Richard H. Jacoby
Phone: 650-604-0023
(2020) NASA Group Achievement Award, UTM - Technical Capability Level-4 Demonstration
(2017) NASA Group Achievement Award, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) Team
(2017) Ames Honor Award, UTM Technical Capability Level 2 Demonstration
(2013) NASA Group Achievement Award, Air Traffic Management Technology Demonstration- 1
(2011) NASA Group Achievement Award, NextGen Separation Assurance Team
(2010) Langley Center Team Award, Langley Center Team Award: NextGen team
(2010) Privately Sponsored, Outstanding Technology Development Award, Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer, Far West Region, Multi-Aircraft Control System
(2008) Ames Honor Award, Trajectory Oriented Operations With Limited Delegation (TOOWilD)
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D. . Rein-Weston, R. H. Jacoby, E. . Chevalley, A. . Globus, H. . Yoo, B. K. Parke, P. U. Lee, F. G. Omar, J. M. Kraut, N. . Bienert, A. R. Borade, C. V. Gabriel, K. M. Gonter, & E. A. Palmer (2014) Development of a route crossing tool for shared airspace environments, Proceedings of the 33rd Digital Avionics System Conference, Colorado Springs, CO: IEEE
A. . Globus, R. H. Jacoby, T. . Prevot, & J. K. Wong (2011) Rapid Generation and Utilization of Four-Dimensional Trajectories for Air Traffic Control and Management Applications in MACS, Infotech@Aerospace Conference, 29-31 March 2011, St. Louis, Missouri
J. . Mercer, T. . Prevot, R. H. Jacoby, A. . Globus, & J. R. Homola (2008) Studying NextGen Concepts with the Multi-Aircraft Control System, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference and Exhibit, 18 - 21 August 2008, Honolulu, Hawaii.
S. R. Ellis, B. D. Adelstein, S. . Baulmer, G. J. Jense, & R. H. Jacoby (1999) Sensor Spatial Distortion, Visual Latency, and Update Rate Effects on 3D Tracking in Virtual Environments, Proceedings, IEEE Virtual Reality '99, Houston, TX, 1999, pp. 218-221.
S. R. Ellis, F. . Breant, B. M. Menges, R. H. Jacoby, & B. D. Adelstein (1997) Factors Influencing Operator Interaction with Virtual Objects Viewed via Headmounted Seethrough Displays: viewing conditions and rendering latency, Proceedings VRAIS'97, IEEE Virtual Reality Annual Symposium, Albuquerque, NM, 1997, pp. 138-145.
S. R. Ellis, N. S. Dorighi, B. M. Menges, B. D. Adelstein, & R. H. Jacoby (1997) In search of equivalence classes in subjective scales of reality, In M.J. Smith, G. Salvendy, and R.J. Koubec, eds., Design of Computing Systems, Advances in Human Factors Ergonomics, vol 21B, Elsevier, 1997, pp. 873-876
S. R. Ellis, N. S. Dorighi, B. M. Menges, B. D. Adelstein, & R. H. Jacoby (1997) In search of equivalence classes in subjective scales of reality, Proceedings of HCI'97 International San Francisco, CA. pp. 873-876
S. R. Ellis, B. M. Menges, R. H. Jacoby, B. D. Adelstein, & J. W. McCandless (1997) Influence of head motion on the judged distance of monocularly presented virtual objects, Proceeding of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 41st Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, HFES, Santa Monica CA, pp. 1234-1238.
S. R. Ellis, F. . Breant, B. M. Menges, R. H. Jacoby, & B. D. Adelstein (1997) Operator Interaction with Virtual Objects: effect of system latency, In M.J. Smith, G. Salvendy, and R.J. Koubec, eds., Design of Computing Systems, Advances in Human Factors Ergonomics, vol 21B, Elsevier, 1997, pp. 973-976.
R. H. Jacoby, B. D. Adelstein, & S. R. Ellis (1996) Improved temporal response in virtual environments through system hardware and software reorganization, Proceedings of SPIE, 2653: Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems III, 1996, pp.271-284
K. . Nemire, R. H. Jacoby, & S. R. Ellis (1994) Simulation fidelity of a virtual environment display, Human Factors, 36, 1, 79-93
A. R.. Brody, R. H. Jacoby, & S. R. Ellis (1992) Extravehicular activity self rescue using a hand held thruster, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 29, 6, 842-848.
R. H. Jacoby, & S. R. Ellis (1992) Using Virtual Menus in a Virtual Environment, SPIE: 1992
R. H. Jacoby, & S. R. Ellis (1992) Virtual menus, Proceedings of the SPIE Technical Conference 1666. February 10-13, 1992, San Jose
A. R.. Brody, R. H. Jacoby, & S. R. Ellis (1991) Man Overboard! What Next?, Proc. of the 42nd IAA IAA91584, in Space Safety and Rescue 1991, Science and technology series, 1993, G.W. Heath, ed. , vol. 82, 59-69.
A. R.. Brody, R. H. Jacoby, & S. R. Ellis (1991) Simulation of extravehicular activity (EVA) selfrescue, 21st International Conference on Environmental Systems, San Francisco, California, July 15-18, 1991, SAE Technical Paper #911574.