M P. Eckstein
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M. P. Eckstein, S. C. Mack, D. B. Liston, L. . Bogush, R. . Menzel, & R. J. Krauzlis (2013) Rethinking human visual attention: Spatial cueing effects and optimality of decisions by honeybees, monkeys and humans, Vision Research 85 (2013) 5-19
L. S. Stone, B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & D. B. Liston (2009) Perception and Eye Movements, In: Squire LR (ed.) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, volume 7, pp. 503-511. Oxford: Academic Press
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2004) Classification images reveal that saccades and perception use similar shape information in a visual search task, Journal of Vision, 4(8), 672a
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2004) Saccadic and perceptual classification images have similar receptive field shapes in a contrast-discrimination, visual search task, European Conference on Visual Perception
M. P. Eckstein, B. . Pham, S. S. Shimozaki, & B. R. Beutter (2004) Saccadic learning and template tuning, European Conference on Visual Perception
M. P. Eckstein, A. . Caspi, B. R. Beutter, & B. . Pham (2004) The decoupling of attention and eye movements during multiple fixation search, Journal of Vision, 4(8), 165a
A. . Caspi, B. R. Beutter, & M. P. Eckstein (2004) The time course of visual information accrual, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
A. . Caspi, B. R. Beutter, & M. P. Eckstein (2004) The time course of visual information accrual guiding eye movement decisions during visual search, Journal of Vision, 4(8), 743a
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2003) Saccadic and perceptual performance in visual search tasks, Contrast detection and discrimination”, Journal of the Optical Society of America
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2003) Similar Saccadic and Perceptual Accuracies in Visual Search for Oriented Gabors, The International Workshop on Visual Attention, San Miniato, Italy
A. . Caspi, B. R. Beutter, & M. P. Eckstein (2003) The accumulation of visual information driving the 1st saccade during visual search probed with spatiotemporal noise, Journal of Vision, 3(9), 69a
R. . Murray, B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2003) The relationship between saccadic and perceptual performance in visual search tasks, Letter discrimination, Journal of the Optical Society of America
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2002) Saccadic and perceptual accuracies in a visual-search detection task are similar over a wide range of external noise levels, Journal of Vision, 2(7), 543a
R. . Murray, B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2002) Saccadic targeting during, Optical Society of America 2002 conference
R. . Murray, B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2002) Saccadic targetting during visual search for letters, Journal of Vision, 2(10), 21a
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2002) Similar Internal Noise Levels Limit Saccadic and Perceptual Performance in a Visual-Search Task, Program No. 418.13. 2002 Abstract Viewer and Itinerary Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2001) Correlated saccadic and perceptual decisions in a visual-search detection task reveal spatial-filter overlap, Journal of Vision, 1(3), 263a
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (2001) Quantifying the performance limits of human saccadic targeting during visual search, Perception, 30, 1389-1401
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (2000) Accumulation of Information Across Saccades During Visual Search Depends on How Far the First Saccade Lands from the Target, Perception Supplement, V29
B. R. Beutter, L. S. Stone, & M. P. Eckstein (2000) Correlated Saccadic and Perceptual Decisions in a Visual-Search Detection Task reveal spatial-filter overlap, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, V26
B. R. Beutter, M. P. Eckstein, & L. S. Stone (2000) Parallel Differences in Contrast-Discrimination and Detection Performance for Saccades and Perception in Visual Search, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V40, p. S424
B. R. Beutter, L. S. Stone, & M. P. Eckstein (2000) Saccadic and Perceptual Decisions in Visual Search: Parallel Differences in Contrast-discrimination and Detection Tasks, Eye Movements and Vision in the Natural World Symposium, p. 27
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (2000) Task Information Increases from the First to the Second Saccade in Visual Search of a Target among Distractors, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V40, p. S759
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, J. L. Bartroff, & L. S. Stone (1999) Guided Search vs. Signal Detection Theory in Target Localization Tasks, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V40, p. S346
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1999) Human Saccades in Search: Second Chances Are Worth a Second Peek, Perception Supplement, V28
B. R. Beutter, L. S. Stone, & M. P. Eckstein (1999) Human Saccadic Accuracy in a Visual Contrast-Discrimination Search Task, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, V25, p. 656
L. S. Stone, B. R. Beutter, & M. P. Eckstein (1999) Salience Effects on Perceptual and Saccadic Target Localization during Search, Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, V25, p. 548
M. P. Eckstein, & B. R. Beutter (1998) Analytic Implementation of the Guided Search Model Allows Comparison to Signal Detection Models in Target-Localization Accuracy Tasks, Perception Supplement, V27, p.62
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1998) The Effect of Set Size on the Relationship between, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V39, p. S225
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1998) The effect of set size on the relationship between saccadic and perceptual decisions during search, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 39: S225
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1997) The Accuracy of Saccadic and Perceptual Decisions in Visual Search, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, V37, p. 1152
M. P. Eckstein, B. R. Beutter, & L. S. Stone (1997) The visual efficiency of eye movements during search, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 38: S1152
M. P. Eckstein, A. J. Ahumada, & A. B. Watson (1997) Visual signal detection in structured backgrounds. II. Effects of contrast gain control, background variations and white noise, Journal of the Optical Society A, 14(9), 2406-2419
M. P. Eckstein, A. J. Ahumada, & A. B. Watson (1997) What is degrading human detection performance in natural medical image backgrounds?, Medical Image Perception, ed. H. Kundel, Proceedings, 3016, 50-64, SPIE, Bellingham, WA