J Larimer
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R. A. Martin, A. J. Ahumada, & J. . Larimer (1992) Color Matrix Display Simulation Based Upon Luminance and Chromatic Contrast Sensitivity of Early Vision, Human Vision, Visual Processing, and Digital Display III, ed. B. E. Rogowitz, Proceedings Volume 1666, pp. 336-342, SPIE, Bellingham, WA
D. C. Foyle, A. J. Ahumada, J. . Larimer, & B. T. Sweet (1992) Enhanced/ synthetic vision systems: Human factors research and implications for future systems, SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace 101, 1734-1741
D. C. Foyle, A. J. Ahumada, J. . Larimer, & B. T. Sweet (1992) Enhanced/synthetic vision systems: Human factors research and implications for future systems, SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace, 101, 1734-1741
D. C. Foyle, A. J. Ahumada, J. . Larimer, & B. T. Sweet (1992) Enhanced/synthetic vision systems: Human factors research and implications for future systems, (Paper 921968). SAE SP-933: Conference Proceedings of the SAE Aerotech '92 Meeting, 59-66. SAE International: Warrendale, PA
M. . Pavel, J. . Larimer, & A. J. Ahumada (1992) Sensor Fusion for Synthetic Vision, Society for Information Display Digest of Technical Papers, ed. J. Morreale, pp. 475 - 478, Society of Information Display, Playa Del Rey, CA
M. . Pavel, J. . Larimer, & A. J. Ahumada (1991) Sensor Fusion for Synthetic Vision, AIAA Computing in Aerospace 8: A Collection of Technical Papers, vol. CP9110-1, pp. 164-173, AIAA, Washington, DC