Thomas R. Chidester
Level 3 Lead Intramural Monitoring
Phone: 650-604-6007
(2005) NASA Group Achievement Award, Aviation Data Integration System Technology Development Team,
(2005) NASA Space Act Board Award, Aviation Performance Measuring System (APMS) Morning Report Innovation
(2005) Privately Sponsored, R&D 100 Award, Editors' Choice Award- R&D Magazine
(2004) NASA Space Act Board Award, Aviation Data Integration System (ADIS): Secure Integration Of Aviation Data With De-Identified Flight Data
(2003) Technology Turning Goals Into Reality (TGIR) Awards, Performance Data Analysis and Reporting System (PDARS)
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E. . Wiener, T. R. Chidester, B. G. Kanki, E. A. Palmer, R. . Curry, & S. . Gregorich (1991) The Impact of Cockpit Automation on Crew Coordination and Communication: Overview, LOFT Evaluations, Error Severity, and Questionnaire Data, Wiener, Earl L., Chidester, Thomas R., Kanki, Barbara G., Palmer, Everett A., Curry, Renwick E., & Gregorich, Steven E. (1991). The Impact of Cockpit Automation on Crew Coordination and Communication. Volume 1: Overview, LOFT Evaluations, Error Severity, and Questionnaire Data. NASA Contractor Report 177587. NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.