Cynthia H. Null
Technical Fellow for Human Factors
Phone: 650-604-1260
Cynthia H. Null- CV
Cynthia H. Null,
Technical Fellow for Human Factors
NASA Engineering and Safety Center
NASA Langley Research Center
Duty Station:
NASA Ames Research
MS 262-11
Moffett Field, CA
(650) 604-1260
- Ph.D.
1974 Quantitative Psychology; Michigan State University
- M.A. 1972
Quantitative Psychology; Michigan State University
- B.A. 1969
Mathematics; Albion College
Professional Experience
- 2007 NASA Technical Fellow for Human Factors
- 2003-2007 NESC Human Factors Discipline Expert
- 2000-2003 Research Psychologist, Human Factors Research and Technology Division
- 2000-2003 Deputy Program Manager, Space Human Factors Engineering Program
- 2000-2002 Consulting Professor, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, School of Engineering, Stanford, University
- 1998-2000 Deputy Chief (Acting Chief), Human Factors Research and Technology Division
- 1997-1999 Deputy Program Manager, Aviation Safety Program, NASA ARC
- 1997 - Program Manager, Aviation Operations Systems, NASA, ARC
- 1991-1996 Chief, Human Interface Research Branch, NASA Ames Research Center
- 1983-1987 Executive Director, Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences
- 1979-1992 Associate Professor of Psychology, College of William and Mary
- 1980-1981 Visiting Scholar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- 1978-1980 Adjunct Professor, Hampton Institute
- 1973-1979 Assistant Professor of Psychology, College of William and Mary
- 2000 - NASA Exceptional Service Medal
NASA Mishap Investigations
- 2015 Operational Control Failure of an Unmanned Aircraft System Flight
- 2006 Mishap Board, KSC Pad 39A Sandblast Pot Mishap
- 2005 Shuttle In-Flight Anomaly Team, STS –114 PAL Ramp Foam Loss
NASA Governance
- 2009 NASA representative to the Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group
- 2014-2019 Human Factors Capability Lead
- 2007 NPR 7805.2B Revision Team (Member)
- 2009-2012 NASA representative to National Science and Technology Council, Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Adversarial Behavior
- 2007 NPR 7805.2B Revision Team (Member)
- 2005 NASA Technical Authority for Human Factors Engineering
Journal Editing
- 1984-2004
Managing Editor, Psychometrika
- 1989-1996 Associate
Editor, Psychological Science
- 1990-1996 Associate
Editor, Behavioral Research Methods, Instruments &
Farley, F.H. and Null, C.H. (Eds.). (1987). Using Psychological Science: Making the Public Case. Washington, DC: Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences.
- Null, C.H., Addrur, V, Amman, O.C., Cordoza, C.T., Stewart, M.J., Avrekh, I., Mattews, B.L., Holbrook, J.A., Prinzel, L.J., & Smith B.E. (2019) Human Performance Contributions to Safety in Commercial Aviation. (Technical Memorandum 2019-220254) NASA, Washington, DC.
- Shepanek, M. & Null, C.H. (2018). The Complexities, Risks, and Rewards of Human/Machine Interdependent Space Systems and Missions. In R.S. Williams & C.R. Doarn, Engineering, Life Sciences, and Health/Medicine synergy in Aerospace Human Systems Integration: The Rosetta Stone Project. (Series Publication 633) NASA, Washington, DC.
- Null, C.H. (2017) 2.2 Human Error. In T. Sgobba, B. Kanki, J-F. Clervoy, & G.M. Sandal (Eds), Space Safety and Human Performance. Cambridge: Butterworth-Heinemann.
- Ahumada, A.J., Beard, B.L., & Null, C.H. (2017). Accounting for the Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off in Quantifying Human-In-The-Loop Error Probabilities. Proceedings of AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition. Grapevine, TX. January 9-13, 2017.
- Null, C.H., Jackson, M.D., Perry, T., Quick, J.C., & Stokes, J.W. (2014) Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Tools to Support the Human Factors Design Teams. (Technical Memorandum 2014-218263) NASA, Washington, DC.
- Null, C.H. & Beard, B.L. (2103). Funding Opportunities at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. In R.J. Sternberg, Writing Successful Grant Proposals from the Top Down and the Bottom Up. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
- Cameron, K.D., Gentz, S.J., Beil, R.J., Minute, S.A., Currie, N.J., Scott, S.S., Thomas, W.B., Smiles, M.D., Schafer, C.F., & Null, C.H. (2009). Review of the Constellation Level II Safety, Reliability, and Quality Assurance (SR&QA) Requirements Documents. (Technical Memorandum 2009-215914). NASA, Washington, DC.
- Null, CH (2009). Support Provided to the External Tank (ET) Project on the Use of Statistical Analysis for ET Position Paper. (Technical Memorandum 2009-215749) NASA, Washington, DC.
- Leckrone, D.S., Null, C.H., Caldwell, J., Graves, C., & Kontinos, D.A. (2009). Mars Exploration Rover Flight Operations. (Technical Memorandum 2009-215713) NASA, Washington, DC.
- Wilson, T.R., Gentz, S.J., Barth, T.S., Minute, S.A., Flowers, C.P., Hamilton, D.A., Null, C.H., & Shafer, C.F. (2009). Space Transportation System (STS)-117 External Tank (ET)-124 Hail Damage Repair Assessment. (Technical Memorandum 2009-215785) NASA, Washington, DC.
- Hobbs, A.N., Adelstein, B.D., O’Hara, J., & Null, C.H. (2008) Three Principles of Human-System Integration. Proceedings of the 8th Australian Aviation Psychology Symposium. Sydney, Australia, April 8-11, 2008.
- Adelstein, B.D., Hobbs, A.N., O’Hara, J., and Null, C.H. (2006). Design, Development, Test, and Evaluation: Human Factors Engineering. (Technical Memorandum 2006-214535) NASA, Washington, DC.
- Harris, C.E., Raju, I.S., Stadler, J.H., Piascik, R.S., Kramer-White, J.A., Labbe, S.G., Ungar, E.K., Rotter, H.A., Rogers, J. & Null, C.H. NESC Peer-Review of the Flight Rationale for Expected Debris Report. (Technical Memorandum 2005-213792) NASA, Washington, DC.
- Nezlek, J.B., Austin-Lane, J., & Null, C.H. (2001). Multidimensional scaling analyses of the perceived social structure of informal groups. Group Dynamics, 5, 200-207.
- Edwards, L.K., Link, S.W., & Null, C.H. (1997). High-performance computer applications in the behavioral sciences. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers, 29, 122-125.
- Rudd R.E., Allender J., Mueller C.W., Cole R., Auerbach M., Henry R., Seechuk K., Rhodes F., Connell D., Ager J., Null C.H., & Stephenson J. (1994). HIV-related training-programs for health-care professionals: Findings from a collaborative assessment. Aids Education and Prevention, 6, 283-295.
- Ahumada, A.J. &
Null, C.H. (1993), Image quality: A multidimensional problem. In
A.B. Watson (Ed.) Digital Images and Human Vision. Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
- Null, C.H. & Jenkins, J.P. (Eds.). (1993). NASA
Virtual Environment Research, Applications, and Technology.
(Technical Report). NASA, Washington, DC.
- Ahumada, A.J. &
Null, C.H. (1992). Image quality: A multidimensional problem.
Society for Information Display Digest (Paper 44-1).
- Null,
C.H. (1991) Reflections . . . Behavior Research Methods, Instruments
and Computers, 23, 117.
- Null, C.H. & Friedman, H. (1989).
Not everything about MYSTAT (Technical Manual). Williamsburg, VA:
College of William and Mary.
- Null, C.H. & Green, B.F.
(1988). Computing in psychology. Technical paper commissioned by
the Committee on the Impact of Technology on Science. Washington,
DC: National Research Council.
- Null, C.H. & Bloch, R.M.
(1988). Multidimensional scaling assessment of pilot workload: The
dominance of individual differences (Technical Report).
Williamsburg, VA: College of William and Mary.
- Null, C.H.
(1988). Science, politics and computers. Behavior Research Methods,
Instruments and Computers, 20, 73-80.
- Green, B.F., Null,
C.H., Furnas, G., Hagen, M., & Rumelhart, D. (1985). Advanced
computing in psychology. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and
Computers, 17, 331-338.
- Green, B.F. and Null, C.H. (Eds.).
(1985). Advanced computing for psychology: Conference report.
Washington, DC: Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and
Cognitive Sciences.
- Johnson, J.H., Butcher, J.N., Null, C.H.,
& Johnson, K.N. (1984).
- Replicated item level factor analysis
of the full MMPI. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47,
- Null, C. H. and Sarle, W. (1982). Multidimensional
scaling by linear regression. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual SAS
Users Group International Conference, 7, 643-650.
- Young, F.
W., Null, C. H., Sarle, W. and Hoffman, D. L. (1981). Interactively
ordering the similarities among a large set of stimuli. In R. G.
Golledge and J. N. Rayner (Eds.) Proximity and preference: Problems
in multi-dimensional analysis of large data sets. Minneapolis, MN:
University of Minnesota Press.
- Null, C. H. and Young, F. W.
(1981). Auditory perception: Recommendations for computer assisted
experimental paradigm. In D. J. Getty and J. H. Howard, Jr. (Eds.)
Auditory and visual pattern recognition. Hillsdale, NJ:
- Null, C. H. (1980). Multidimensional scaling:
Design considerations. Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation,
12, 274-280.
- Young, F. W., Null, C. H. and Sarle, W. (1978).
Interactive similarity ordering. Behavior Research Methods and
Instrumentation, 10, 273-280.
- Young, F. W. and Null, C. H.
(1978). Multidimensional scaling of nominal data: The recovery of
metric information with ALSCAL. Psychometrika, 43,
- McKenna, V., Ventis, W. L., and Null, C. H. (1979).
Age at marriage and child spacing: A longitudinal study of parental
attitudes and children's personality (Technical Report).
Williamsburg, VA: College of William and
Invited Addresses
- Null, C.H. (May, 2017). Human Factors Considerations of Sex and Gender in Human Space Exploration. The Human to Mars Summit. Washington, DC.
- Null, C.H. (April, 2017). Introduction to Human Measurement: Survey Design & Analysis. DATAWorks, Springfield, VA.
- Null, C.H. (September, 2010). Keynote Address: Engineering Excellence. Error Free (Right-Time-First) Engineering Technical Interchange and Workshop. Lockheed Martin, Sunnyvale, CA.
- Null, C.H. (May, 2010). Readiness for the Future: Human Factors Challenges for New Air Traffic Management. Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group, Meeting 63. Tempe, AZ.
- Null, C.H. (2007, February). Human factors considerations in launch vehicle design. Tenth Annual Commercial Space Transportation Conference, Arlington, VA.
- Young, F. W. and Null, C. H. (1978, June). Auditory perception: Recommendations for a computer assisted experimental paradigm. Symposium on the Recognition and Classification of Aural Signals, Boston, MA.
- Null, C. H. and Sarle, W. (1982, February). Multidimensional scaling by linear regression. SAS users group international conference, San Francisco, CA.
- Nezlek, J. B. and Null, C. H. (1982, July). The structure of social environments. Conference on Naturalistic Studies of Social Behavior, Nags Head, NC.
- Null, C.H. (1990, August). The areas of matrix algebra required by graduate students training to be behavioral scientists. Presentation at the National Science Foundation Workshop on the Linear Algebra Curriculum, Williamsburg, VA.
- Null, C.H. (1992, April). Telescience and Virtual Environments. In Technology and the Research Environment of the Future. New York State Library 7th Colloquium Series.
Paper Presentations
Human error analysis for human-rate space Systems. What is it, and how can it be done? Paper presented at International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety with J. O’Hara, A.N. Hobbs, & H.C. Dischinger. May 15-17, 2019. El Segundo, CA.
Systems are Changing: What About Metrics. Paper presented at DATAWorks 2018. March 20-22, 2018. Springfield, VA.
The Human Challenges of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems. Paper presented at 12th International Symposium of the Australian Aviation Psychology Association with A.N. Hobbs. November 7-10, 2016. Adelaide, Australia.
The Collection of Human Factors Incident Reports via USA Pilot Focus Groups. Paper presented at Human Factors and Ergonomics International Annual Meeting with A.N. Hobbs. September 19-23, 2016; Washington, DC.
Identification of Human Factors in Unmanned Aviation Via Pilot Incident Reports. Paper presented at 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics with A.N. Hobbs & C.T. Cordoza. July 26-30, 2016. Las Vegas, NV.
Human Factors of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems: Lessons from Incident Reports. Paper presented at Australian Society of Air Safety Investigators Regional Air Safety Investigation Seminar with A.N. Hobbs June 3-5, 2016. Brisbane, Australia.
Pilot Critical Incident Reports as a Means to Identify Human Factors of Remotely Piloted Aircraft. Paper presented at DoD Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group, Meeting 70, with A.N. Hobbs & C.T. Cordoza. May 9-13, 2016. Hampton, VA.
Defining Reliability and Robustness from a Human Factors Perspective. Paper presented at 7th Conference of the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety with A.N. Hobbs. October 20-22, 2014. Friedrichashafen, Germany.
Autonomy: The Role of Human System Integration. Paper presented at the DoD Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group, Meeting 68. May 19-22, 2014. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD.
Verification. Paper presented at the DoD Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group, Meeting 68. May 19-22, 2014. Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD.
2013 Human System Integration: NASA’s Role in Commercial Human Space Flight. Paper presented at Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. September 30-October 4, 2013. San Diego, CA.
How one functional human-factors requirement influenced a rocket Engineering. Paper presented at NASA Program Management Challenge, Orlando, FL.
2011 Manufacturing in panel on Human Factors throughout the Life Cycle: Lessons Learned from the Shuttle Program at the Fifth International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety. October 17-19, 2011. Versailles, FR.
Designing Reliable Space Systems in the panel Human Systems Integration Standards: from Design to Operations at The Fourth International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety, Huntsville, AL.
What Are the Human Factors Challenges in Designing an Automated Life Support Systems. Presented at SAE International Conference on Environmental Systems. June 29-July 2. San Francisco, CA.
Human Factors Issues for Human Rating a Robotic System in the panel Human-rating for Automated Systems and Robotics -What Makes a System Safe and Supportive for Human Explorers? Space Systems Engineering and Risk Management Symposium. February 26-29, 2008. Los Angeles, CA.
Design, Development, Test, and Evaluation (DDT&E) Considerations for Safe and Reliable Human Rated Spacecraft Systems: Human Factors Engineering at NASA Program Management Challenge, Daytona Beach, FL.
Rereading and Eye-Movements. Poster presented with TJ Slattery at Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting. November 10-13. Toronto, Canada.
Safety in Space Operations. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
Designing Intelligent Space Systems: Human Performance Considerations. Paper presented at the Human Operations Symposium, Houston, TX.
Accident Precursors: Or Is My Elephant Repellent Working. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology, Scarsdale, Arizona.
Advanced Display Technology R&D at NASA-Ames: Image Processing and Virtual Environment Applications DOD Human Factors Engineering TAG Meeting, Houston, TX.
The Politics of Running and Funding a Computer Lab. In C.W. Huff & J.F. Dickson (Chairs), Teaching. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
The Effects of Computer-based Instruction on College Students' Comprehension of Classic Research. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology with J. Welsh. New Orleans, LA.
Puzzling About Individual Differences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology, Newport, Rhode Island.
A Cognitive Scientist's View. In F.W. Young (Chair) A structured environment for data analysis. An invited symposium conducted at Interface‑89, Kissimmee, FL.
The view from a professional society. In C.H. Null (Chair), How scientists can interact with Congress and agencies. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Crystal City, VA.What Congress wants to hear from research. In S. Chipman (Chair), Research funding: An individual and a professional problem. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY.
Science, Politics and Computers. Presidential Address presented at the meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, Seattle, WA.
1984 Psychometrics and data analysis. In B.F. Green (Chair), Supercomputing in psychology. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, San Antonio, TX.
Individual differences multidimensional scaling: Problems and perspectives. Paper presented at the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology annual meeting, Denver, CO.
Robust multidimensional scaling. Paper presented at the joint meeting of the Classification and Psychometric Societies with W. Sarle, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
Multidimensional scaling of responsibility‑related words. Paper presented at the Psychonomic Society meeting with K.G. Shaver and C.W. Huff, Minneapolis, MN.
Some empirical results from principal direction scaling. Paper presented at the Psychometric Society meeting with F.W. Young, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
An item level factor analysis of the full MMPI. Sixteenth Annual Paper presented at a Symposium on Recent Developments in the Use of MMPI with J.H. Johnson and J.N. Butcher, Honolulu, HI.
Effects of family composition variables on contingent response in family interaction, or, Mom always liked you best. Paper presented at the Southeastern Psychological Association Convention with W.L. Ventis and W.M. McKenna, New Orleans, LA.
Multidimensional scaling: A tutorial. Paper presented at the National Conference on the Use of On‑Line Computers in Psychology, Phoenix, AZ.
The effects of age at marriage and child spacing on responsiveness to material social reinforcement. Paper presented at the fifth Biennial Southeastern Conference on Human Development with W.L. Ventis and V.M. McKenna, Atlanta, GA.
A Monte Carlo investigation of initial configurations strategies in KYST. Paper presented at the European Meeting on Psychometrics and Mathematical Psychology with F.W. Young, Uppsala, Sweden.
A comparison of metric recovery for two multidimensional scaling algorithms for nominal data. Paper presented at the Psychometric Society meeting with F.W. Young, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC.
Overview and design of the study. In D. Ventis (Chair), Marital age and child spacing: Effects upon children and family interaction. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.
Interactive conditional rank order scaling. Paper presented at the National Conference on the Use of On‑Line Computers in Psychology with F.W. Young, Catholic University, Washington, DC.
The effect of similarity data generated under non‑Euclidean metrics on the Euclidean solutions from INDSCAL. Paper Presented at the Psychometric‑Mathematical Psychology meeting, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.
- American Psychologist
- Applied Psychological Measurement
- Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers
- Multivariate Behavioral Research
- National Institutes of Health
- National Science Foundation
- Psychological Science
- Psychometrika
- Science
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Symposia Chaired
The past is prologue. Symposium of Past Presidents at the Society for Computers in Psychology, New Orleans, LA.
How scientists can interact with Congress and agencies. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Crystal City, VA.
- Null, C.H. and Johnson, D. Planning Grant on Preserving Scientific Integrity in the Behavioral Sciences. National Science Foundation Grant, DIR-9012479, 9/1/90-8/31/93.
- Null, C.H. Facilitating undergraduate research instruction with an integrated computer network. National Science Foundation Instrumentation Grant USE‑8952430, 4/15/89‑9/30/91.
- Null, C.H. Symposium for cognitive science. AFOSR Contract 85‑0107, 1/15/85‑6/15/85.
- Null, C.H. Science and public policy seminar series. Carnegie Foundation of New York, 7/1/84‑6/30/86.
- Null, C.H. Computer use in psychology. NSF Conference Grant BNS 84‑14453, 7/1/84‑12/31/84.
- Null, C. H. and Bloch, R. M. Multidimensional scaling approach to workload assessment in pilots. NASA Research Grant NCC1‑78, 3/16/83‑10/31/83, 11/1/83‑12/31/84
- McKenna, V., Ventis, W. L. and Null, C. H. Age at marriage and time to first birth: A longitudinal study. NICHD, contract #N02‑HD‑4‑2844, 7/1/74‑8/1/77
Rare Events – That Happen All the Time. Webcast for NASA Guidance, Navigation & Control Community of Practice. https://nen.nasa.gov/web/gnc/webcast/-/webcast/detail/1601.
Using a robust estimation procedure to improve the Euclidean representation of subjective distances. College of William and Mary, Mathematics Department.
The politics of science. James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA.
From ivory tower to Capitol Hill: Why make the journey? U of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
The psychometrics of human workload. NASA Ames Research Center, CA.
The politics of science. Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
A new look at multidimensional scaling. Psychology Dept, U of California, Santa Cruz.
Timbre, musical imagery and MDS: Or would Beethoven have been surprised? Department of Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.
From audition to imagery: The relationship of heard and imagined sounds. Department of Psychology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
Workshop: An introduction to multidimensional scaling in experimental research. Department of Psychology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.
Congruence of data structures for "imaged" and "heard" musical tones. Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ.
NASA Engineering and Safety Center Investigations
- 2019 Human Error Analysis Guide (Lead)
- 2018 Human Systems Integration for Safety-Critical Range Operations at Wallops (Lead)
- 2018 Human Performance Contributions to Safety in Commercial Aviation (Lead)
- 2017 Human Factors Analysis of Test Stand Operations (Lead)
- 2017 Human System Gap Analysis for Low Boom Supersonic X-Plane (Lead)
- 2016 Demonstration of IETM to Support Ground Systems Operations (Lead)
- 2014 Best Practice for Organizational Resilience in the ISS Program (Lead)
- 2013 Human Factors Review of SGSS Project (Lead)
- 2012 CAD Tools to Support Human Factors Design Teams (Lead)
(2006) NASA Group Achievement Award, Crew Exploration Vehicle Smart Buyer Design Study
(2005) NASA Group Achievement Award, Recurring Anomalies Review Team
(2000) Ames Honor Award, Exceptional Service Medal (ESM)
(2000) NASA Group Achievement Award, High-Speed Research External Visibility System Team
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C. H. Null, V. . Adduru, O. . Ammann, C. T. Cordoza, M. J. Stewart, I. . Avrekh, B. . Matthews, J. B. Holbrook, L. J. Prinzel, & B. . Smith (2019) Human Performance Contributions to Safety in Commercial Aviation, (Technical Memorandum 2019-220254) NASA, Washington, DC
J. B. Holbrook, M. . Stewart, B. E. Smith, L. J. Prinzel, B. . Matthews, I. . Avrekh, C. . Cardoza, O. . Ammann, V. . Adduru, & C. H. Null (2019) Human Performance Contributions to Safety in Commercial Aviation, NASA/TM-2019-220417
M. . Shepanek, & C. H. Null (2018) The Complexities, Risks, and Rewards of Human/Machine Interdependent Space Systems and Missions, In R.S. Williams & C.R. Doarn, Engineering, Life Sciences, and Health/Medicine synergy in Aerospace Human Systems Integration: The Rosetta Stone Project. (Series Publication 633) NASA, Washington, DC
A. J. Ahumada, B. L. Beard, & C. H. Null (2017) Accounting for the Speed-Accuracy Trade-Off in Quantifying Human-In-The-Loop Error Probabilities, Proceedings of AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition. Grapevine, TX. January 9-13, 2017
C. H. Null (2017) Human Error, In T. Sgobba, B. Kanki, J-F. Clervoy, & G.M. Sandal (Eds), Space Safety and Human Performance. Cambridge: Butterworth-Heinemann
C. H. Null, M. D. Jackson, T. . Perry, J. C. Quick, & J. W. Stokes (2014) Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Tools to Support the Human Factors Design Teams, (Technical Memorandum 2014-218263) NASA, Washington, DC
A. N. Hobbs, J. . O'Hara, B. D. Adelstein, & C. H. Null (2014) Defining reliability and robustness from a human factors perspective, Paper presented at 7th Conference of the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety. Friedrichshafen, Germany
C. H. Null, & B. L. Beard (2013) Funding Opportunities at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, In R.J. Sternberg, Writing Successful Grant Proposals from the Top Down and the Bottom Up. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA
D. S. Leckrone, C. H. Null, J. A. Caldwell, C. . Graves, & D. A. Kontinos (2009) Mars Exploration Rover Flight Operations, (Technical Memorandum 2009-215713) NASA, Washington, DC
C. H. Null (2009) Support Provided to the External Tank (ET) Project on the Use of Statistical Analysis for ET Position Paper, (Technical Memorandum 2009-215749) NASA, Washington, DC
A. N. Hobbs, B. D. Adelstein, J. . O'Hara, & C. H. Null (2008) Three principles of human-system integration, 8th International Symposium of the Australian Aviation Psychology Association. Sydney, Australia, 8 - 11 April 2008
B. D. Adelstein, A. N. Hobbs, J. . O'Hara, & C. H. Null (2006) Design, development, test and evaluation: Human factors engineering, (NASA/TM-2006-214535). Washington, DC; NASA.
J. W. McCandless, S. . Rajulu, F. . Mount, M. M. Mallis, M. . Mihriban, & C. H. Null (2004) Human Factors Engineering for Space Exploration Missions, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. 71-74
J. B. Nezlek, J. . Austin-Lane, & C. H. Null (2001) Multidimensional scaling analyses of the perceived social structure of informal groups, Group Dynamics, 5, 200-207
L. K. Edwards, S. W. Link, & C. H. Null (1997) High-performance computer applications in the behavioral sciences, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers, 29, 122-125
A. J. Ahumada, & C. H. Null (1993) Image quality: A multidimensional problem, In A.B. Watson (Ed.) Digital Images and Human Vision. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
C. H. Null, & J. P. Jenkins (1993) NASA Virtual Environment Research, Applications, and Technology, (Technical Report). NASA, Washington, DC
A. J. Ahumada, & C. H. Null (1992) Image quality: A multidimensional problem, Society for Information Display Digest (Paper 44-1)
C. H. Null (1991) Reflections . . . Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers, 23, 117
J. A. Welsh, & C. H. Null (1991) The effects of computer-based instruction on college student comprehension of classic research, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers, 23, 301-305
C. H. Null (1988) Science, politics and computers. Behavior Research Methods, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers, 20, 73-80
B. F. Green, & C. H. Null (1985) Advanced computing for psychology: Conference report, Washington, DC: Federation of Behavioral, Psychological and Cognitive Sciences
B. F. Green, C. H. Null, G. . Furnas, M. . Hagen, & D. . Rumelhart (1985) Advanced computing in psychology, Behavior Research Methods, Instruments and Computers, 17, 331-338
J. H. Johnson, J. N. Butcher, C. H. Null, & K. N. Johnson (1984) Replicated item level factor analysis of the full MMPI, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 47, 105-114
C. H. Null, & W. . Sarle (1982) Multidimensional scaling by linear regression, Proceedings of the Seventh Annual SAS Users Group International Conference, 7, 643-650
C. H. Null, & F. W. Young (1981) Auditory perception: Recommendations for computer assisted experimental paradigm, In D. J. Getty and J. H. Howard, Jr. (Eds.) Auditory and visual pattern recognition. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum
F. W. Young, C. H. Null, W. . Sarle, & D. L. Hoffman (1981) Interactively ordering the similarities among a large set of stimuli, In R. G. Golledge and J. N. Rayner (Eds.) Proximity and preference: Problems in multi-dimensional analysis of large data sets. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press
C. H. Null (1980) Multidimensional scaling: Design considerations, Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation, 12, 274-280
F. W. Young, C. H. Null, & W. . Sarle (1978) Interactive similarity ordering, Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation, 10, 273-280
F. W. Young, & C. H. Null (1978) Multidimensional scaling of nominal data: The recovery of metric information with ALSCAL, Psychometrika, 43, 367-379