Bettina L. Beard
Research Psychologist
Phone: 650-604-1327
(2018) NASA Honor Award, ExMC Medical Data Architecture Team
(2010) NASA Group Achievement Award, ISRP and ERA Project Team
(2008) Ames Group Achievement Award, NAOMS Information Release Team
(2008) NASA Group Achievement Award, NASA Systems Engineering Handbook Team
(2007) Ames Group Achievement Award, Stardust Risk Management Team
(2007) NASA Group Achievement Award, Crew Exploration Vehicle Smart Buyer Design Team
(2006) NASA Group Achievement Award, Crew Exploration Vehicle Smart Buyer Design Study
(2006) NASA Engineering and Safety Center (NESC), NESC Design Development, Test, Evaluation Considerations for Robust and Reliable Spacecraft Assessment
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B. L. Beard, J. E. Bardina, W. B. Toscano, J. O. Odina, S. W. Winther, E. . Griffin, & M. . Krihak (2023) Medical System Requirements Development for Lunar Operations, In proceedings of the 12th International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety (IAASS) Conference, Osaka, Japan, May 22-25, 2023
B. L. Beard (2020) Characterization of How CO2 Level May Impact Crew Performance Related to the HSIA Risk, NASA/TM-20205011433
B. L. Beard (2020) Characterization of International Space Station Crew Members' Workload Contributing to Fatigue, Sleep Disruption and Circadian De-synchronization, NASA/TM-20205006969
B. L. Beard (2020) The Cognition and Fine Motor Skills Test Batteries: Normative Data and Interdependencies, NASA/TM—20205008023
A. J. Ahumada, B. L. Beard, & C. H. Null (2017) Accounting for the Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off in Quantifying Human-In-The-Loop Error Probabilities, Proceedings of AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition. Grapevine, TX. January 9-13, 2017
C. H. Null, & B. L. Beard (2013) Funding Opportunities at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, In R.J. Sternberg, Writing Successful Grant Proposals from the Top Down and the Bottom Up. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA
B. L. Beard, J. C. Johnston, & J. B. Holbrook (2013) NextGen operational improvements: Will they improve human performance?, Published in Conference Proceedings of the16th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio
J. B. Holbrook, B. K. Parke, R. L. Oyung, R. . Collins, K. M. Gonter, & B. L. Beard (2013) Perceived usefulness of planned NextGen capabilities by air traffic control tower controllers, Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH: The Wright State University
J. B. Holbrook, B. K. Parke, R. L. Oyung, R. . Collins, K. M. Gonter, & B. L. Beard (2013) Perceived usefulness of planned NextGen tools by air traffic control tower controllers, Published in Conference Proceedings of the16th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio
B. L. Beard, R. . Seely, J. B. Holbrook, & M. A. Galeon (2013) The Insertion of Human Factors Concerns into Nextgen Programmatic Decisions, In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Vol. 57, No. 1, pp. 91-95). SAGE Publications
D. . Bauer, P. . Picciano, B. L. Beard, J. B. Holbrook, & A. J. Ahumada (2012) An initial inventory of pilot and air traffic control performance data to support aviation simulations, Proceedings of the 4th AHFE International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, San Francisco, CA
L. . Strater, J. B. Holbrook, B. L. Beard, H. . Cuevas, & M. . Endsley (2012) An initial investigation of the impact of operator-automation goal divergence in the tower, Book Chapter 26 in Landry, S. J. (Ed.). Advances in Human Aspects of Aviation. CRC Press. pp. 269-278
B. L. Beard, J. B. Holbrook, C. . Cardoza, R. . Collins, & K. M. Gonter (2012) Initial requirements for defining function allocation and interface functional design for air traffic control operations, Submitted in completion of Systems Analysis, Integration & Evaluation (SAIE) Milestone #3.10
B. L. Beard (2011) Functional human factors requirements for integrated tower and TRACON workstations, Developed under sponsorship of FAA AJP-61, Interagency Agreement: DFTAWA-09-X-80020
J. B. Holbrook, A. F. Puentes, N. J. Stasio, K. K. Jobe, L. K. McDonnell, & B. L. Beard (2011) How thoroughly do proposed NextGen mid-term operational improvements address existing threats?, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH: The Wright State University.
J. B. Holbrook, A. F. Puentes, N. J. Stasio, K. K. Jobe, L. K. McDonnell, & B. L. Beard (2011) How thoroughly do proposed NextGen mid-term operational improvements address existing threats?, Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Dayton, OH: The Wright State University
N. . Schurr, R. . Good, A. . Alexander, P. . Picciano, G. . Ganberg, M. . Therrien, B. L. Beard, & J. B. Holbrook (2010) A testbed for investigating task allocation strategies between air traffic controllers and automated agents, Proceedings Of the Twenty-Second Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence. Vancouver, BC, Canada: AAAI Press
J. B. Holbrook, & B. L. Beard (2010) Surface operations toolbox III: Human-in-the-Loop simulation human factors support, human performance benefit of ASP tools to NextGen, and impact of the tools on NextGen operations, Submitted in completion of NASA Systems Analysis, Integration & Evaluation (SAIE) Milestone AP.2.A.10
B. L. Beard, J. B. Holbrook, C. T. Geven, & A. J. Ahumada (2009) Assessment of cognitive abilities in simulated space ascent environments (No. 2009-01-2425), SAE Technical Paper.
B. L. Beard, & J. B. Holbrook (2009) Field guide for an effective human-automation collaboration in NextGen, Naval Engineers Journal, 2-9
B. L. Beard, C. T. Geven, & J. B. Holbrook (2009) Surface operations toolbox II: Guidelines for preliminary function allocation among humans and automation, Submitted in completion of Airportal Metroplex Integration (AMI) Milestone AP.2.A.03
B. L. Beard (2008) Section 6.5 Cognition, In NASA Human Integration Design Handbook
B. L. Beard, C. T. Geven, & J. B. Holbrook (2008) Surface operations toolbox: Guidelines for an effective human-automation collaboration, Submitted in completion of Airportal Terminal Integration Management (ATIM) Milestone AP.1.A.01
B. L. Beard, K. M. Jones, C. . Chacon, & A. J. Ahumada (2005) Empirical basis for an occupational vision standard, Office of the Chief Scientist for Human Factors Aviation Maintenance Human Factors, 40
A. J. Ahumada, B. L. Beard, & K. M. Jones (2005) Modeling the detection of blurred visual targets in non-homogeneous backgrounds, Journal of Vision, 5(8), 484-484
A. J. Ahumada, & B. L. Beard (2005) Multipole-based CSF estimates predict crack detection individual differences.
A. J. Ahumada, & B. L. Beard (2003) Computational models and occupational vision standards for acuity and contrast sensitivity..
A. J. Ahumada, & B. L. Beard (2003) Using Vision Modeling to Define Occupational Vision Standards, Proceedings of 2003 Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting
B. L. Beard, W. A. Hisle, & A. J. Ahumada (2002) Occupational vision standards: A review, Report for FAA AAR-100
B. L. Beard, & A. J. Ahumada (1999) Detection in fixed and random noise in foveal and parafoveal vision explained by template learning, JOSA A, 16(3), 755-763
T. S. Barth, B. L. Beard, & A. J. Ahumada (1999) Nonlinear features in vernier acuity, In B. E. Rogowitz and T. N. Pappas, eds., Human Vision and Electronic Imaging IV, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3644, paper 8, 1999
A. J. Ahumada, & B. L. Beard (1999) Template learning models for visual target detection in fixed and random noise, Special issue of the Journal of Optical Technology (English) and the Opticheskii Zhurnal (Russian), 66(9, 10), 59-64
A. J. Ahumada, & B. L. Beard (1998) A simple vision model for inhomogeneous image quality assessment, SID Digest of Technical Papers, 29, Paper 40.1
G. . Westheimer, & B. L. Beard (1998) Orientation dependency for foveal line stimuli: orientation discrimination, vernier acuity, resolution, detection and intensity discrimination, Vision Research, 38(8), 1097-1103
A. J. Ahumada, B. L. Beard, & R. A. Erickson (1998) Spatio-temporal discrimination model predicts temporal masking functions, B. E. Rogowitz and T. N. Pappas, eds., Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3299, pp. 120-127
B. L. Beard, & A. J. Ahumada (1998) Technique to extract relevant image features for visual tasks, B. E. Rogowitz and T. N. Pappas, eds., Human Vision and Electronic Imaging III SPIE Proceedings Vol. 3299, pp. 79-85
A. J. Ahumada, & B. L. Beard (1997) Image discrimination models predict detection in fixed but not random noise, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 14(9), 2471-2476
A. J. Ahumada, & B. L. Beard (1997) Image discrimination models: detection in fixed and random noise, Proceedings of IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, February 8, 1997, San Jose CA, Paper # 3016-03
B. L. Beard, S. A. Klein, & T. . Carney (1997) Motion thresholds can be predicted from contrast discrimination, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 14(9), 2449-2470
B. L. Beard, D. M. Levi, & S. A. Klein (1997) Vernier acuity with non-simultaneous targets: The cortical magnification factor estimated by psychophysics, Vision Research, 37(3), 325-346
A. J. Ahumada, & B. L. Beard (1996) Object detection in a noisy scene, in B. Rogowitz and J. Allebach, eds., Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display VII, SPIE Proc. Vol. 2657 (paper 23), Bellingham, WA: SPIE.
B. L. Beard, D. M. Levi, & L. N. Reich (1995) Perceptual learning in parafoveal vision, Vision Research, 35(12), 1679-1690
D. . Yager, & B. L. Beard (1994) Age differences in spatial contrast sensitivity are not the result of changes in subjects' criteria or psychophysical performance, Optometry & Vision Science, 71(12), 778-782
B. L. Beard, D. . Yager, & S. . Neufeld (1994) Contrast detection and discrimination in young and older adults, Optometry & Vision Science, 71(12), 783-791
D. M. Levi, S. J. Waugh, & B. L. Beard (1994) Spatial scale shifts in amblyopia, Vision Research, 34(24), 3315-3333
B. L. Beard (1993) Effects of visual training on parafoveal Vernier and resolution acuity, Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics/Noninvasive Assessment of the Visual System, Technical Digest, Series 3, 360-363
A. P. Ginsburg, & B. L. Beard (1991) Suprathreshold Contrast Sensitivity Vision Test Chart, Vision Sciences Research Corp San Ramon CA. Final Report submitted to MIL SBIR Phase I
K. K. Ball, T. . Owsley, & B. L. Beard (1990) Clinical visual perimetry underestimates peripheral field problems in older adults, Clinical Vision Sciences, 5(2), 113-125
K. K. Ball, B. L. Beard, D. L. Roenker, R. L. Miller, & D. S. Griggs (1988) Age and visual search: expanding the useful field of view, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 5(12), 2210-2219
B. L. Beard (1988) Crawford masking as a function of mask contrast and spatial frequency, Doctoral dissertation, University of Toledo
B. L. Beard (1985) Masking of sinusodal targets by simple and complex masks, Masters Thesis, University of Toledo
F. L. Kitterle, & B. L. Beard (1983) The effects of flicker adaptation upon temporal contrast enhancement, Perception & Psychophysics, 33(1), 75-78