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Saccade detection during smooth tracking  (2013)
Abstract Header
Saccade detection in an eye-movement trace provides a starting point for analyses ranging from the inves- tigation of low-level oculomotor mechanisms to high-level cognitive processes. When the eye tracks the motion of the object of current interest (smooth pursuit), of the visual background (OKN), or of the resultant visual motion from a head movement (tVOR, rVOR), the smooth tracking movement is generally intermixed with rapid-phase saccadic eye movements, which must be excised to analyze the smooth components of tracking behavior properly. We describe a simple method to detect saccades on a background trace of var- iable velocity, compare our saccade-detection algorithm with the performance of an expert human obser- ver, and present an ideal-observer analysis to benchmark its detection performance.
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detection, during, Saccade, smooth, tracking
References Header
Displays 34 (2013) 171-176
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Adobe PDF Icon  ListonKrukowskiStone_2013.pdf (Download Acrobat Reader Click to download Adobe Acrabat Reader)
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Curator: Phil So
NASA Official: Leland Stone
Last Updated: August 15, 2019