Michael P. Matessa
Cognitive Scientist
Phone: 650-604-5975
(2014) NASA Group Achievement Award, Single Pilot Operations (SPO) Experiment Team
(2004) Technology Turning Goals Into Reality (TGIR) Awards, Human Factors contributors to The AMES MER Infusion Team
(2003) Ames Group Achievement Award, Code I MER Technology Infusion Team
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R. J. Shively, S. L. Brandt, J. B. Lachter, M. P. Matessa, G. G. Sadler, & H. . Battiste (2016) Application of Human-Autonomy Teaming (HAT) Patterns to Reduced Crew Operations (RCO), InĀ International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive ErgonomicsĀ (pp. 244-255). Springer International Publishing
S. V. Ligda, U. . Fischer, K. . Mosier, M. P. Matessa, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2015) Effectiveness of Advanced Collaboration Tools on Crew Communication in Reduced Crew Operations, Paper to appear in the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Los Angeles, CA
Q. . Dao, K. . Koltai, S. D. Cals, S. L. Brandt, J. B. Lachter, M. P. Matessa, D. . Smith, V. . Battiste, & W. W. Johnson (2015) Evaluation of a recommender system for single-pilot operations, Paper to appear in the Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Las Vegas, NV.
J. B. Lachter, S. L. Brandt, V. . Battiste, S. V. Ligda, M. P. Matessa, & W. W. Johnson (2014) Toward Single Pilot Operations: Developing a Ground Station, Proceedings of the HCI-AERO 2014 conference, Silicon Valley, California, July 30-August 1, 2014.
J. B. Lachter, V. . Battiste, M. P. Matessa, Q. . Dao, R. W. Koteskey, & W. W. Johnson (2014) Toward Single Pilot Operations: The Impact of the Loss of Non-verbal Communication on the Flight Deck, Proceedings of the HCI-AERO 2014 conference, Silicon Valley, California, July 30-August 1, 2014.
A. H. Vera, R. W. Remington, M. P. Matessa, B. . John, & M. . Freed (2005) Automating human-performance modeling at the millisecond level, Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 20, 225-265
M. P. Matessa, & R. W. Remington (2005) Eye Movements in Human Performance Modeling of Space Shuttle Operations.
V. A. Huemer, M. P. Matessa, & R. S. McCann (2005) Fault Management during Dynamic Phases of Spacecraft Flight: Effects of Cockpit Display Format and Workload.
V. A. Huemer, M. P. Matessa, & R. S. McCann (2005) Fault Management during Dynamic Spacecraft Flight: Effects of Cockpit Display Format and Workload, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
M. P. Matessa, & R. W. Remington (2005) Reusable Templates of Human Performance in Space Shuttle Procedures.
M. P. Matessa (2004) An ACT-R Framework for Interleaving Templates of Human Behavior., Matessa, M. (2004) An ACT-R Framework for Interleaving Templates of Human Behavior. Proceedings of the Twenty-sixth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.
M. P. Matessa (2004) Anticipatory Eye Movements in Interleaving Templates of Human Behavior., Matessa, M. (2004) Anticipatory Eye Movements in Interleaving Templates of Human Behavior. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling.
S. . Lee, R. W. Remington, U. . Ravinder, & M. P. Matessa (2004) Developing human performance models using Apex/CPM-GOMS for agent-based modeling and simulation.
R. W. Remington, S. . Lee, U. . Ravinder, & M. P. Matessa (2004) Observations on Human Performance in Air Traffic Control Operations: Preliminaries to a Cognitive Model.
M. . Freed, M. P. Matessa, R. W. Remington, & A. H. Vera (2003) How Apex Automates CPM-GOMS, Proceeding of the Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, Bamberg, Germany
M. P. Matessa (2003) Measures of Adaptive Communication., Matessa, M. (2003) Measures of Adaptive Communication. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Adaptive Systems.
R. W. Remington, M. P. Matessa, M. . Freed, & S. . Lee (2003) Using Apex/CPM-GOMS to Develop Human-Like Software Agents, The Second International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems, Melbourne, Australia
B. . John, A. H. Vera, M. P. Matessa, M. . Freed, & R. W. Remington (2002) Automating CPM-GOMS., John, B., Vera, A., Matessa, M., Freed, M, & Remington, R. (2002) Automating CPM-GOMS. Proceedings of CHI, 2002 (Minneapolis, April 20-25, 2002).
M. P. Matessa, A. H. Vera, R. W. Remington, & M. . Freed (2002) Reusable Templates in Human Performance Modeling., Matessa, M., Vera, A., John, B., Remington, R., & Freed, M. (2002) Reusable Templates in Human Performance Modeling. Proceedings of the Twenty-fourth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.