Robert Mauro
Research Associate
Phone: 650-604-4256
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I. . Barshi, A. . Degani, R. . Mauro, & R. J. Mumaw (2024) Models of Human-Automation Systems: Initial Analysis of the Boeing 737MAX Design, HFES International Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ
I. . Barshi, A. . Degani, R. . Mauro, & R. J. Mumaw (2023) Analyses of the Boeing 737-MAX Accidents: Formal Models and Psychological Perspectives, 22nd International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Rochester, NY
J. M. Feldman, I. . Barshi, A. . Degani, L. . Loukopoulos, & R. . Mauro (2017) Designing Flightdeck Procedures: Literature Resources with Abstracts and Summaries, NASA Technical Publication TP-2017-219479. Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center
I. . Barshi, A. . Degani, R. . Mauro, & L. . Loukopoulos (2017) Guiding the Practice: The 4Ps, HindSight, 25, 50-53
I. . Barshi, R. . Mauro, A. . Degani, & L. . Loukopoulos (2016) Designing Flightdeck Procedures, NASA Technical Memorandum TM-2016-219421. Moffett Field, CA: NASA Ames Research Center
M. M. Connors, R. . Mauro, & I. C. Statler (2014) A Survey Methodology for Measuring Safety-Related Trends in the National Airspace System, International Journal of Aviation Psychology (ISAP), 24(4), 265-286
L. H. Martin, B. J. O'Keefe, L. . Schmidt, I. . Barshi, & R. . Mauro (2012) Houston, we have a problem solving model for training, Journal of Organizational Psychology, 12, 57-68
R. . Mauro, A. . Degani, L. . Loukopoulos, & I. . Barshi (2012) The operational context of procedures and checklists in commercial aviation, Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, (pp. 758-762)
I. . Barshi, A. . Degani, L. . Loukopoulos, & R. . Mauro (2011) Operational procedures, Presented at the 16th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, Ohio.
K. . Funk, R. . Mauro, & I. . Barshi (2009) NextGen flight deck human factors issues, Presented at the 15th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, Ohio.
R. . Mauro, & I. . Barshi (2009) Risk Assessment in Aviation, Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, (pp. 214-219)
R. . Mauro, & I. . Barshi (2008) Human oriented procedure design for the Next Generation Air Transportation System, Presented at the Human Factors and NextGen: The Future of Aviation conference, Arlington, TX.
R. . Mauro, & I. . Barshi (2006) Evaluating Computer Based Training for In Flight Icing, Proceedings of the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Reno, NV.
I. . Barshi, L. . Loukopoulos, A. . Degani, & R. . Mauro (2006) Understanding human error: Implications for the design of equipment, procedures, and training, Presented at the 26th Congress of the International Association of Applied Psychology, Athens, Greece.
R. . Mauro, & I. . Barshi (2005) Emotion-specific effects of stress on navigation tasks, Presented at the 13th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK.
R. . Mauro, & I. . Barshi (2005) Using risk management in emergency procedure design, Presented at the 13th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK.
R. . Mauro, & I. . Barshi (2003) Cognitive science and aviation training: Foundations for effective learning and operational application, Proceedings of the World Aviation Congress. Montreal, Canada.
R. . Mauro, & I. . Barshi (2003) Training Smart: Using principles of cognitive science in aeronautical education and training, Proceedings of the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics, Reno, NV.
R. . Mauro, I. . Barshi, & S. . Pederson (2001) Affect, Experience, & Aeronautical Decision-making, Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Ohio State University.
R. . Mauro, & I. . Barshi (2000) Aircrew decision training and evaluation using the internet, Proceedings of the 19th Digital Avionics System Conference (pp. 5.B.5-1 - 5.B.5-8). Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, Inc.
R. . Mauro, & I. . Barshi (2000) Fear and Flying: Effects of Emotional Stress on Memory in Simulated Flight and Analog Tasks, In R. S. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium of Aviation Psychology (pp. 1331-1336). Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.
R. . Mauro, & I. . Barshi (2000) Using an Internet-Based Decision Research System in Aviation Research, Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium of Aviation Psychology (pp. 848-853). Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.
R. . Mauro, & I. . Barshi (1999) Using an Internet-Based Decision Research System in Aviation Training Research, Proceedings of the International Aviation Training Symposium (pp. 241-250). Oklahoma City, OK: The FAA Academy.