Mark R. Anderson
Phone: 650-604-0104
(2017) NASA Honor Award, Exceptional Public Achievement Medal (EPAM)
(2015) Ames Technology Award, Patent Award for Stroboscopic Image Modulation to Reduce Visual Blur of an Object Being Viewed by an Observer Experiencing Vibratio
(2015) Ames Technology Award, Tech Brief Award for Communication Monitoring System for Enhanced Situational Awareness
(2014) NASA Group Achievement Award, Flight Deck-ATC Departure Simulation Team
(2013) NASA Tech Brief, Strobing to Mitigate Vibration for Display Legibility
(2012) NASA Group Achievement Award, 20G Centrifuge Operation Team
(2010) NASA Group Achievement Award, Human Vibration Team
(2010) Ames Honor Award, Contractor Employee
(2006) Ames Honor Award, Contractor Employee Award
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G. . Guevara, D. R. Begault, K. . Sunder, & M. R. Anderson (2018) Mitigation of Attentional Tunneling in the Flight Deck using a Spatial Auditory Display, NASA/TM-2018-219932
D. R. Begault, R. M. Bittner, & M. R. Anderson (2014) Multimodal Information Management: Evaluation of Auditory and Haptic Cues for NextGen Communication Displays, J. Audio Eng. Soc. 62:6, pp. 375-385 (2014 June)
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, & M. R. Anderson (2013) Display strobing: An effective countermeasure against visual blur from whole-body vibration, Acta Austronatica, 92, 53-64
D. R. Begault, M. R. Anderson, & R. M. Bittner (2012) Modeling Auditory-Haptic Interface Cues from an Analog Multi-line Telephone, Audio Eng. Soc. 133rd Convention, San Francisco October 26-29, 2012
D. R. Begault, M. R. Anderson, & R. M. Bittner (2012) Multimodal Information Management: Evaluation of Auditory and Haptic Cues for NextGen Communication Displays, Audio Eng. Soc. 133rd Convention, San Francisco October 26-29, 2012
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, & M. R. Anderson (2011) Display strobing countermeasure reduces the visual impact of whole-body vibration, Abstract, International Academy of Astronautics 18th Humans in Space Symposium, April 11-15, Houston TX
M. K. Kaiser, B. D. Adelstein, R. S. McCann, B. R. Beutter, & M. R. Anderson (2011) Display strobing reduces visual blur during whole-body vibration, Abstracts of the Psychonomics Society, 52nd Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, November 3-6, p. 137
M. R. Anderson, D. R. Begault, M. . Godfroy, J. D. Miller, & E. M. Wenzel (2010) Applying Spatial Audio to Human Interfaces: 25 Years of NASA Experience, 40th AES International Conference: Spatial Audio: Sense the Sound of Space, October 2010
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, M. . Godfroy, J. D. Miller, & M. R. Anderson (2010) Applying Spatial Audio to Human Interfaces: 25 years of NASA Experience, Proceedings of the 40th International AES Conference, Tokyo, Japan, October 8th-10th, 2010
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, L. S. Stone, & M. R. Anderson (2009) Effects of Transverse Seat Vibration on Near-Viewing Readability of Alphanumeric Symbology, NASA Technical Memorandum 2009-215385
B. D. Adelstein, B. R. Beutter, M. K. Kaiser, R. S. McCann, L. S. Stone, & M. R. Anderson (2009) Influence of Combined Whole-Body Vibration Plus G-Loading on Visual Performance, NASA/TM 2009-215386
D. R. Begault, M. . Godfroy, J. D. Miller, A. . Roginska, M. R. Anderson, & E. M. Wenzel (2006) Design and verification of HEADZAP, a semi-automated HRIR measurement system, Proceedings of 120th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Paris FR, 20-23 May 2006
D. R. Begault, M. R. Anderson, & B. M. McClain (2006) Spatially-modulated auditory alerts for aviation, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society
D. R. Begault, M. R. Anderson, B. U. McClain, & J. D. Miller (2005) Audio-Visual Communication Monitoring System for Enhanced Situational Awareness, "Working Together: R&D Partnerships in Homeland Security Conference", Boston, MA, 27-28 April 2005
D. R. Begault, B. D. Adelstein, B. U. McClain, & M. R. Anderson (2005) Thresholds for auditory-tactile asynchrony, Audio Engineering Society 118th Convention
D. R. Begault, B. U. McClain, & M. R. Anderson (2004) Early Reflection Thresholds for Anechoic and Reverberant Stimuli within a 3-D Sound Display, Proceedings of the 18th International Congress on Acoustics, Kyoto, JP.
J. D. Miller, M. R. Anderson, E. M. Wenzel, & B. U. McClain (2003) Latency Measurement of a Real-Time Virtual Acoustic Environment Rendering System, Proceedings of the International Conference on Auditory Display, ICAD 2003, Boston, MA
J. D. Miller, M. R. Anderson, E. M. Wenzel, & B. U. McClain (2003) Latency Measurement of a Real-Time Virtual Acoustic Environment Rendering System (poster), International Conference on Auditory Display, ICAD 2003, Boston, MA
B. D. Adelstein, D. R. Begault, M. R. Anderson, & E. M. Wenzel (2003) Sensitivity to Haptic-Audio Asynchrony, Proceedings, 5th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ACM, Vancouver, Canada, 2003, pp. 73-76.
D. R. Begault, M. R. Anderson, & B. U. McClain (2003) Spatially-modulated auditory alerts, Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Auditory Display, Boston, MA July 6-9 2003
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, & M. R. Anderson (2001) Direct comparison of the impact of head tracking, reverberation and individualized head-related transfer functions on the spatial perception of a virtual speech source, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 2001. 49: p. 904-916.
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, & M. R. Anderson (2001) Direct comparison of the impact of head tracking, reverberation, and individualized head-related transfer functions on the spatial perception of a virtual speech source, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 49
D. R. Begault, B. U. McClain, & M. R. Anderson (2001) Early Reflection Thresholds for Virtual Sound Sources, Proceedings of the 2001 International Workshop on Spatial Media, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, Oct. 25-26, 2001
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, A. S. Lee, & M. R. Anderson (2000) Direct comparison of the impact of head tracking and individualized head-related transfer functions on the spatial perception of a virtual speech source, Proceedings of the 108th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Paris, Feb. 2000, New York: Audio Engineering Society
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, L. S. Stone, & M. R. Anderson (2000) Direct comparison of the impact of head tracking, reverberation, and individualized head-related transfer functions on the spatial perception of a virtual speech source, Proceedings of the 108th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Paris, Feb. 2000, New York: Audio Engineering Society, Preprint 5134
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, L. L. Tran, & M. R. Anderson (1998) A Questionnaire Survey of Commercial Airline Pilot Hearing Loss, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 86, 258
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, L. L. Tran, & M. R. Anderson (1998) Octave-band thresholds for Modeled Reverberant Fields, Audio Engineering Society 104th Convention, Amsterdam, NL (Preprint 4662). New York: Audio Engineering Society.
D. R. Begault, E. M. Wenzel, L. L. Tran, & M. R. Anderson (1998) Survey of Commercial Airline Pilot's Hearing Loss, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 86, 258.