E Villeda
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J. M. Orasanu, E. . Villeda, & J. B. Holbrook (2001) Plan continuation errors in pilot weather-related decisions, Paper presented at the Eleventh International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH, March 2001
E. . Villeda, L. H. Martin, & J. M. Orasanu (1999) Identifying and evaluating CRM behaviors in simulation training scenarios, In R. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH: OSU
L. H. Martin, J. M. Orasanu, & E. . Villeda (1999) Team training in SPOT, In R. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology. Columbus, OH: OSU
J. M. Orasanu, U. . Fischer, L. K. McDonnell, J. . Davison, K. E. Haars, E. . Villeda, & C. . VanAken (1998) How do flight crews detect and prevent errors? Findings from a flight simulation study, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42nd Annual Meeting (pp. 191-195). Santa Monica, CA: HFES
J. . Gibson, J. M. Orasanu, E. . Villeda, & T. E. Nygren (1997) Loss of situation awareness: Causes and consequences, In R. Jensen (ed.), Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (pp. 1417-1422). Columbus, OH: OSU