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Jeffrey W. McCandless
Deputy Division Chief
Phone: 650-604-1162
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Jeffrey W. McCandless, Ph.D.
Mail Stop 262-2
Human Factors Research and Technology Division
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000
Phone: (650) 604-1162
Fax: (650) 604-0255
e-mail: jmccandless@mail.arc.nasa.gov
Web: http://isis.arc.nasa.gov/jeff
University of California, Berkeley
� Ph.D. in Vision Science received in May, 1996.
� M.S. in Mechanical Engineering received in May, 1992.
� Proficient with C, Matlab, HTML, Unix, Macintosh, and PCs.
� Coursework includes Robot Vision and Neural Network Modelling.
Washington University, St. Louis
� B.S. in Mechanical Engineering received in May, 1990.
� Co-recipient of a NASA Johnson Space Center Group Achievement Award for rapid development of the initial Cockpit Avionics Upgrade Display/Control and Applications Requirements (2001)
� Co-recipient of a NASA Johnson Space Center Group Achievement Award in recognition of outstanding contributions to the Space Shuttle Cockpit Council Development Team (2000)
� NRC (National Research Council) Research Associateship Award (1996-1998)
� NIH Training Grant (1992-1995)
� Vistakon Student Travel Fellowship Award (1995)
� Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor of the Year (1994)
� International Gas Turbine Institute Scholarship (1990)
� Tau Beta Pi: Engineering Honor Society (1989)
� Pi Tau Sigma: National Mechanical Engineering Honor Society (1988)
� Eagle Scout (1981)
Research Associate at NASA Ames Research Center
� Working on the Space Shuttle Cockpit Council to develop requirements for upgrading the space shuttle cockpit. (1999-present).
� Developed computer algorithms for object detection in images. (1996-1999).
� Investigated the perceptual distortions that occur in virtual environments. (1996-1999).
Graduate Student Researcher at U.C. Berkeley
� Developed a neural net model of binocular eye alignment. (1993-1996).
� Conducted experimental studies of sensory-motor adaptation of human subjects. (1992-1996)
� Examined the oculomotor and perceptual cues needed to determine accurate heading perception from optic flow stimuli. (1993).
� Designed a novel neural net algorithm for control of a six-cylinder automotive engine. (1990-1992).
System Administrator at U.C. Berkeley
� Maintained a network of eleven computers, including a Sun Sparcstation 10, Pentium PCs, and Macintoshes.
� Managed user accounts, installed software, set up a web server, and wrote programs for control of eye tracker equipment.
Teaching Assistant at U.C. Berkeley
� Oculomotor Functions and Neurology (spring, 1995)
� Binocular Vision (spring, 1993 and 1994)
� Teaching Techniques for Graduate Student Instructors (fall, 1993)
� Geometric Optics (fall, 1992)
Memberships in Professional Societies
� Airline Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA)
� Association for Aviation Psychology (AAP)
� Bay Area Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction (BayCHI)
� Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES)
(2017) Privately Sponsored, 2017 Alumnus of the Year for the U.C. Berkeley Vision Science Program
(2009) NASA Group Achievement Award, Johnson Space Center (JSC) Mission Operations Directorate (MOD) Internal Task Agreement (ITA) with Ames
(2002) Privately Sponsored, Best Presentation (IBM)
(2001) Johnson Space Center Award, Space Shuttle Cockpit Council Development Team
(2000) NASA Group Achievement Award, High-Speed Research External Visibility System Team
(2000) Johnson Space Center Award, Cockpit Avionics Upgrade Display
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J. J. Marquez, J. W. McCandless, T. J. Thrush, W. B. Toscano, J. . Ulman, & T. E. Diegelman (2008) Supporting Constellation Mission Training from Crew to Controllers., Proc. International Conference of Environmental Systems, June 29 – July3, 2008. San Francisco, CA.
M. . Hayashi, V. A. Huemer, J. B. Lachter, S. P. Elkins, F. . Renema, B. R. Beutter, J. W. McCandless, R. S. McCann, & L. . Spirkovska (2006) Evaluation of an Advanced Fault Management System Display for Next Generation Crewed Space Vehicles, In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Oct. 16-20, San Francisco, CA, 136-140.
J. W. McCandless, M. K. Kaiser, T. S. Barth, R. S. McCann, & N. J. Currie (2006) Human-systems integration challenges for constellation, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. pp 96-100
J. W. McCandless, R. S. McCann, I. . Barshi, M. K. Kaiser, & A. . Andre (2006) Panel presentation: Human factors technologies for space exploration, In proceedings of Space 2006. San Jose, CA: AIAA
R. S. McCann, J. W. McCandless, & B. R. Hilty (2005) Automating Onboard Operations in Next-Generation Spacecraft: Human Factors Issues, Online Proceedings of the AIAA Space 2005 Meeting. Aug. 30-Sep. 2. Long Beach, CA
R. S. McCann, J. W. McCandless, & B. R. Hilty (2005) Automating Vehicle Operations in Next-Generation Spacecraft: Human Factors Issue, Proceedings of the AIAA Space 2005 Conference
V. A. Huemer, M. . Hayashi, F. . Renema, S. P. Elkins, J. W. McCandless, & R. S. McCann (2005) Characterizing Scan Patterns in a Spacecraft Cockpit Simulator: Expert vs. Novice Performance, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting. Sep. 26-30. Orlando, FL. 83-87
M. . Hayashi, V. A. Huemer, F. . Renema, S. P. Elkins, J. W. McCandless, & R. S. McCann (2005) Effects of the Space Shuttle Cockpit Avionics Upgrade on Crewmember Performance and Situation Awareness, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting. Sep. 26-30. Orlando, FL. 54-58
J. W. McCandless, R. S. McCann, K. W. Berumen, S. S. Gauvain, V. J. Palmer, W. D. Stahl, & A. S. Hamilton (2005) Evaluation of the Space Shuttle Cockpit Avionics Upgrade (CAU) Displays, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting. Sep. 26-30. Orlando, FL. 10-14
J. W. McCandless, B. R. Hilty, & R. S. McCann (2005) New displays for the space shuttle cockpit, Ergonomics In Design, 13: 15-20.
J. W. McCandless, S. . Rajulu, F. . Mount, M. M. Mallis, M. . Mihriban, & C. H. Null (2004) Human Factors Engineering for Space Exploration Missions, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. 71-74
T. . Gandhi, M. . Yang, R. . Kasturi, O. . Camps, L. . Coraor, & J. W. McCandless (2003) Detection of obstacles in the flight path of an aircraft, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 39: 176-191
R. S. McCann, & J. W. McCandless (2003) Human-Machine Teaming for Dynamic Fault Management in Next-Generation Launch Vehicles, In Proceedings of the Joint Army-Navy-NASA-Air Force (JANNAF) 3rd Modeling and Simulation Subcommittee Meeting. Colorado Springs, CO
R. S. McCann, & J. W. McCandless (2003) Human-machine teaming for dynamic fault management in next-generation launch vehicles, Proceedings of the Joint Army-Navy-NASA-Air Force 3rd Modeling and Simulation Meeting, Colorado Springs, FL, Dec 1-5
J. W. McCandless, R. S. McCann, & B. R. Hilty (2003) Upgrades to the caution and warning system of the space shuttle., McCandless J, McCann R and Hilty B (2003) Upgrades to the caution and warning system of the space shuttle. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting, 16-20.
J. W. McCandless, & R. S. McCann (2002) Development of New Displays for the Cockpit of the Space Shuttle, IBM 6th Annual Make Information Technology (IT) Easy 2002 Conference
M. . Yang, T. . Gandhi, R. . Kasturi, L. . Coraor, O. . Camps, & J. W. McCandless (2002) Real-time implementation of obstacle detection algorithms on a Datacube MaxPCI architecture, Real-Time Imaging, 8: 157-172
B. . Woodford, T. . Rathjen, M. . Whitmore, S. . Rajulu, J. . Novak, J. W. McCandless, & B. . Peacock (2002) Space human factors advanced development projects, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 46th Annual Meeting, 76-80
R. S. McCann, & J. W. McCandless (2002) Toward a crew-system concept for real-time fault management in next-generation aerospace vehicles, In Proceedings of the Joint Army-Navy-NASA-Air Force (JANNAF) 2nd Modeling and Simulation Subcommitte Meeting
R. S. McCann, & J. W. McCandless (2002) Toward a crew-system concept for vehicle health management in next generation spacecraft, Presented at the Joint Army-Navy_NASA-Air Force 2nd annual modelling and simulation subcommittee meeting, Sandestin, FL
P. M. Jones, J. A. Caldwell, B. G. Kanki, J. W. McCandless, J. M. Orasanu, & J. . Rehling (2001) From perception to knowledge management: next-generation human factors for aerospace systems, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45th Annual Meeting, 96-99
R. S. McCann, & J. W. McCandless (2001) Human factors challenges in the design of next generation spacecraft, Presented at the 2001 Human. Systems Conference, Houston TX
R. S. McCann, & J. W. McCandless (2001) Human factors issues in the design of next-generation spacecraft, Human.Systems 2001. Houston, TX
J. W. McCandless, & S. R. Ellis (2000) Effect of eye position on the projected stimulus distance in a binocular head mounted display, Proceedings SPIE Conference 3957a
J. W. McCandless, S. R. Ellis, & B. D. Adelstein (2000) Localization of a time-delayed monocular virtual object, Presence: Telepresence and Virtual Environments, 9(1):15-24
J. W. McCandless, & S. R. Ellis (2000) The effect of eye position on the projected stimulus distance in a binocular head-mounted display, Proceedings of the SPIE Stereoscopic Displays and Applications Conference, 3957: 41-48
J. W. McCandless (1999) Detection of aircraft in video sequences using a predictive optical flow algorithm, Optical Engineering, Volume 38, Issue 3, pp. 523-530
J. W. McCandless, S. R. Ellis, & B. D. Adelstein (1999) The Effect of Accommodative Demand, Motion Parallax and Age on Virtual Object Localizations, Proceedings, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Santa Monica CA, September, 1999, pp.1328-1332.
J. W. McCandless, & A. J. Ahumada (1998) A predictive optical flow algorithm for aircraft detection, Proceedings of the SPIE Intelligent Mechanisms and Advanced Manufacturing Conference, 3522: 193-203
J. W. McCandless, S. R. Ellis, & B. D. Adelstein (1998) Localization of a monocularly presented virtual object with delayed visual feedback, Proceedings, 42nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Santa Monica CA, 1998, pp. 1595-1599.
J. W. McCandless, & C. M. Schor (1997) A neural net model of the adaptation of binocular vertical eye alignment, Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 8: 55-70
J. W. McCandless, & C. M. Schor (1997) An association matrix model of context-specific vertical vergence adaptation, Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 8: 239-258
C. M. Schor, & J. W. McCandless (1997) Context-specific adaptation of vertical vergence to multiple stimuli, Vision Research, 37: 1929-1937
S. R. Ellis, B. M. Menges, R. H. Jacoby, B. D. Adelstein, & J. W. McCandless (1997) Influence of head motion on the judged distance of monocularly presented virtual objects, Proceeding of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 41st Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, HFES, Santa Monica CA, pp. 1234-1238.
J. W. McCandless, & M. K. Kaiser (1997) Obstacle detection in air-to-air images, Proceedings of the SPIE Enhanced and Synthetic Vision Conference, 3088: 40-49
J. W. McCandless, & M. K. Kaiser (1997) Obstacle detection in air-to-air images, In J. G. Verly (Ed.), Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 1997: SPIE Proceedings Volume 3088
J. W. McCandless, C. M. Schor, & J. C. Maxwell (1996) A cross-coupling model of vertical vergence adaptation, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 43: 24-34
J. W. McCandless, & C. M. Schor (1996) Nonlinear interactions between multiple stimuli for adapting vertical binocular eye alignment, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, 37: 165
J. W. McCandless, & C. M. Schor (1995) A neural net model of vertical vergence adaptation, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, 36: 12
J. W. McCandless, & C. M. Schor (1995) A neural network model of the adaptation of binocular eye alignment, World Conference on Neural Networks, 1: 404 - 407
C. M. Schor, & J. W. McCandless (1995) An adaptable association between vertical and horizontal vergence, Vision Research, 35: 3519-3527
C. M. Schor, & J. W. McCandless (1995) Distance cues for vertical vergence adaptation, Optometry and Vision Science, 72: 478-486
J. W. McCandless, & C. M. Schor (1994) A cross-coupling model of vertical vergence adaptation, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, 35: 1283
J. W. McCandless, & C. M. Schor (1994) An adapted association between vertical and horizontal vergence, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, 35: 1283
J. W. McCandless, & C. M. Schor (1994) Cross-coupling of eye position sensitive neurons to maintain binocular alignment, Computation and Neural Systems Conference: 61
J. W. McCandless, & C. M. Schor (1993) A computational model of the phoria spread for vertical vergence adaptation, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, 34: 1309
J. W. McCandless, & C. M. Schor (1993) Context specific vertical vergence adaptation: effects of horizontal vergence and perceived distance, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, 34: 1311
M. . Banks, S. M. Ehrlich, C. M. Schor, J. W. McCandless, & J. . Crowell (1993) Heading perception in the presence of misleading eye position signals, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science Supplement, 34: 1229
J. W. McCandless (1991) Product review: The Coreco Oculus-500 imaging system, Metabolic Brain Disease, 6: 51-55