Faisal G. Omar
Research Engineer
Phone: 650-604-3832
(2023) Best Paper Award, Best Paper of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Operations 2 Session (DASC 2023) - "Airspace Performance Observations of Scalable Autonomous Operations in a High Density Vertiplex Simulation"
(2022) NASA Group Achievement Award, UAM Strategic Conflict Management Simulation Team
(2021) NASA Honor Award, Exceptional Achievement
(2020) NASA Group Achievement Award, UTM - Technical Capability Level-4 Demonstration
(2020) NASA Group Achievement Award, Air Traffic Management-eXploration (ATM-X) Urban Air Mobility (UAM) Experiment 2 (X2) Team
(2019) NASA Group Achievement Award, ATD-2 IADS Field Demonstration Team
(2018) Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Associate Administrator (AA) Award, Technology and Innovation Group Award- ATD-2/IADS Field Demonstration Team
(2017) NASA Group Achievement Award, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Traffic Management (UTM) Team
(2017) Ames Honor Award, UTM Technical Capability Level 2 Demonstration
(2015) Best Paper Award, Best Paper of Session- "Exploring Management of Arrival Spacing Using Route Extensions with Terminal Spacing Tools"
(2014) Best Paper Award, Best Paper/Emerging Technologies Tract- "Decision Support Tools for Climbing Departure Aircraft Through Arrival Airspace"
(2013) NASA Group Achievement Award, Air Traffic Management Technology Demonstration- 1
(2013) Best Paper Award, Best Paper Award, 32nd DASC - Human Interaction in ATC and in the Cockpit, "NextGen Operations in a Simulated NY Area Airspace"

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A. I. Tiwari, J. R. Homola, & F. G. Omar (2024) Initial Development of an Upper Class E Traffic Management (ETM) System for Stratospheric Flight Operations, AIAA AVIATION Forum and Exposition, Las Vegas, NV.
G. . Hodell, M. . Goodyear, F. G. Omar, A. N. Gomez, A. I. Tiwari, & J. R. Homola (2023) Airspace Performance Observations of Scalable Autonomous Operations in a High Density Vertiplex Simulation, 42nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference Proceedings, Barcelona, Spain
A. . Tripathi, J. . Garber, L. . Clarke, M. . Zhyla, J. R. Homola, Q. . Dao, F. G. Omar, L. . Glaab, R. . Mcswain, J. . Schaefer, & B. . Petty (2023) Missed Approach Procedures in Advanced Air Mobility: Conceptual Exploration, 2023 AIAA AVIATION Forum and Exposition, San Diego, CA
G. . Hodell, J. R. Homola, F. G. Omar, A. N. Gomez, Q. . Dao, & C. G. Ramirez (2023) Progressive Development of Fleet Management Capabilities for a High Density Vertiplex Environment, 2023 AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, Orlando, FL
L. H. Martin, K. K. Jobe, F. G. Omar, C. G. Ramirez, & J. R. Homola (2019) Usability test of a prototype UAS awareness interface for public users, Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics 63rd Annual Meeting (HFES 2019), Seattle, Washington, October 28-November 1
J. R. Homola, K. K. Jobe, L. H. Martin, F. G. Omar, & C. G. Ramirez (2018) Giving the public a perspective into unmanned aircraft systems’ operations, 37th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC2018), London, UK, September
P. U. Lee, N. M. Smith, N. . Bienert, C. L. Brasil, N. J. Buckley, E. . Chevalley, J. R. Homola, F. G. Omar, B. K. Parke, & H. . Yoo (2016) A Human-in-the-loop Evaluation of a Coordinated Arrival/Departure Scheduling Operation for Reducing Departure Delays at LaGuardia Airport, 16th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, Washington D. C.
N. M. Smith, C. L. Brasil, P. U. Lee, N. J. Buckley, C. V. Gabriel, C. P. Mohlenbrink, F. G. Omar, B. K. Parke, C. G. Speridakos, & H. . Yoo (2016) Integrated demand management: Coordinating strategic and tactical flow scheduling operations, In 16th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference, p. 4221. Washington, D.C.
B. K. Parke, C. P. Mohlenbrink, C. L. Brasil, C. G. Speridakos, H. . Yoo, F. G. Omar, N. J. Buckley, C. V. Gabriel, A. . Belfield, P. U. Lee, & N. M. Smith (2016) Reducing Departure Delays for Adjacent Center Airports using Time- Based Flow Management Scheduler: Checkbox ON or OFF?, 35th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, 2016. September 25-30, Sacramento, CA
T. . Prevot, J. . Mercer, J. R. Homola, S. M. Hunt, A. N. Gomez, N. . Bienert, F. G. Omar, J. M. Kraut, C. L. Brasil, & M. G. Wu (2015) Arrival Metering Precision Study, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, AIAA Science and Technology Forum 2015, Kissimmee, Florida
B. K. Parke, N. . Bienert, E. . Chevalley, F. G. Omar, N. J. Buckley, C. L. Brasil, H. . Yoo, A. R. Borade, C. V. Gabriel, P. U. Lee, J. R. Homola, & N. M. Smith (2015) Exploring Management of Arrival Spacing Using Route Extensions with Terminal Spacing Tools, Proceedings of the 34th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Prague, Czech Republic: IEEE
E. . Chevalley, B. K. Parke, J. M. Kraut, N. . Bienert, F. G. Omar, & E. A. Palmer (2015) Scheduling and Delivering Aircraft to Departure Fixes in the NY Metroplex with Controller-Managed Spacing Tools, Proceedings of the 15th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations Conference
B. K. Parke, E. . Chevalley, N. . Bienert, P. U. Lee, K. M. Gonter, F. G. Omar, J. M. Kraut, H. . Yoo, A. R. Borade, C. V. Gabriel, D. . Rein-Weston, & E. A. Palmer (2015) The Effectiveness of a Route Crossing Tool in a Simulated New York Airspace, Eleventh USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar, ATM2015 (Paper 470), EUROCONTROL/FAA. Lisbon, Portugal
B. K. Parke, E. . Chevalley, P. U. Lee, F. G. Omar, H. . Lee, J. M. Kraut, K. M. Gonter, A. R. Borade, C. V. Gabriel, N. . Bienert, C. . Lin, H. . Yoo, & E. A. Palmer (2014) Coordination between sectors in shared airspace operations, Proceedings of the 33rd Digital Avionics Systems Conference. Colorado Springs, CO: IEEE
E. . Chevalley, B. K. Parke, P. U. Lee, F. G. Omar, H. . Yoo, J. M. Kraut, D. . Rein-Weston, N. . Bienert, C. . Lin, K. M. Gonter, & E. A. Palmer (2014) Decision support tools for climbing departure aircraft through arrival airspace, Proceedings of the 33rd Digital Avionics System Conference, Colorado Springs, CO: IEEE
D. . Rein-Weston, R. H. Jacoby, E. . Chevalley, A. . Globus, H. . Yoo, B. K. Parke, P. U. Lee, F. G. Omar, J. M. Kraut, N. . Bienert, A. R. Borade, C. V. Gabriel, K. M. Gonter, & E. A. Palmer (2014) Development of a route crossing tool for shared airspace environments, Proceedings of the 33rd Digital Avionics System Conference, Colorado Springs, CO: IEEE
N. M. Smith, B. K. Parke, P. U. Lee, J. R. Homola, C. L. Brasil, N. J. Buckley, C. D. Cabrall, E. . Chevalley, C. . Lin, S. E. Morey, F. G. Omar, D. . Rein-Weston, & H. . Yoo (2013) NextGen Operations in a Simulated NY Area Airspace, 32nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Syracuse, NY
E. . Chevalley, B. K. Parke, P. U. Lee, F. G. Omar, H. . Lee, N. . Bienert, J. M. Kraut, & E. A. Palmer (2013) Scheduling and separating Departures crossing arrival flows in shared airspace, Proceedings of the 32nd the Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Syracuse, NY