weather adapted arrival routing.
V. . Battiste, G. F. Lawton, J. B. Lachter, S. L. Brandt, R. W. Koteskey, Q. . Dao, J. M. Kraut, S. V. Ligda, & W. W. Johnson (2012) Comparison of controller and flight deck algorithm performance during interval management with dynamic arrival trees (STARS), 30th EAAP Conference, 24-28 Sep; Italy
J. B. Lachter, V. . Battiste, R. W. Koteskey, Q. . Dao, S. L. Brandt, S. . Wu, S. V. Ligda, & W. W. Johnson (2011) Communication issues for near-term implementation of trajectory-based operations, Lessons from an air-ground human-in-the-loop simulation using FANS, ACARS, and voice
Q. . Dao, S. L. Brandt, L. P. Bacon, J. M. Kraut, J. H. Nguyen, K. . Minakata, H. . Raza, & W. W. Johnson (2011) Conflict Resolution Automation and Pilot Situation Awareness, In G. Salvendy & M. J. Smith (Eds.), Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interacting with Information (Vol. 6772, pp. 473-482)
S. L. Brandt, J. B. Lachter, Q. . Dao, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2011) Flight Deck Workload and Acceptability of Verbal and Digital Communication Protocols, In G. Salvendy & M. J. Smith (Eds.), Human Interface and the Management of Information. Interacting with Information (Vol. 6772, pp. 463-472). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg
J. B. Lachter, V. . Battiste, R. W. Koteskey, Q. . Dao, S. L. Brandt, S. V. Ligda, S. . Wu, & W. W. Johnson (2011) Issues for Near-Term Implementation of Trajectory Based Operations, Ninth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, ATM2011 (Paper 132), EUROCONTROL/FAA. Berlin, Germany, June 2011
Q. . Dao, J. B. Lachter, V. . Battiste, S. L. Brandt, K. L. Vu, T. Z. Strybel, N. . Ho, P. . Martin, & W. W. Johnson (2010) Automated Spacing Support Tools for Interval Management Operations during Continuous Descent Approaches, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings (Vol. 54, pp. 21–25)
S. V. Ligda, Q. . Dao, K. L. Vu, T. Z. Strybel, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2010) Impact of Conflict Avoidance Responsibility Allocation on Pilot Workload in a Distributed Air Traffic Management System, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting Proceedings (Vol. 54, pp. 55–59)
W. W. Johnson, N. . Ho, V. . Battiste, K. L. Vu, J. B. Lachter, S. V. Ligda, Q. . Dao, & P. . Martin (2010) Management of continuous descent approach during interval management operation, Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2010 IEEE/AIAA 29th (pp. 4.D.4-1-4.D.4-13). Presented at the Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2010 IEEE/AIAA 29th, IEEE
N. . Ho, W. W. Johnson, P. . Martin, J. B. Lachter, Q. . Dao, S. L. Brandt, & V. . Battiste (2010) Pilot response to off-nominal conditions in merging and spacing operation, Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2010 IEEE/AIAA 29th (pp. 4.D.3-1-4.D.3-13). Presented at the Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2010 IEEE/AIAA 29th, IEEE.
D. A. Comerford-Roman, S. . Granada, W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, Q. . Dao, & S. L. Brandt (2009) Pilots' Weather-related Decision Making, Results from a Workshop Survey
Q. . Dao, S. L. Brandt, V. . Battiste, K. L. Vu, T. Z. Strybel, & W. W. Johnson (2009) The Impact of Automation Assisted Aircraft Separation on Situation Awareness, Human Interface, Part II, HCII 2009, LNCS 5618, pp. 738–747
V. . Battiste, W. W. Johnson, Q. . Dao, S. L. Brandt, N. H. Johnson, & S. . Granada (2008) Assessment of Flight Crew Acceptance of Automated Resolution Suggestions and Manual Resolution Tools, 26th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences, Anchorage, AK
Q. . Dao, V. . Battiste, S. . Granada, & W. W. Johnson (2006) Evaluation of the usefulness and usability of cockpit situation display perspectives for ROV operations in approach civil air space, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th Annual Meeting
V. . Battiste, Q. . Dao, T. Z. Strybel, M. . Dion, & H. . Bertolli (2006) So you want to fly remotely operated vehicles in civil approach air space, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th Annual Meeting
W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, S. . Granada, N. H. Johnson, Q. . Dao, D. . Wong, & A. B. Tang (2005) A simulation evaluation of a human-centered approach to flight deck procedures and automation for en route free maneuvering, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK
W. W. Johnson, V. . Battiste, S. . Granada, N. H. Johnson, Q. . Dao, D. . Wong, & A. B. Tang (2005) A simulation evaluation of a human-centered approach to flight deck procedures and automation for en route free maneuvering, Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology
V. . Battiste, E. A. Palmer, W. W. Johnson, N. M. Smith, T. . Prevot, J. . Mercer, S. . Granada, N. H. Johnson, Q. . Dao, & P. U. Lee (2005) Human Centered Decision Support Tools for Arrival Merging and Spacing, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK