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Kevin B. Gregory
Phone: 650-604-6441
(2023) Ames Honor Award, Technician
(2020) Ames Group Achievement Award, Fatigue Countermeasures Laboratory
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C. J. Hilditch, L. . Arsintescu, S. K. Pradhan, K. B. Gregory, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2024) Investigating the Causes and Consequences of Controlled Rest on the Flight Deck, Frontiers in Environmental Health (Occupational Safety and Health Interventions special edition), 3, e1368628. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvh.2024.1368628
C. J. Hilditch, S. K. Pradhan, G. . Costedoat, N. G. Bathurst, Z. L. Glaros, K. B. Gregory, N. L. Shattuck, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2023) An at-home evaluation of a light intervention to mitigate sleep inertia symptoms, Sleep Health, (online publication ahead of print)
C. J. Hilditch, K. B. Gregory, L. . Arsintescu, N. G. Bathurst, T. E. Nesthus, H. M. Baumgartner, A. . Lamp, L. K. Barger, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2023) Perspectives on fatigue in short-haul flight operations from US pilots: A focus group study, Transport Policy, 136: 11-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tranpol.2023.03.004
L. . Arsintescu, C. J. Hilditch, K. B. Gregory, K. H. Kato, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2023) Sleep during layovers of different lengths after long-haul flying across multiple time zones in different geographic directions, Proceedings of SLEEP 2022, Charlotte, NV, June 4-8, 2022
C. J. Hilditch, S. K. Pradhan, G. . Costedoat, N. G. Bathurst, Z. L. Glaros, K. B. Gregory, N. L. Shattuck, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2022) Sex differences in perceptions of sleep inertia following nighttime awakenings, SLEEP Advances, zpac043; https://doi.org/10.1093/sleepadvances/zpac043
L. . Arsintescu, S. K. Pradhan, R. G. Chachad, K. B. Gregory, J. B. Mulligan, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2021) Early starts and late finishes both reduce alertness and performance among short-haul airline pilots, Journal of sleep research, 31(3), p.e13521
K. B. Gregory, R. N. Soriano-Smith, A. . Lamp, C. J. Hilditch, M. J. Rempe, E. E. Flynn-Evans, & G. L. Belenky (2021) Flight Crew Alertness and Sleep Relative to Timing of In-Flight Rest Periods in Long-Haul Flights, Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, Volume 92, Number 2, February 2021, pp. 83-91(9)
K. B. Gregory, A. N. Hobbs, B. K. Parke, N. G. Bathurst, S. K. Pradhan, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2020) An evaluation of fatigue factors in maritime pilot work scheduling, Chronobiology International, 2020 Sep-Oct;37(9-10):1495-1501. Epub 2020 Sep 10, DOI: 10.1080/07420528.2020.1817932
E. E. Flynn-Evans, C. L. Kirkley, M. . Young, N. G. Bathurst, K. B. Gregory, V. . Vogelpohl, A. . End, S. R. Hillenius, Y. . Pecena, & J. J. Marquez (2020) Changes in Performance and Bio-mathematical Model Performance Predictions during 45 Days of Sleep Restriction in a Simulated Space Mission, Scientific Reports, 24 Sept 2020, 10(1):1-4
C. J. Hilditch, L. . Arsintescu, K. B. Gregory, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2020) Mitigating fatigue on the flight deck: how is controlled rest used in practice?, Chronobiology International, Selected Proceedings of Shiftwork 2019, 1-9
L. . Arsintescu, R. G. Chachad, K. B. Gregory, J. B. Mulligan, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2020) The relationship between workload, performance and fatigue in a short-haul airline, Chronobiology International, 9 Sept 2020, 1-3
L. . Arsintescu, K. H. Kato, C. J. Hilditch, K. B. Gregory, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2019) Collecting Sleep, Circadian, Fatigue, and Performance Data in Complex Operational Environments, Journal of Visual Experiments, 150, e59851, DOI:10.3791/59851
Z. A. Caddick, K. B. Gregory, L. . Arsintescu, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2018) A review of the environmental parameters necessary for an optimal sleep environment, Building and environment, 132, 11-20
E. E. Flynn-Evans, L. . Arsintescu, K. B. Gregory, J. B. Mulligan, J. L. Nowinski, & M. S. Feary (2018) Better Performance on the Psychomotor Vigilance Task is Associated with Longer Sleep Duration and Lower Self-Reported Sleep Need in the Real World, Presentation at Sleep SLEEP, Volume 41, Abstract Supplement, June 02-06, Baltimore
A. N. Hobbs, K. B. Gregory, B. K. Parke, S. K. Pradhan, Z. A. Caddick, N. G. Bathurst, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2018) San Francisco Bar Pilot Fatigue Study, Technical Memorandum NASA/TM-2018-219934. Moffett Field: NASA Ames Research Center
E. E. Flynn-Evans, L. . Arsintescu, K. B. Gregory, J. B. Mulligan, J. L. Nowinski, & M. S. Feary (2018) Sleep and neurobehavioral performance vary by work start time during non-traditional day shifts, Sleep health, 4(5), 476-484
Z. A. Caddick, K. B. Gregory, & E. E. Flynn-Evans (2016) Sleep Environment Recommendations for Future Spaceflight Vehicles, Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation, 484, 923-933
E. E. Flynn-Evans, K. B. Gregory, L. . Arsintescu, A. . Whitmire, & L. . Leveton (2015) Risk of Performance Decrements and Adverse Health Outcomes Resulting from Sleep Loss, Circadian Desynchronization, and Work Overload, NASA Technical Report JSC.
A. . Lamp, L. . Hoeg, A. . Hemp, K. B. Gregory, & G. . Belenky (2014) The effect of long-duration, multi-segment flights on pilot sleep and performance, Sleep, 37 (Abstract Suppl.): A52
M. R. Rosekind, D. F. Neri, K. B. Gregory, M. M. Mallis, S. L. Bowman, & R. L. Oyung (2001) A NASA education and training module on alertness management: a survey of implementation and application, Sleep (Suppl. 24), A415
K. B. Gregory, R. L. Oyung, & M. R. Rosekind (1999) Managing alertness and performance in air traffic control operations, In P. S. Della Rocco (Ed.), The role of shift work and fatigue in air traffic control operational errors and incidents (NTIS Publication No. DOT/FAA/AM-99/2, pp. 1-10). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation
R. . Nimmagudda, R. L. Oyung, K. . Berens, K. B. Gregory, D. F. Neri, & M. R. Rosekind (1998) Assessment of sleep dynamics in a simulated space station environment, Aviation, Space & Environmental Medicine 69(3), 220
M. R. Rosekind, D. F. Neri, D. L. Miller, K. B. Gregory, L. L. Webbon, & R. L. Oyung (1997) Crew fatigue research focusing on development and use of effective countermeasures, ICAO Journal 52(4), 20-22
M. R. Rosekind, K. B. Gregory, D. L. Miller, R. L. Oyung, D. F. Neri, & D. F. Dinges (1997) Sleep quantity and quality of augmented long-haul flight crews in on-board crew rest facilities.
M. R. Rosekind, P. H. Gander, K. B. Gregory, R. M. Smith, D. L. Miller, & R. L. Oyung (1996) Managing Fatigue in Operational Settings 1: Physiological Considerations and Countermeasures, Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21, 157-165
M. R. Rosekind, P. H. Gander, K. B. Gregory, R. M. Smith, D. L. Miller, & R. L. Oyung (1996) Managing Fatigue in Operational Settings 2: An Integrated Approach, Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 21, 166-170