Thomas E. Quinonez
Phone: 650-604-0140
(2023) NASA Honor Award, Advanced Air Mobility IAS-1 Research Flight Team
(2020) Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Associate Administrator (AA) Award, Technology and Innovation- Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration in the National Airspace System
(2017) Software Release Award, Software Initial Award- For contributing to the development of scientific or technical software, which has been approved for release by NASA, entitled Reduced Crew Operations (RCO) Ground Station ARC-17921-1
(2014) NASA Group Achievement Award, Single Pilot Operations (SPO) Experiment Team
(2013) NASA Group Achievement Award, Air Traffic Management Technology Demonstration- 1
(2013) Software Release Award, Software Initial Award - For contributing to the development of scientific or technical software, which has been approved for release by NASA, entitled StormGen Weather Editor ARC-16827-1
(2009) NASA Group Achievement Award, Integrated Testbed to Evaluate Concepts for Pilots, Controllers, and Automation Under
Nominal and Off-Nominal Conditions
(2008) Ames Honor Award, Trajectory Oriented Operations With Limited Delegation (TOOWilD)
(2005) NASA Group Achievement Award, Joint Ames/Langley Distributed Air/Ground-Traffic Management Simulation Team
(2004) Ames Honor Award, Joint Ames/Langley DAG-TM Simulation Team

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J. M. Kraut, T. E. Quinonez, S. . Wu, R. W. Koteskey, W. W. Johnson, & V. . Battiste (2012) StormGen: A Proposed Solution to Weather Simulation in NexGen Research, Proceedings from the 1st Annual Conference on Human Factors in Transportation