B Pham
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M. . Chandarana, G. G. Sadler, J. N. Keeler, C. L. Smith, C. . Rorie, D. . Wong, S. . Scheff, B. . Pham, & I. . Dolgov (2022) Streamlining Tactical Operator Handoffs During Multi-Vehicle Applications , 15th IFAC Symposium on Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Human Machine Systems HMS 2022, San José, USA (p.12-15). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.10.235
M. P. Eckstein, B. . Pham, S. S. Shimozaki, & B. R. Beutter (2004) Saccadic learning and template tuning, European Conference on Visual Perception
M. P. Eckstein, A. . Caspi, B. R. Beutter, & B. . Pham (2004) The decoupling of attention and eye movements during multiple fixation search, Journal of Vision, 4(8), 165a