The purpose of this website is to educate and inform the general public about some of the basic research areas encompassed by the discipline known as Human Factors research,.
Human Factors is an umbrella term for several areas of research
that include human performance, technology design, and human-computer
interaction. The study of human factors in the Human Systems Integration Division at NASA Ames Research Center focuses on
the need for safe, efficient and cost-effective operations, maintenance
and training, both in flight and on the ground.
The goal of this homepage is to provide an introduction to Human
Factors, as a research discipline and career path, as well as to
act as a reference for further information.
Three areas of Human Factors are covered in the Lessons. There
you will be introduced to human performance, technology design,
and human-computer interaction concepts. Examples of research projects
in each area are provided, and a quiz is given at the end of each
section where you can test your knowledge. |
Career Path
Many different types of knowledge and skills are needed to study
the complex relationships between humans, technology, and their
interaction. Visit the Career Path to learn how actual human factors
researchers have prepared themselves for a career in this field
and hear them describe their research projects. |
The Reference section contains a glossary of terms, examples of
research, movies, and links to more information. |
Contact us if you would like to learn more about Human Factors,
the Human Systems Integration Division or the people
who created this website. |