Artemio Cacanindin
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K. . Koltai, N. . Ho, G. . Masequesmay, D. J. Niedober, M. . Skoog, W. W. Johnson, A. . Cacanindin, & J. B. Lyons (2014) An Extended Case Study Methodology for Investigating Influence of Cultural, Organizational, and Automation Factors on Human-Automation Trust, Proceedings of the ACM-CHI 2014 conference, Toronto, Canada, April 26-May 1, 2014.
D. J. Niedober, N. . Ho, G. . Masequesmay, K. . Koltai, M. . Skoog, A. . Cacanindin, W. W. Johnson, & J. B. Lyons (2014) Influence of Cultural, Organizational, and Automation Capability Factors on Human-Automation Trust: A Case Study of Auto-GCAS Engineers, Paper presented at the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, Crete, Greece, June 22 - 27, 2014
K. . Koltai, N. . Ho, G. . Masequesmay, D. J. Niedober, A. . Cacanindin, W. W. Johnson, & J. B. Lyons (2014) Influence of Cultural, Organizational, and Automation Capability on Human Automation Trust: A Case Study of Auto-GCAS Experimental Test Pilots, Paper presented at the International Conference on Human Computer Interaction in Aerospace, Santa Clara, CA, July 30 - Aug 1, 2014